Ilyndria Frostshine, Aelf Kingdom of the Steel Realms

Steel Realms

Ilyndria is an ancient Elven kingdom in the north. They are isolationist and not expansionist, and neutral in terms of any political maneuvering not directly affecting them. They do send warriors to fight the lich lords at Northgate Garrison – as a group and they never integrate for the years each group is on the wall. They also have roaming patrols to hunt prowl packs – but almost no one sees them and they avoid all other contact.

Located on Ustermaya in the far north Hinterlands of the Steel Realms.

Hidden Land: It is mentioned in myths and tales as “llyndriata Blue“; A rumored kingdom filled with powerful ancient beings that flew on strange wings, gold flowed in the rivers, and fathomless power was said to exist for the taking. countless expeditions have sought it – either to not return or to never find any evidence. The Ilyndrian Aelves have purposefully created a Broken Road, to prevent access to and from Aelfpaths of the Steel Realms to their lands. Because of this, they are safe, but unable to side step like their normal Faerie kin.

They trade through a single place on their southern border, near North Drift, especially seeking out bananas, which are a delicacy to them when used in making their wine and beer. Here they present themselves as their wyld elf kin, limiting their exposure to humans through intermediaries and disguise. They have allied themselves with the folk of Kalascor and their own water Elven cousins in the north against Gwinnish aggression in the past. Very little is known about them. Very little is written in commonly accessible chronicles.

Ilyndrian Elves


Full Campaign Reference


[contentblock id=knowref1]If nothing is indicated, assume Common Knowledge.

Most Recent Stirrings

Ilyndria has maintained its borders quietyl through thousands of years of turmoil. It allies itself when needed, and otherwise defends itself violently and forcibly. Recent stirrings have been from constant probings from the Lich Lords forces attacking through the hills from Valemount.

  • Rain of Ice (CY 9012) Any icy rain attacks the spring heart of Ilyndria, along with a horde of ghouls coming from Valemount.
  • Attacked from Valemount (CY 8843) Repeated attacks by hordes of zombies and skeletons coming from Valemount.
  • Council of Peace Decrees Exilion Alliance (CY 8106)

Early Years


Unique Creatures and Encounters

A few of the Walking Pinelings still stand vigil.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic