POW is a band from the late 80s and early 90s. Its powerful, single cord, single note delivery of socially poignant issues helped many youth of the time face the existential threat of both nuclear annihilation and Reagan-era social programming. Their blend of punk sensibilities and socially deviant self-negation produced a cacophony of hits in the “White House” sub-genre.
Dancing in the Ash – a love song that celebrates the beauty of 10 million degrees Fahrenheit
I Hate You – a plea for understanding
Not My Problem – the smash dance hit single!
Societal Salad Bar – social commentary, wit, and a little bit of haute cuisine
Last Call for Existence – a call to arms
Bruce Reduced – the ode to an American icon
– Douche Canoe magazine
The legendary band who was bold enough to demand that we start our world anew through a refreshing nuclear holocaust. POW – Progenitors of the Seattle rock scene; And patent holders for three different hairstyles. Now, see the lyrics from the nickel selling first album, “P.O.W.”:
All music ©1989 Purge-Regurge Music
P.O.W. song lyric sheets
Slag SiltTongue a.k.a. Eric Swanson
Zombie Boy a.k.a. Brian Schorr
Shark Head a.k.a. Kelly Berger
Mr. Bruce (Hairdresser) a.k.a. Sean Drew
POW crew and sometimes mascot Matt, at their day job