The Gallants vs. Maulsmen; Tie up Loose Ends and Return to Richfield (new Gallants 3)

Dunstrand Rising Living World Set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms, as a Living World storyline with the New Gallants.



Against The Maulsmen – Battle of Palldreem’s Field

CY 9164, m11, d20 Plague sends Horse in on horseback to make an sacrificial end run to prevent a flank push by the enemy; The flankling action is stopped, at the sacrifice of Horse.

Plague sends in Nick along with all the reinforcements to try and rush the enemiy center while Bandon and Fazeel target an enemy wizard of House Malor using their piegeons to scout the battlefield. Brandon is shot several times with arrows and Nick does in the cetner of the line.
Brandon surges forward with an iron will, already dead and manages to drop the last of the big casks of dragon fire on the tree near the command tent. The magus dies in a massive explosion that engulfs Brandon as well.

The battlefield of Palldreem’s Field in Braddon Bog reeks of fire, blood and steel. After all the build up… the recruiting, the equipping, the training and the sending to death young, unknown faces by the dozens…
the battle ends in a draw, though your foes retreat from the active field of battle and the area. Its been a couple years since the region has seen bloodshed like this – but the civil war and other Gallant based violence is still
fresh in the hearts and minds of the local populace. With Carils Heart, there was a draw of new homesteaders – a few dozen family’s – and some of the bog land was “miraculously” drained rice crops have been very bountiful…
but the good times vanish in the haze of warfare. House Malor organizes a retreat from the battlefield – through town, taking with them their supply caravan. A few of your side get brilliant ideas to attack your weakened foe…
but there is hardly a patrol to be put together thats not weary or wounded. Besides, Dougline of House Malor summons a mist to cover their retreat, and keeps their lines well lit as the sun sets and they take the west road out of Braddon Bog.
The fallen are stripped – your foe has left you little in the way of coin to be made from spoils of battle – making you believe that you have hardly seen the last of them. There is nothing remaining of the command tent of the enemy…
a sad state exclaims Red Hands, hoping to recover some sorcerous leavings. The fire which Brandon started in his heroic struggle (eye witness accounts have him with three arrows in him at the time of his death) –
his iron will being the only thing fending death off – burned not just the magus in the tree, but the entire command tent and supplies. The dragons fire in a bottle used by Brandon scorched an entire corner of the battlefield,
destroying all evidence, including the messenger birds (a normal part of House Malor’s equipment) the younger magus was using in the tree to coordinate the battle. Brandon’s remains – what little there is protected by the boggy ground –
are taken to be interred in the Companions Cemetery. Fazeel and Red Hands seek any trinkets and valuable magical knowledge from the commanding House Malor wizards, detect minute traces of mana use, but there is nothing left to get a focus on.
Fazeel and Red Hands both know the red wizards of Dunstrand are known for covering their trail – they give up on finding anything worthwhile. Christianna and her other 2 spies hold a private vigil for their fallen comrade.
Seconds rallies what unhurt recruits he can and sets watches on the approaches to the town – if the enemy returns, he wants to be prepared. Scouts report a strange woman on the outskirts of town as the sun begins to fall.

