Despite her association with Gaia, Merii is sometimes called the Handmaiden of Aerna. She has power over music, and her mere presence evokes a alien vibration in all living things around her – the Music of the Spheres it is called, and it is the ‘hum’ of life all around amplified reflected back. Her movement sounds as though the is brushing a curtains of twinkling glass. It is said she personally escorts souls to the Land of the Safe Hearth.
Symbolized Role(s) and Value(s): Muse and inspiration for arts that rely on speaking, singing and sound.
Bards, story-tellers, musicians, and entertainers are the primary adherents. They will invariably follow a Divine Principle in addition to paying homage to Meri.
For for information on Roleplaying a character of faith, see the Divine Follower guidelines.
Favored Avatar: A slight, smiling woman in shimmering rainbow silken coverings. Her skin is porcelain and white hair full of strings of different color. The sound of chimes blowing in the wind accompany her every step, and her voice is spoken in a sing-song way.