Helca (planetary brief in the Hypheasteron system)

Part of the iVerse continuum; set in the Hypeasteron system, planet Helca. It is the primary location for the setting of The Steal Realms.

Planetary Body

  • Home System: Hypeasteron (within the Gohrmliht Imperium).
  • Planet Circumference: Large – about 165% of terra-earth
  • Axis: Tilt = 22 degrees; polar caps approximately terra-earth comparable for tilt
  • Gravity: 110% of terra-earth norm.
  • Circuit(s): Transits the sun (“Eusol” – similar G-Type star to Sol in size and luminosity) every 392 days; daily cycle approximately 25 hours; seasons are nearly identical to Terra Norm and Normal Systems
    Calendar: A solar based one, called “The Grey Feather” calendar
  • Satellites: There are a few fast moving smaller objects that are not visible to the naked eye (but can be seen with the optics available of the time, or magically). The tides of Helca are strong and sometimes run very swift. They can be treacherous and chaotic in places.
    • Tidal Forces: The Interloper actually calmed the tidal forces of Helca. Where once the shorelines were wrought with 30 foot haves and wild swings of tidal forces. The planet rotates through three tidal “bulges” every lunar day, coastal areas experience three high and three low tides every day/26 approx. hour cycle.
    • Eclipses:

    Connace Primary moon; about twice the size of the earth’s moon orbiting 359,000km (a little less than our earth and moon); LUNAR CYCLE = 1 Month (30 days roughly)

    Tillace A smaller moon, about 65% of earth’s moon, orbiting at 470,000km distance on a 8 degree plane off from Connace; LUNAR CYCLE = 2 Months (55 days roughly)

    The Interloper – Asteroid about 33% the size (but about 80% the mass) of earth’s moon but orbiting at half the distance on a 39 degree plane off from Connace; LUNAR CYCLE = roughly 13 days

  • Skyline: There are several constellations used for predicting the progress of time.

    The Sultry Maiden“: In the sky, visible even in the day is a light that appears to ‘dance’ as it flickers and wobbles. This is one of the points most often used for navigation.

    Efyori’s Belt“: At night, the sky reveals a [gas cloud] cloud-like belt shinning with a star factory, seeming to shimmer sometimes which can be seen in the day.

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