CY 9164, m11, d21 The Gallants gather next to the well at the Companions Library, reflecting. Friends (Brandon, Nick and Horse are toasted to) sent to their doom, and strangers made heroes for a day – it seems all too familiar from the time spent in civil war. A few veterans grumble as such, but they are quieted with the work of stripping the dead and the clean up of Braddon Bog. The inhabitants of the town are glad for the help, but they wonder when the next enemy may will come with an axe to grind. Plague immediately seeks to establish what House Malor may have gained from The Fallen Celestial and/or their exploration of the old church – now halfway restored to the veneration of Aerna. None of the townsfolk help re-bury the bodies of fallen Gallants which wandered the town street only a fortnight ago against House Malor –
in fact, while the battle against the Maulsmen happened, many of the corpses were defiled and vandalized. A few angry slogans and white wash vulgar scenes are painted – The Gallants have probably worn out any of their remaining goodwill in Braddon Bog… it is no longer their “home” unless they can redress the ill feelings of the townsfolk. The underground passages have obviously been found by House Malor- though not all – and the way into the celestial chamber is sealed with a more recent ward by them, but the cistern and at least half the smuggler tunnels went unnoticed according to the prints Naked searches for. The powers of Aerna, often opposing the Gallants, have managed to cement their position in gaining the trust and approval of the town over the constant ravages the band of Gallants has brought. In a slight gesture to try and even the scales, Plague decides to let the townsfolk keep the proceeds from any of the gear of the enemy – the baggage train escaped but it appears that the wizards themselves commandeered a pair of homes and left their mundane goods behind – clothes, toiletries, etc. Its been looked over by Mendollin and Fazeel – nothing in it but the mundane. Seconds tells him its been done before. Its a hollow gesture now, he recons, but one Plague insists on making. At the very least it may go to help pay to fertilize the new fields which Caril’s Heart helped to dry out since the largest one next to town is destroyed in the battle for this season. Seconds comes to report that the woman seen earlier has been found amongst the bodies of the Gallants being reburied!
It turns out that she is Danis – a druidess “of the western vale” and she felt the disturbance which brought these fallen friends up out of the earth that received them. She insists on seeing to it that the right ceremonies are followed to keep them in there now. She is firm about it; Books remembers her faintly from the Annals – he says to let her do whatever she must. This also seems to put the townsfolk more at ease.

Plague takes Fazeel aside and discuses his concerns about the new mystical recruit, especially the wisdom of Books giving him the Master’s Ring, and Plague tells Fazeel to “watch this new Mendollin addition to the Gallants, and if you need to take him out, please do so, by WHATEVER means necessary….WHATEVER means…”
– its obvious Plague has taken on a paranoi of the mystical powers.

Updates from Mev/Bar-Innis

CY 9164, m11, d22 As the final totals are made and information secured, Books catches up with Fazeel and Plague to review the status of some projects – the Horn of Lharken has gone north, the Red Sisters will quickly arrive to reclaim the Helmet of Kerrang (they intend on leaving behind a few favors – 10 potions of healing they have promised!) Books is still the only one who knows the exact location; Books tells Fazeel where the helmet is buried nearby in case anything happens. Christianna has set all the land deeds in order and verifies all ownership and transactions – a copy of her journal resides in Richfield awaiting them. He also says there is a new player in the Earl’s court at Bar-Innis. It is Tasr Ven – a man from the southlands, but he represents The Surefoot Merchant Coster – a merchant conglomerate in Dunstrand. Books says there are rumors that they are associated with the Salamanders Guild. They have strong leanings towards the Twin River powers and are looking to expand into the Riverdans aggressively – Books thinks he might be a spy for Anwin as well…
Having only been in Mev more a few days, he has little to report from there, but Tanner insisted on a personal audience, and specifically asked how Plague was using his family name. Books thinks Christianna already has someone friendly to their cause in court as his brief stay seemed well prepared for. “I have reviewed her work notes and it all sits well with my memory; the Gallantine Academy at Dogwood Flats will proceed – though we need funding to build.”
As the sun goes down and the Gallants are well fed, discussion turns towards the Celestial – something must be done before the group simply leaves Braddon Bog.

Books is Lost and Inner Strife

Plague has all those familiar with occult powers check out the new wards. Fazeel and Mondollin find nothing of note – yet both know for a fact there is some sort of new warding, . Finally, Plague calls down Books, who has spells which can identify the power or function of the glyphs. Books says there is something odd about the ward, the glyphs don’t seem right. In the middle of trying to divine their power, Books freezes up. His eyes are blank and jaw slack in the middle of a sentence. Nothing any of the other Gallants does has any effect – the ward seems to have been triggered and removed. The celestial IS on the other side… the door is hauled open. The celestial does not know exactly what’s wrong with Books – but she suggests that perhaps the soul is gone and only the husk remains. A long debate ensues about what to do – Books body seems to function but there is no physical or mental reaction to anything. The Celestial hints that House Malor may have made their own overtures – but all soon realize its nothing more than a bidding game. Plague half-jokingly suggests the use of Books’ body to vitalize the Celestial as a sacrifice. Plague looks around and realizes he has gone too far. He sees restrained fury in Naked…
Seconds gaze rebukes and pities him all at once. Even more pressing are all the absent faces – dead or wounded there are so few left to stand present. The accusing faces of the dead even float all around him and he feels like their voices grow angry. The weight of the command which has been thrust upon him like an unwelcome orphan of some distant relative brings sweat to his back, grey in his hair and a permanent furrow upon his brow.

