Note: Secret Knowledge is information not available in any known references; It is not necessarily Forbidden Knowledge.
The ancient Ur-Ducateon were the first on Helca, a million years before. Only the dragons of Helca remember their craft of metal settling in the north, and that ancient Ducateon elders sent a signal of greeting. They built a small Rhenclave for safety and had their essence meld into sacred stone. Such meldings only occur when the Ducateon claim a place of their own to know every last crack and fault to ensure its stability. Their spirits travel through the planet itself, sounding out the viability of the place for settlement or at least an outpost to interact with existing or nearby inhabitants.
Some were drawn to the far-off contient, where the majority of Dragons slumbered. There they would build a Rhenclave and settle, eventually going extinct. The rest prowled the earth under Ustermaya. Although less dragons, the greatest of them dwelled in the north of what would become The Steel Realms. Their kind had fought dragons before, and even bargained with them. They were rejected and pursued. They sought to draw great powers of the elements in their fight, but something happened though, and they became trapped, then quiet, and not a whisper of any Ducateon for another 5,000,000 years.
With their flagging energy, the crystalized Ur-Ducateon achieved parthenogenesis, drawing the minerals and chemicals from the earth itself to make the small colony of Ducateon far to the east. Weak and small in number, these creatures kept out of the way of others and slowly grew their colony and tried to leave the planet repeatedly. At this point the primitive and savage peoples of the south were nothing more than barely hominid.
The ancient Rhenclave was never discovered until after the north had fallen to the Lich Lords. Above it, the great mountain fortress of Druuzd had been built. After conquering this last refuge marking the north border of Dundaria, they sensed something. It led to them uncovering the 27 crystalized Ur-Ducateon – though they were not recognized as such – the Lich-Kings possessed little in the way of true occult or cosmic knowledge. The shadow of Soul Reaver was cast over the stone and this pried them forth from their eternal slumber. Confused, cold, and faced with undead entities, the newly awakened primordials immediately attacked. In the confused condition of being awakened, most were brought down – Whisper once was Stone Breaker and became Whisper after tearing up his throat in a great rumbling shout that cracked stone for miles and stunned them and weakened their attachment to The Pattern such that they were attacked by Blood Eye and turned to their cause and state, or killed as the case was for most. Those Ur-Ducateon that turned became the Druuzd Lords.