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Ability Bonus: +1d10 Intelligence, +2d6 Power, and +3 Size (Maximum for a starting character is 21 for any stat)
Trait Bonus:
Monstrous Non-Human – You get a -20% Reaction check to other nationalities. (People think of you as a demon.)
Hated – You suffer a -20% to all Social skills with other nationalities.
Chaos Creature – You are aligned with chaos and count as a creature of chaos. Virtues can kill you on a successful power vs. power struggle.
Class Bonus
All Melnibonean’s are Noble and Warriors. A Melnibonean may forgo warrior to select another Class. They do not get to have 3 classes. The second class can be an advanced class if they qualify.
Pang Tang
Ability Bonus: +1d8 Intelligence, +1d8 Power, and +1 Size (Maximum for a starting character is 21 for any stat)
Trait Bonus:
Feared – You get a -10% Reaction check to other nationalities.
Hated – You suffer a -20% to all Social skills other nationalities.
Chaos Creature – You are aligned with chaos and count as a creature of chaos. Virtues can kill you on a successful power vs. power struggle.
Class Bonus
If your Intelligence and Power equal 32 or higher you are automatically a Sorcerer /Priest. If your Intelligence and Power are lower than 32 you may roll the class or select warrior. If you are a Sorcerer /Priest you have a 20% or less to qualify as a Noble but cannot select another class for balance purposes. (Roll in front of the GM to see if you are a noble)
Ability Bonus: +1d6 Intelligence, +1d6 Power, and +1d6 Charisma. (Subtract -2 to size if over 9) (Maximum for a starting character is 21 for any stat)
Trait Bonus:
Non-Human – You get a -10% Reaction check to other nationalities.
Hollow Boned – You are considered to sizes smaller for knock back but take ½ damage from falls.
Wingless – Wingless Myrrhyn are outcasts and is the only reason why they would adventure in the Young Kingdoms.
Ability Bonus: +1d4 Constitution (Maximum for a starting character is 21 for any stat)
Skill Bonus
Knowledge Religion: 25%
Dancing or Singing or Music Lore: 25%
Ability Bonus: +1d4 Dexterity, – 1d4 Charisma (Maximum for a starting character is 21 for any stat)
Trait Bonus:
Double Jointed -Your character is unusually flexible. You get a +15% on Climb and Tumble skills. (Already added to skills) Also, escaping bonds is a DEX*3 instead of DEX*1
Ambidexterity – You can use either hand equally well, you receive no penalty for using your off hand.
Skill Bonus
Knowledge Religion: 25%
Craft: 25%
Ability Bonus: +1d6 Constitution (Maximum for a starting character is 21 for any stat)
Skill Bonus
Plant Lore: 20%
Poison Lore: 10%
Ability Bonus: +1d4 Constitution (Subtract -1 to size if over 9) (Maximum for a starting character is 21 for any stat)
Skill Bonus
Swim: 25% (Change to Navigate if Sailor)
Pilot Boat: 25% (Change to Make Map if Sailor)
Ability Bonus: None
Trait Bonus:
Luck – Luck allows the user one chance to re-roll an outcome per session.
Flexible mind – You have 4 extra skills when you start each at 25%
Skill Bonus
Knowledge Religion: 25%
Conceal: 25%
Ability Bonus: +1d4 Charisma (Maximum for a starting character is 21 for any stat)
Skill Bonus
Persuade: 25%
Insight: 25%
Weeping Waster
Ability Bonus: +1d6 Strength, +1d4 Dexterity and +1d6 Constitution. – 1d4 Charisma (Subtract -1 to size if over 9) (Maximum for a starting character is 21 for any stat)
Trait Bonus:
Absolute Direction – You always know which direction you are going in and can unerringly retrace your path over the last month.
Barbarian – You suffer a -10% to all Social skills with other nationalities.
Feared – You get a -10% Reaction check to other nationalities.
Illiterate – Pande only has a spoken language and does not have a written language. You start without the ability to read or write as a Warrior / Hunter. (If you have common you cannot read or write as a starting ability)
Skill Bonus
Ride: Adjust to 75% max (Note: Normal starting character can start at a 75% maximum including bonus)
Class Bonus
All Weeping Wasters are Warriors / Hunters. They cannot take a specialty class in either Hunter or Warrior. (No other third class is allowed for balance purposes)
Ability Bonus: +1d4 Intelligence and +1d6 Power (Subtract -2 to size if over 9) (Maximum for a starting character is 21 for any stat)
Trait Bonus:
Unusual Background – In order for you to travel in the Young kingdoms come up with a good story.