In the corridor, scrying prisms are discovered – Fazeel says House Malor likely witnessed everything that transpired… though the strange confusion effect in the tunnels may have prevented it too – he just does not know how much or when the confusion of Malek may affect the goings on around Braddon Bog.
Mendollin thinks the pyramid might be a Tisran Prism.

The pressure of command, the deaths of so many, the accusations and passive aggressive bullshit pile up and Plague lashes out. Unfriendly words are spoken, and weapons loosened as voices raise and tempers flare.
“Fuck It – I’m out” says Naked and in fornt of the senior members he throws down the Earl’s colors and walks out amidst threats by Plague that there is “only one way out”. Looking around, no one seems willing to follow up on any commands by anyone, Plague storms out of the tent seeking younger, more reliable members to hunt down Naked and try him for treason.
Its bad enough, but his undermining of Plague’s command must be made an example of. He manages to get two recruits, fresh, and returns to the command tent to have one of the senior members bear witness to his official condemnation of Naked. Everyone is gone. Only the blank, vacant eyes of Books bears witness to his rage. He dismisses his search party and sits down. Looking at Books standing there, he says “I am sorry old friend. Your silence says more than words can ever say. I am sorry i even contemplated pursuing your sacrifice – though i hazard a guess your cold hearted ass would have thought the same thing.
We’ll do our best to restore you. It’s I whose eyes have been really blind – i should have seen it. You would never say it but you keep hinting at it. I am sorry i let things get this far.” He summons aide to care for Books and searches the camp for Naked. He finds him at the graves of senior members who died. “You never would have found me if i vanished into the night”, he says. “I know”, says Plague. “I never would have really ordered Book’s sacrificed you know…”, says Plague. “I know”, says Naked… “But you know where our brothers are concerned, sometimes theres just no sense of humor… brother.” They turn, and stare at each other, finally clasping hands.
“It won’t happen again, Naked.” Naked nods… “But if anything like it does, no threats, no poisoning morale, no dagger eyes – you just come out and say what you need to, what should have been said – I had no right saying what i did and its better to look a fool in fornt of the senior brothers than the reputation of the company be tarnished through morale failure and rumors.” Naked stares at him… “Fair enough – lets just not ever get there again though shall we?” Both nod and the bad blood is put to rest.

Plague Renounces the Celestial

CY 9164, m11, d23 One decision is made for them, and yet so is another by will. All the Gallants believe the Celestial is a path to power, but feeding her more of their own represents too much of a risk – especially because so few understand her power. Everyone wants to know that she’s not in charge. After a careful counsel with the senior leaders, Plague, Fazeel, Hag, Naked, and Seconds decide to re-seal the celestial chamber, and to support Plague in renouncing his direct connection to her. Things happen swiftly then; All his weapons are removed, and he goes before her in just his clothes. The rest are right behind him, ready to slam the door shut and spirit him away if it looks like she may be exerting control over him.

[Plague] Lady hear me… your long puppet strings are no more! I renounce my allegiance to you!
– He drops to one knee as if the breath has been knocked out. His mind spins and he feels something inside him break. The sense of being alone fills him with its terrible vastness… he feels as though he has done something terribly wrong and he yearns to reverse his decision….. but he thinks of his dead comrades and draws upon deep reserves of courage. “I am free!!!”

[Celestial] You have made your decision creature, i will not forget this!

[Plague] I have not renounced by decision to help you – this is still stand behind, but i think it best if i approach this as my own man instead of your creature!

[Celestial] Much power could have been yours fool – if needs must i WILL seek elsewhere. Do not presume to lord over me human.

[Plague] (backing up) I presume no such thing lady. I’ll not debate, now is not the time. All i would have of you is knowledge that we will help you; i am convinced that this is the right decision. We must return north – you know the position we are in. We will send what forces we can to secure the town, and keep access to your presence limited.

