Items made from Glassyan Blood-Steel

Steel Realms

Sand turned to glass as byproduct of violent magical explosions and cooled with blood of the damned or fiend blood/hard as steel. The blood makes it look like a red candy. It is found mostly in the southern deserts in the same way Osrician wood is. It is also found in Valley of Sighs. It is known to attract spirits if it is not ritually cleansed – only the boldest seek to “mine” and sell the result. Working it requires the finest touch – though it is as hard as steel. Kobolds are known to make the finest works of this material, Ducateon also can make items from it.

Incarna d20™ [TITLE] Details/Mechanics

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.

d20 [specific] Requirements:

+1 attack, +1 initiative, target is naturally poisoned on every hit unless they make a DC 5 Constitution. Failure imposes the Poisoned condition until a Long Rest is taken. The target is Glass – Strikened: Until they alleviate the Poisoned condition, their saves vs. Disease and Poison are made with Disadvantage, and the condition is unaffected by Minor Restoration.

iCore [TITLE] Details/Mechanics

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic