Characters will normally have come to this place through exploring the area around Gnedfort City in the ‘dan of Belmain.
The Suffering Tread will take the PC’s to the lair of the Bolg Morda. It is a realm deep under the earth, a massive cavern filled with blind, pale Ducateon-human half breeds. The Bolg Morda is a giant, who rules the cavern and its peoples. The PC’s will discover that the denizens of Bolg Morda will stop them from leaving, despite their being several ways out. Bolg Morda does not eat often, and protects them all from being slaughtered by much worse.
They will mob the PC’s, forcing them back – they prefer that Bolg Morda feast on the PC’s and know he would be angered if they were to escape.
Caverns of Bolg Morda – cave
Some areas are illuminated by a phosphorescent lichen, but all the denizens here are virtually blind. There is plenty of cave mana growing here, and four different ‘settlements’. Slaves/food, tools, and different types of
cave mana are grown and harvested and traded between them.
Three of the settlements lie directly on the passages out of the cavern. Each settlement has about 250 occupants that will mob and kill the party if they try and make it through. They do run on a cycle and there are ‘nights’ – rest times – wherein less are awake… but there will always be about 50 awake and working, while guarding and watching the tunnels for intruders. The Bolg Morda visits each settlement about once a week for cave mana and the occasional slave for meat.
The Way Out: Within the lair of Bolg Morda, their is a treasure cave containing the skulls of all his victims, and their supplies. These mostly have no value for Bolg Morda, but he loves trophies and collections. Over the years he also understands that these draw outsiders, and so he has planned and built accordingly.
Caverns of Bolg Morda – 1
It sits astride a dangerous passage out of the caverns, one that woul least likely be chosen as a means in or out – and therefore the safest. It is only a ledge along a crevasse.
4 guards with slings and projectiles + traps
Caverns of Bolg Morda – 2
9 guards with slings and projectiles + traps/ 2 have swords
Caverns of Bolg Morda – 3
11 guards with slings and projectiles + traps/ 2 have axes,1 mace
At the center of the cavern is a large camp of about 500. This is the primary source of water as well, and the only place where the denizens ‘worship’ any gods. The cavern of the Bolg Morda himself is here.
The Bolg Morda originally clawed out these passages himself, connecting the chambers together. It was where his mother brought him to be born.
Caverns of Bolg Morda – 4
Caverns of Bolg Morda – Bolg
A large sloping path leads upwards.
TREASURE: The room has the heads and torso (chest up) of about 3 dozen foes, most of them nothing more than skeletons. Rotting gear and treasure lie all about.
The journal of Timeon. It speaks of a ship that appears on the Riverdan of Tuflim, in a set of hills on its northern edge. It only appears when the stars are right, its a wooden galley or some strange origins, far away from any source of water. Spells: Mist Spike, Locate the Weave are all that’s left in legible format.
4 guards with swords, slings and projectiles + traps
[This is also guard station; up to 6 active guards with metal weapons can be sent on alarms]
The bones of his mother have been painstakingly cared for here, for hundreds of years. They are venerated, along with the ‘Dark Father’ under the earth.
Clergy: There are a few initiates of Everdark here.
The spear..
Riebar the thief has survived for years in the caverns. He is mad now, but continues to lurk and skulk and survive. The denizens are aware of his presence, but because he does not try to hurt them, and they cannot seem to
find him easily, the consensus is that he should be left to his own design – he killed three hunters that tried to capture him. He came down with his friends, having been in the caverns before and fought their way out.
He and his companions – The Strayhearts (out of Eliek-Sa; but journeyed far and wide, hence the name) were following the lead of the magus Birman Orc-Bane, searching for buried treasure in the forgotten Riverdans and came under the effect of The Suffering Tread. Half the band was lost in the initial battle with the giant half troll, half beast that dwells in the cavern – the Bolg Morda; and the rest vowed revenge. Birman was able to use his items to escape being exiled forever into The Deeping. They returned to kill the Bolg Morda, armed with Neerciss – the Spear of Rage. This artifact from their travels is an old Orrish weapon that they found in a burial cavern deep under the Tolkisson range, before Riebar came to the group. He and Bordlen retrieved it from an old pond it had been sunk in. Encased in an iron prison, the spear was transported to Gnedford City environs. The group was being pursued by local rangers, and they were trying to avoid being located and upsetting the locals. They were brought under the Suffering Tread, the effect landed them nearly right on top of a settlement, they were overcome and all but him slain. The spear lies in a pond of water – a pond sacred to some foul dark god worshipped by the under-dwellers. Riebar has witnessed the Bolg Morda slay a few dozen adventurers over the last few years.
Riebar will approach the party after seeing them win free of a mob, he will know when that they have some strength and may be his way out.
MUS 12, STA 6, REA 2, SAN 2, RCT 2, WPR 8; VIT 6, Size 60; RES=240+20=260
Accelerated Healing (2), Iron Gut, Light Sleeper, Toughness 4
Melee 2+2=4, Propel 2, Fend 1, Evade 2-1=1, Grapple 6+1=7,
Combat: Boulder (rolled or thrown 12 dmg), Grapple and bash