Dueling Limits
Master Duel rules of the Steel Realms: Regardless of the legality (which is prohibited in many places since about CY 8500 by decree of the High King, especially in courts and government buildings), the
“gentleman’s” code of dueling of the Steel Realms is the most common from of satisfaction after all other legal recourse has been attempted. Where any
dueling is officially called and legal, any member of the
World Watchers can officiate to legitimize both grievance and outcome. As long as it is un-coerced, are considered fair and legal, then any legal parties remaining representing the loser have no legal recourse.
Dueling in the Riverdans has a different set of governing ideas. Many professional duelists and rakes made the
Duelist Doublet part of the
Fashion in the Steel Realms at its peak.
It is NOT generally allowed for noblemen to duel, especially heads of family, as destabilization of a fiefdom has many negative effects. Accusations of Dark Worshiper can facilitate a duel if a Justicar is not available – though the accusation must be adjudicated by some other senior authority. Nominally these must be agreed to.
- Agreement upon weapons; a Primary and a Secondary
- Agreement upon armor or defenses; whatever can be held or worn – no extra shields, etc.
- No intercession may be made for a downed foe if it is to the death.
- Neither in preparation of, or during shall the participants:
- Use poisons, drugs, or enhancers (potions/scrolls/elixirs/powders) on any participant
- Use of spells or powers, through items or ability
– Any violation by one party during combat abrogates the other(s) from respecting them as well. Also, if breaking the rules results directly in a win, then an adjudicator must be used to determine viability and impact of anything wagered or at stake.
In most cases, if the duel is to the death, to the victor goes the spoils. The losing party relinquishes all claim on their items they used.