Fworgai (realm of Outer Darkness)

One of the 3 Realms of Outer Darkness within The Dark Rift; Voikatis – where the favored go, Kemizharoun – banished souls and a place of trial, where life continues on until the soul proves itself, and Fworgai – the fiery hell where souls are consumed and tortured forever. All paths running through eventually lead to The Void. There is no escape except through The Void. Into these realms those who’s Essence was consigned to void must pass or who come seeking knowledge of The Void without entering it must summon from. Either way, any who partake of the experience of knowledge of the Outer Darkness risk their own Sanity. Only Lovigdril works in the Outer Darkness (The Dark Rift) – no other Magic.


Like all Outer Darkness entities, the ‘royalty’ of this place cannot leave their abodes, but can project, as an avatar – typically having a Favored Avatar by which they are perceived in multiples spheres and dimensions.