Jim West (character)

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Wild Weird West character

“American agent, friend of the President”

Aptitude: Kinetic = 4

Muscle = 5
Stamina = 6
Coordination = 6
Reactions = 4
Health = 5
Vitality = 7
Reason = 4
Sanity = 3
Willpower = 4
Charisma = 6
Intuition = 5
Perception = 5

Kinetic Powers

CHI = 51


Toughness 2, Code of Conduct: Duty, Good Luck x2, Kinetic Faculty 4


  • Combat: Shoot 6+1, Evade 3+1, Grapple 2+1, Propel 2+1
  • Persuade 4+1, Seduction 2, Disguise 1


Protecting the sovereignty of the Union and securing the border and interiors is the focus of the US Secret Service – special branch. Persona representative to the President himself! Industrial interests, the railroad, treaty oversight and political affairs are all part of the mission that these agents undertake. This character’s strengths lie in intuition, charm, duty, and shooting.

He is a favorite of higher-ups; young and brash his successes have fast tracked him on a path for leadership. He has never been so far west and this is a final test to see how resourceful he is far afield.

Party for Wild Weird West:
Alfred Effingham
Diakon Gustav Reimer
Jim West