[Celestial[ Let us talk one last time… surely it is within your power to to see the deeper truth and the role the Gallants must –

[Plague] Enough! (Closing the door with his shoulder) Lady, i will honor the promise i made – of that be certain! But i cannot suffer your presence for my underlings will rise in revolt and consign us both to a dust smothered road and fading memory if they feel your hand guiding the cart once more. Fare thee well, soon we shall be reacquainted and undertake that which you have need of.

Farewll to Braddon-Bog?

CY 9164, m11, d24 It takes a couple days of hard work – but the fields and town is brought back to as much order as what can be. There is little in the way of loot – both sides had impoverished themselves. There is no fanfare as you leave.. a few faces smile as you go – thankful for a return to normalcy (they hope). Tired, sore, hungry and unwashed you force march back to your liege-lord’s land on the other side of the Nanford River. The situation in Richfield is unknown, and Plague decides not to muster out all the extra recruits – though they only have enough to pay for a week.
Many of The Gallants are ware of the hostility that the townsfolk have developed and wonder if they will ever return to what was once, for them, a home of sorts – where their names were know, coin welcomed, and where people went the extra mile for them.

Gallants Strike in Tarmysia

CY 9164, m11, d26 The Gallants return to Richfield where they lick their wounds and try and reorganize. The Earl of Richfield sends word through his house guard (rumors have it they are busy in the south – aggressively expanding Richfield into the Riverdans by force or alliance) that he is all too happy to hire the remainder of the healthy Gallants hale after the battle with the Maulsmen and pay for them for the remainder of the contract and extend it for months.
They are given little time though – he wants to heal, equip, and move them into position according to his political and military objectives. The Hag organizes Jingle and the midwives of the Hawks Blood Inn and a patched up couple of platoons heads into the dangerous road into Tarmysia (with scouts from the Hybrid Horde) – to strike deep into Gwinnish occupied lands. They are lead by sgt.
Warren Whitman – promoted for his actions against the Maulsman – son of the tailor in Braddon Bog who handles The Gallants tabards and usual clothier needs. He is named “Whitewash” because of his after action reports – clean, sterile, and without any mention of the brutality done to some of the Gallants by the better equiped and lead Maulsmen.
Before they leave, Plague makes sure all Gallants are gathered along the road, after they have marched out of the town territory arounf the Hawks Blood Inn and far from prying ears and eyes.

[Plague] Many of you already know and some have heard rumors, long ago our predecessors stumbled upon a spirit of a long forgotten creature – diminished and nearly dead. Over time, we have extended our connection to the creature. Perhaps at one time i thought our fates were intertwined more heavily, but i realize that she was using us as a means to an end, Though we continue to explore the possibilities of gaining power through her, the days of our closeness draw to a close. I want to assure all of you that i am free of any undue influence by her – i have broken my bonds. I thank you for the words, both harsh and kind, in helping me realize her true intent. The Gallants must stay unified! We will not falter in our path to honor and glory! It is a well deserved break we all need now – enjoy it while you can. As many of you march for the Earl, i wanted to you to know your return will be free of such worries – we fight with honor for the Earl, the Duke and our King. That is all…

And with this speech, most of the hearts of The Gallants are put at ease. Plague can see it in a few’s eyes of those who knew that they felt betrayed that he would even jokingly consider the sacrifice of Book’s husk to the Celestial, but everything is accounted for now – he has one on one conversations with those he feels needing it, and all is settled.
The Earl of Richfield asks that the core and senior Gallants stay in Richfield, defending the roads and watching the pass. Rumors float in that this was a personal move – not coordinated with Ducal authorities or coordinated with his nominal ally the count of West River Run.

Naked decides to take some time off and wander the area for a while – he feels war is coming and wants to know the land better.

Plague makes Peace with the White Sisters

CY 9164, m11, d27 Plague journeys to Marvencol, where the White Sisters have an orphanage. He has brought a heavy heart and a tattered pride. The weight of captaining the Gallants is not something many truly understand. He brings with him the Aerna dedicated chisel from the icy death god statue – returning it instead of sacrificing it or selling it as an act of goodwill. There he serves for 2 weeks, trying to make amends for his destruction of Caril’s Heart. Aerna,in her infinite capacity for peace and forgiveness indeed expunged his guilt. His time with the orphans gives cause for introspection. He also meets up with John ‘Steel Shins’ McMillan and the followers of Mizras. They return to the Hawks Blood Inn where they begin his training in Sword Dancing.Their group has its share of wounds – one now crippled for life, but they are hard men and they are quiet and ever watchful.

Gallants Reorganize in Richfield

Dalvesta Nomash takes her place in The Gallants as Jingle; she wears a set of bells and lace that make a musical jingling when she walks in camp. She is mostly a fun, easy-going spirit until she is away from her animals – then her mood and temperament darken. She has some strange bond with a trio of creatures that seems to put her at ease. After fighting against the Maulsmen, she is a blooded Gallant and part of the group. She teaches Mary the meager advanced healing techniques she learned from her time as a White Sister. She is the first to tell The Hag that her baby is likely dead, and helps her rid herself of it before it can harm her. Jingle is seen to spend a lot of time reading from the histories in the Companion Library and pays close attention to Fazeel or others as they reads pages from the annals (she does a few readings herself and seems to be fascinated with the battered book set). In a short while she addMmary become the ambassadors of goodwill to the locals. A womanly face is odd for a band of bannermen to have – there are those who make the odd ignorant remark… those voices are never heard by The Hag and Jingle. The occasional visitor from the Hybrid Horde seems to take a liking to Jingle instantly – not unnoticed by The Hag. Jingle helps The Hag look after the wounded and tabulates the meager loot from the battle.

The Hag spends some of her down time learning some advanced healing arts from Jingle. She dials down the optimism and after consulting with Jingle, she realizes her baby is dead. The poison took its toll on it and it died slightly thereafter.The Celestial was leading her on a road of false hope! The Hag turns a little colder with the news, and her mood is dark – many cross out of her way as she walks. Jingle and her decide to induce labor and get the thing out of her, before it can do her harm. It is a painful, heart-wrenching experience.

Jingle and Mary try and correct some of the issue with The Eye of Dimov. Fazeel has come to Jingle for help, and she is using it as a means of teaching Hag. Fazeel does his best to explain the magics involved and how they should self-repair with the right snips and pathways provided. Jingle does not shy away from it, and this impresses botht he seasoned Gallants.
The “surgery” is brief and examplary. Jingle is amazed to watch the hideous eye knit its own pathways and when Fazeel stops screaming from the pain (it takes 3 Gallants to hold him down while its going on) he says he san see “as he originally expected”.

CY 9164, m12, d4 Jingle leaves The Gallants on the order of Seconds and Plague – who worry about The Gallant strike force in Tarmysia. Plague secures a scout from the Hybrid Horde to get her there. Whatever her connection to the animals, the member of the horde seems to respond positively to it. Jingle has been quizzed by Seconds and actually seems to have some good book knowledge on military tactics and order of battle.
Along with her healing skills, she should be able to help the recruits and share command with Whitewash.

CY 9164, m12, d5 There has been much talk of seeking out Geri to get more knowledge, and add her power to the group in order to deal with the enemies. There is just no way around finding Geri except direct and Fazeel knows it. As analyst, he pours over the recovered library materials. He believes he can find the old swamp witch’s lair in Dwindor and asks Seconds for permission to seek out Geraldine while Plague is in Marvencol. Seconds is concerned – what he knows does not paint Geri in a good light and her state of undeath is at the very least frightening, he must think on it.

Kit continues to heal with the death god Djerduth’s ice statue nearby. His dreams are haunted by forgotten memories. His sleep turns to nightmares and there is nothing any of the healers in The Gallants can do. He is tormented. His screams keep his fellows awake at night, and he has to be heavily medicated. Even then the nightmares bleed through. He is feverish and while his body is healed, he cannot break free from the fevers.

Mendollin’s First Journey Home

Mendollin – Mendollin takes a brief journey back home to make sure that House Malor does not sense his presence yet, and to update his master with what he has seen and done. Before leaving to search for Geri, Seconds asks him not to reveal any of the strife within the Gallants or the Celestial quite yet – he promises Mendollin will be able to fulfill his obligations though… and so Mendollin chooses The Gallants as his primary loyalty. Seconds asks him to swear, and in reading his aura knows Mendollin is 100% one of them now. Heya goes with with him for his scout and outdoor skills to get them through Dunstrand unnoticed. Mendollin requests an audience with Plague before he leaves…

[Mendollin] Might I be allowed to access to Books’ spell book or a copy of it during this trip? I would like to learn some of the lesser spells from it please. I know he has some stuff I can learn from it if allowed to study and, it would be helpful in combat situation to have some options.

