PC Nurth characters would be Baecoe and must fall outside the normal range of intelligence, and desire to leave the lands of their birth. The Nurth are clever, and one such as this would bide their time until opportunity presents itself – which would be difficult since Nurth always travels in groups numbering six or more – their only advantage is numbers. PC characters would be a roleplaying challenge as there are so many disadvantages to them.
PC’s desiring to start their characters off as one of the “Tunnel Braves” (see hereafter) must make a Fated INT check; failure means they have been wholly indoctrinated into the Black Mother cult and brainwashed beyond the ability to leave (a new character must be created – keep no statistics from the character associated with the check). GM’s may allow the character to actively play, but with permanent guilt and shame of abandoning the Black Mother (-1 CS all actions). Success indicates they have their abilities of the Tunnel Braves, and at least one weapon adapted for their grip.
Nurth Renegade: [COST = 1 CP & 1 Essence] Renegades have fled or are fleeing their homelands. They will have a difficult time in the world due to their weakened senses (though they will have secretly innured themselves to some light over time, and not be completely helpless in it), their looks, and their diminutive stature.
d20 [specific] Requirements: