The Winter Host (Minions and Armies)

Steel Realms

Once the Lich Lords emerged from conquering the north, they were formally known as The Winter Host, under which they executed an unending campaign to conquer more territories.

Minions of the Lich Lords

Who are their followers? After it was discovered that the Lich Lords now possessed the power of the proto-god Djerduth, and that his previous aspects had been twisted by them, many seeking power sought their gifts in exchange for operating among the living. Most think that their own actions will hardly tip a balance of power, but they are not a negligible number – together many can. Many also sought power thinking they would never have to repay them, for their reach is hardly that of other gods. But those discovered that undeath and reanimation were spreading like a disease, and that the Lich Lords could operate through any of them. Most seek prolonged life or undeath itself, though many seek blessings in order to accomplish their own personal gains. Favored followers are often given a Mistress of Death Idol.

Dunstrand Rising Living World

Set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms, as a Living World storyline.

Death of Zoras: CY 9168 > When Zoras The Despoiler died, half the ghouls soldiers of the Crystal Riders of Thedrosse were “loosed” from their bonds of The Cold Bargain. They killed many, but Theodrose himself and his riders tracked and killed every last one and their progeny with other orders of knights and the Chain Brothers of the north. Elsewhere, about 10% of the armies of the Lich Lords were lost when these fetters were cut.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic