Anima Fount

An Anima Fount is a wellspring of Essence. It continuously leaks the stuff of Essence and free Sparks. The source of this is not completely known or understood – perhaps somewhere deep in the Aetheral or Astral planes. A connection between universes. Regardless, the side effect is that a character can Attune themselves to it. Founts have all manner of effects but can generally be grouped into broad categories.

Anima Fount Origins

Natural: A Natural Anima Fount is one that has occurred naturally, no mystic powers were actively used to conjure it forth. These are generally rare and incredibly powerful. They are anchored by the sheer power flowing through them.

Opened: An Opened Anima Fount is one that has been actively opened. In order to anchor the fount, they must manifest from more than a single will, though it is often a single entity that has the vision and willingness to sacrifice to manifest the fount. The fount is called forth and bound to an abiding purpose (enjoined to appeal to and be supported by a great number of entities). This purpose will have a concept with tenets and those bound to it must be in Good Standing to channel its benefits. The adherence to the tenets is a form of worship that continues to fuel it; It acts as though it were a small scale Principal Entity in some regards. An organization is founded around this. Generally, an Opened Anima Fount can only channel a single type of anima energy.

Corrupted Founts