[Plague] I know little of such things, but it is Fazeel who is the inheritor of his legacy – let us ask him… he sends for Fazeel

[Fazeel] Mendollin – Sure you know its not proper to seek such. The way of the Magus is guarded – unless Books is dead, i cannot break faith with him. He fought hard to discover his knowledge and it is his to keep until he is dead. It then passes to me. I can assure you there is very little though..

[Mendollin] I fear my upbringing was rather narrow, and the ways of the Magus are new to me. I understand – I seek to increase my mana for the greater good, that is all. Also, I’d like to have my armor repaired and to buy another fitted suit as a replacement when needed if my master and Earl can swing the cost? It is very dangerous being a Gallant and more is to come for sure, there is no denying that aspect of being a Bannerman with the Gallants.

[Plague] The cost of your special armor is over 800 silver crowns… we cannot spare this expense now. There are few who can repair it even, but i promise to start looking for those who can.

[Medollin] Fair enough. I will fulfill my commitment to my birth Lord and Earl on the goings on but, will gladly omit the specifics of the Gallants and any internal strife they faced after the battle with the Maulsman and House Malor. I will return in a few weeks time.

CY 9164, m12, d12 Mendollin reports to his master all that is relevant to the political situation in Dunstrand and his impressions of each of the Gallants he knows. He explains the situation with Books – mentioning only a ward House Malor left without mention of the Celestial.

[Mendollin] Master, while I have access to your knowledge, might you understand what House Malor has done to Books? Perhaps you know of a counterspell or know how to retrieve his trapped soul and place it back into his husk of a body? Surely it must be reversible somehow?

[Master Quiron Mastabal] There is little he can do without seeing the victim – there are multiple possibilities… but the likeliest of which his spirit is imprisoned somewhere by House Malor.

[Mendollin] If there is something you could do, it would be a great show of support and friendship to the Gallants and to the people to the North of Fandolok, that we have much to gain through friendship with them. Much Power swirls around them and it would be foolish to make them enemies so I urge good relations…

[Master Quiron Mastabal] It is not up to I to make diplomatic overtures. The ultimate effect of The Gallants in Dunstrand is the subject of many conversation – but i can see the thrill and excitement of their lifestyle has struck a chord with you. You advocate for them now, which means your loyalties are split. I know your loyalty to me remains true but untested. This is good for us, for it is not always the regional powers that you must be beholden to.

[Mendollin] You speak in riddles master, but i have told you what i can of my time with them. I am loyal.

[Master Quiron Mastabal] I know this. But come, let us finish this conversation – is there aught else?

[Mendollin] Perhaps a sizable donation to the Gallants by way of his Lordship of Fandolok to assist them would also go a long way in the future to help securing our borders from external forces or at the very least a favor for a future date if need as they prove quite capable of dealing with many oddities and situations not suited to the common populace.

[Master Quiron Mastabal] We have no need to bribe those of lawful Dunstrand. And the Duke of Fandelok will hardly see it to grant coin to secure a rival’s borders because some apprentice magus asks. I will not secure an audience in this – it is too presumptuous at this point. Likely, the point at which it ceases to be that will be the point at which it is no longer needed.

[Mendollin] I see… is there anything you can do for me? It will not be long before i will seek to pursue a higher rank.

[Master Quiron Mastabal] You know i will tutor you in this. It gives me great pride you will seek this soon. Take this (handing him a small box) as a token of my esteem.

[Mendollin] (Takes the box and open the lid) Ahhh… the Ring of Vorr. I know its a trifling for you master, but it is a great gift.

[Master Quiron Mastabal] Long has it gathered dust. I took it from my hall a year ago, knowing it would pass on to you as your first sign of accomplishment… i let you believe it was traded for the Book of Hollow Men, but here it is.

[Mendollin] This will help me greatly, and i thank you for it. It grows late now, and i would beg a good nights sleep before i return to the road back to Dunstrand.

[Master Quiron Mastabal] Of course, we will break fast tomorrow and you will take you leave…