Chaos Creature – You are aligned with chaos and count as a creature of chaos. Virtues can kill you on a successful power vs. power struggle.
Class Bonus
If your Intelligence and Power equal 32 or higher you are automatically a Sorcerer /Priest. If you have 13 Strength you qualify to be a warrior. (You are not allowed to be an Assassin advanced class for balance purposes.)
The Island of the Purple Towns
Ability Bonus: +1d4 Strength and +1d6 Constitution (Maximum for a starting character is 21 for any stat)
Ability Bonus: None
Trait Bonus:
Flexible mind – You have 4 extra skills when you start each at 25%
Learn From Your Mistakes – You learn from your mistakes. The first time in a session that you fumble or fail by just 5% in a skill that skill increases by 1%.
Skill Mastery – Any time you fail a skill roll by 1% you make it instead.
Ability Bonus: +2d4 Strength and +1 Siz (Maximum for a starting character is 21 for any stat)
Trait Bonus:
Reserve of Strength – Once per day, in time of need, you may add +4 to your strength for the duration of a scene. Afterwards you must rest for twice as long as you exerted yourself.
Ability Bonus: -1d4 to Intelligence and +2 to Siz
Trait Bonus:
High Pain Threshold – You tolerate damage well. You receive a CON*5 roll to avoid any potential STUN effect. You resist going unconscious on a CON*2 Roll instead of CON*1 for major wounds. You resist going unconscious on a CON*3 to hits in the head.
Combat Reflexes – Characters with this Merit are born for combat, they get Soak at +10% and have the skill now if they didn’t before. Also, you receive a +3 initiative bonus.
Heirloom – You get either a fine weapon or suit of armor. The weapon or armor does 1d6 extra damage or stoppage. Select one and come up with a good history of the heirloom. If you are a noble or priest the item can be a minor virtue instead of a fine weapon or armor with a Pow of 10.
Skill Bonus
Knowledge Religion: 25%
Knowledge Mechanical Lore: 25%
Music Lore: 25%
Ability Bonus: +1d4 to Dexterity
Trait Bonus:
Daring Do – Three times per session you may add you’re Pow to a skill giving you a temporary skill increase for a single roll.
Skill Bonus
Knowledge Religion: 25%
Knowledge Mechanical Lore: 25%
Org (Dharzi Noble)
Ability Bonus: +1d4 Strength and +1d8 Constitution (Maximum for a starting character is 21 for any stat) Note: The Dharzi lord does not start with any negative stat modifiers since they are considered to have breed with other nobles.
Trait Bonus:
Feared – You get a -10% Reaction check to other nationalities.
Hated – You suffer a -20% to all Social skills other nationalities.
Unusual Background – You are one of the rare nobles in the forest of Troos and have not degenerated like most of your race.
Rapid Healing – You receive a bonus roll of CON*5 to heal an additional point on each wound every day, regardless of your activity level. All herbal remedies (non-magical) heal you an additional 1 point. Magical healing heals you an additional 2 points
Sixth Sense – You are almost magically sensitive to your surroundings. You get a Pow x 2% chance to react to danger instead of being surprised. Ambushes can still affect you but decrease the number of rounds that the surprise lasts by 1 round.
Class Bonus
If your Intelligence and Power equal 32 or higher you are automatically a Sorcerer /Noble. If your intelligence and Power is lower than 32 than you’re a Noble / Hunter. If you qualify for the hunter advanced class you may select it.
Character Nationality Table
01 Melnibone
02 – 05 Pang Tang
06 Myrrhyn
07 – 11 Dharijor
12 – 16 Jharkor
17 – 24 Shazaar
25 – 29 Tarkesh
30 – 37 Vilmir
38 – 48 Ilmiora
49 Weeping Waste
50 – 55 Elwher
56 – 66 Purple Towns
67 – 74 Argimiliar
75 – 81 Pikarayd
82 – 90 Lormyr
91 – 98 Filkhar
99 – 100 Org (Dharzi Lord)