Seth’s Tally of Loot from Blink

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2775 silver for items Cherrys sold

2 enc bag, holds up to 500 enc in another plane, had 9240 silvers in it. (taken by cherries)

Random skull

Fake hand, no special qualities.Worth 200 silvers

Ancient Ikrubu artifact. (party does not know anything other than it is some kind of holy item)
– (Seth keeps 2, says he was given 8; trades one for a bracelet of Aerna’s trust) been with church for 1000 years – thought lost. 9 rings on a necklace (50sc) – 1/month twist the ring to cause weapon to glow/negates pen and +1 RS for undead and shadow + halves pen from magic darkness.

Papers from a magus known as talminaz. Spell for greater searing dart, greater flame shield, and a scrying spell

Blinks legendary whip – 14 ft bull whip, fused with an old orrish magic. Battle of wills must be made to wield and control the whip. It’s will is 24 (will and mus are added if you fail). It has a muscle of its own, currently 26, and acts as a prehensile limb controlled by the mind of the wielder. Base dam 3 +3 from black flames, its muscle is added to the wielders when striking. Upon a full strike the black flames on it erupt and the target must make a san check or be obliterated from existence.
– the power Whisper imbued is gone – cannot destroy with void after Cherrie used 10 devotions and bound it.

Whip of Alden (the mage): 4 ft in length, +2 cs to grapple weapons, 2 base dam. Upon a successful grapple of a weapon the wielder gains familiarity of the weapon and the target loses their own for 10 rounds.
– Ozmund takes it

Snap flail: a thin rod with a star medallion on a thin chain. 1 am to swing base dam 2+4 from lightning dam, + 20 base dam for determining knockback. a successful hit requires the target to make a rct check or drop their weapon.
– Petals takes it

Holy Dagger of shialine: 6 base dam. If wielded by a follower it grants full armor negation and the wielder can burn 10 synergy to reduce the targets last used skill by 1 for 10 rounds.
– sacrified for 2 blessings for Bugeyes

6 Shiruken blessed by shialine: 2 base dam, 1 am to throw, causes aggravated wounds that get worse if left alone past 5 rounds. Fully armor negating for followers. On a full hit the target makes a will vs the throwers conviction or permanently lose a point of san.
– Bugeyes keeps them on a necklace as trophy

Blinks scale: 35 PV 500 PR, ENC: 112 fit to size 14. Should any one get a full strike against the armor they must make a san check or be turned to solid gold. (An expert in metallurgy/ alchemy or gold could discover that the gold has a consistency of 97% gold, but there is a 3% impurity in it. Even they would be unable to predict that the impurity is a compound that will slowly degrade the gold over 10 years, causing it to be reduced to worthless dust by a touch.)

Blinks Leather: 11 pv, 70 ar, 14 enc, Combat mode: +4 mus, +2 RS to defensive maneuvers, +4 cs for enemy’s to target wearer in melee -2 cs to notice or defend against anything else. Predator mode 5 syn to jump an increased 20 ft, 5 syn to have hands and feet stick to surface for 10 rounds, 5 syn to reduce damage from falling up to 100 ft on a successful jump.
– Petlas claims

Malachis’ earring: Black opal on a platinum stud. When a target looks at the earring the wearer may once a day burn 8 manna- 2 for every lvl of manna sense or conviction in ezrilus (min 1). The effect is that the target must make a VIT check or be charmed,granting the wearer +4 cs and +1 RS to all persuade rolls. If used on a summoned or bound monster the effect has no resist and the wearer gains the contract or binding of said monster (gm discretion, it will NOT work on powerful demons etc,etc)
– Cherrys claims; is told she is now the “face” person. Seth buys a bunch of books, Ozmund is reading all the culture

Gadget wrist: A mechanical hand meant to be put over a stub. Most of the ‘mechanics’ are in what appears to be a bracelet around the wrist of the hand. Any type of lock that is equal to or less than a negative 4 cs can be picked by this hand with no roll. (Gm discretion on magic wards or custom locks that are overly complicated. The hand operates on it’s collective users familiarity.)
– claimed by Beagel

Lock of Shialines hair: Grants a direct link to shialine for follower (probably worthless now due to her fallen status.) Still valuable to followers or collectors. Sacrificial value may vary. (Personal note to you berger: Shialine hated everdark, was hated by malek, and was jealous of ikrubu.)
– Ikribu church; Seth trades it in for 4 blessings

Shifted cloak: +2 cs to camouflage, -2cs for ranged weapons to hit wearer, once a day the wearer can teleport to the homing stone
– Seth claims

Homing stone: Acts as a focus for the Shifted cloak. Grants +1 rs to meditation rolls, and +2 ELU or effect modifier for mystical effects on the last person the stone touched. Max 1 target every hour.
– Seth claims

Notes on 3 different secluded warehouses owned by blink. 1 of which appears to be larger and more secluded than the others, but is actually on a map unlike the other 2.