The Mud Vipers are a known “gang” of Richfield – so they are perceived, not as a large criminal organization. Really, the gang is just a cover for an expanding larger organization that is rumored to have ties from West River Run to Bar-Innis. They are specialized, and specifically known to be masters at finding their way along The Black Shore of Dwindor Swamp and having routes in and out of Tarmysia. With this, they have a reputation for being masterful trap makers. They secure their smuggling stashes and hideouts with sophisticated traps instead of man-power. They are even known to have water and mud traps that can easily grab and drown a victim. They have a motto that’s basically “one good trap is worth three bad men”.
They promote the knowledge they are centered in Richfield – this makes an impression that they are smaller than they actually are. They have a smuggling network from Karolak of the North Merchant Cities, through Cabella, Tarmysia, West River Run, and Bar-Innis of Dunstrand. They have been severely rebuffed by the halflings of Loamwold and Umbakian authorities.
It is said that most of the leaders of the Mud Vipers in Richfield are Runel Rats.