Basement Armories in the Steel Realms

Steel Realms

Many large urban areas restrict the carrying, or where the sale of armaments is restricted, an alternative and illicit set of armaments may be available. These are low quality, limited effectiveness, and in many cases improvised from scraps and leftovers. Those making and repairing these armaments often possess only rudimentary knowledge and a Toolkits – little in the way of full Work Stations. It is mostly small coins that are acceptable at such places, nothing larger than a Silver Crown.

Incarna d20™ Basement Armor in the Steel Realms Details/Mechanics

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.
Basement Armor Unique to the Setting
Armor Value Requirements Properties Cost
Leather Jerkin AC 10 1 [base] Resilience; easily concealed
Light ARMOR (All Weakened – Improvised/Patched)
Padded AC 11 1 [base] Resilience
Sandwich Board AC 11 2 [base] Resilience; -5′ Movement, No Stealth
Tarp Wrap AC 11 0 [base] Resilience; Damage Absorption 1, No Stealth
Light ARMOR (Battleworn – from watch/police, soldiers, etc.)
(Cuir Bouilli)
AC 11 Underpad 100
Padded AC 11 Bulky, Underpad 20
Studded Leather AC 12
RE +1
SHIELDS (uses off hand) (All Weakened – Improvised/Patched)
Cloak Wind AC 10 Damage Absorption 1 (5 max)
Plank Buckler AC +0 1 [Base] Resilience; D3 Weaponized (Weakened 1-5)
Plank Shield AC +1 1 [Base] Resilience; D3 Weaponized (Weakened 1-3)
SHIELDS (uses off hand)
Buckler – Light D3 Weaponized 25
Weaponized: Character must be proficient with the item; D3 as an Improvised Item

Incarna X Basement Armor in the Steel Realms

Armor Descriptions

Leather Jerkin: This is just a light soft doublet or jacket.

Cloak Wind: A cloak, cape or heavy jacket wound around the arm reinforced with a couple scraps of wood for defensive purposes.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic