Incarna 2 to D20 5e original Conversion (blog)
Belim, Son of Hardivan
Belim, son of Hardiven
Human, male, 5’11″, 74kg, age: 22, black hair, short hair and beard, blue eyes, right handed; Size: Medium; Move = 30′
Origins: Oerdney; Ex-apprentice trader; ex-Oerdney City Watch; ex-King’s Army, Queen’s Tonbridge Dragoons
Background: Soldier (cavalry/dragoons)
Defining Event: Recruiter came to village
Feature: Military Rank of corporal
Personality Trait: I would rather make a new friend than a new enemy.
Ideal: Nation/Lord – My city, nation or lord and peoples is all that matters.
Bond: I would lay down my life for the people i served with.
Flaw: My pride will probably lead to my destruction.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Fighter 4th
Archetype/Path: Battle Master
HP: Fighter@1,2,3,4 = 6,6,6,6 + 4 CON; Total = 28
Charisma: 14 +2
Constitution: 12 +1 {proficient}
Dexterity: 17 +3
Intelligence: 9 -1
Sanity: 9 -1
Strength: 15 +2 {proficient}
Wisdom: 12 +1
Essence 15+9/2 = 12 – Aptitude = 11
Gladornian (speak), Feyloise (speak), Grollen (speak)
Second Wind: Regain 5 + fighter level as a Bonus Action 1/short rest
Action Surge: Take 1 added normal action on top of all others 1/short rest
Proficient = Intimidation (CHA), Athletics (STR)
Lores: (+1) Gladnorian, Heraldry, Law
(+2) Military
Leadership: 10 minutes inspiring group; up to 6 friendly creatures (including self) within 30′ gain temporary HP = Belim’s level + CHA modifier; a creature can only gain this benefit 1/short rest
Battle Leadership > While possessing the extra HP, all affects of Battle Master Superiority Dice are +1!
Code of Conduct: Obligation – Oath of Loyalty to the High King
Aptitude: Kinetic
Affinity: Kinetic
Student of War: Proficiency with smiths and metal-forgers (repairing)
Proficient = All Armor, All Shields
Proficient = Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Fighting Style: Defense (while wearing armor, gains +1 AC)
Tactics: Belim’s average stature does not give him much options in melee combat but he never shies away from it. As leader of the band of adventurers, he often leads from the front. If he is going into a situation where he does not think he can react, or if will be particularly punishing he will don his fine breastplate from time in the Queens service. Though it slows him down, it changes his tactics almost none at all. Attack and defend, forward, forward, forward.
Gaming Set {proficient}
Smith/Metal-Forger {proficient} Can repair a breast plate on a DC 15 (STR) check to restore 1 level
Armor: Leather (11 + Max. Dex bonus, +1, + medium shield +2) = AC: 17
Breast Plate (14 + Max. 2 Dex bonus, +1, + medium shield +2) = AC: 19
[Breast plate is finely worked; when sundered, it only loses 1 AC and with a repair and cost 30% it can be used again.]
Weapons: Long Sword (4+2 dam), Dagger (2+2 dam), Light Crossbow (4; Armor Piercing – med or better is -2 AC)
Basic clothes (2 sets), good clothes (1 set), noble clothes (1 set), unit clothes (2 sets incl emblemic brooch and hat), boots high and low, day pack, military mess kit, bedroll, 5 torches, flint/tinder, 20m of cord, 2 belts, 2 small sacks, wine skin w/watered wine, 1 week worth of fresh rations, riding horse w/saddlebags, extra leather armor