Rewards for Reputation

If the PC’s achieve a Good Reputation (+1), it will trigger an event next time they return to Staghelm. The event/reward remains, even in the reputation of the party decreases.

  • There are specific events and award for the human classes of Thief, Fighter, Magic-User and Cleric.
  • Non Human Classes get a minor award from their people, who are watching them.


Event: A delegation lead by Alderman Hanry gathers a crowd around the character. He delivers a scroll and makes a speech to the same effect as what is written within the scroll. Additionally, he and those with him – representing the characters close community – present gifts to mark this event and good will of the community. The gathered crowd cheers and there is rejoicing as the party’s reputation increases and is extolled throughout the barony.


Item: A scroll written in the common language of Gladnorian: Let it be known to all that [Name] the [Class] has achieved high status for their deeds in Staghelm against the mad minotaur and is recognized by the Baron Sir Rustin Onrad and the folk of his barony of Matchalk that they are safeguarding. They have slain many foes and secured portions of the area for safe living, travel, and harvest.

  • ([min] @3rd level) – Reputation of the Myrmidon: Immediately a Squad Leader is attracted to the character through their reputation as a great warrior.
    Whenever a group of retainers is hired, if there is 5 or more, a Squad Leader replaces 1.

Fighter Level 1 Retainer (human) – Squad Leader

DnD Basic Retainer 8

DnD Basic Retainer 4

HP = 7 + Reputation Adj. = ___
MORALE = 2d6 check vs. ([base + 2] + Cha mod) of “Recruiter” or current leader
Chainmail/Dex = AC 4; HP 6; polearm (d10; 13 Str +1 To Hit/Damage), crossbow (d6 quarrel > +1 80’/160’/240′ @-1; 13 Dex +1 missile to hit); quiver w/10 quarrels; pack w/clothes + 3 day rations + sack + 50′ rope + flint and tinder + 2 torch (d4 fire/30′ light), 1 oil flask (d8 fire)
Hireling Cost = (30sc – Cha #retainers); They are attracted by the leadership of the Fighter. They get a full treasure share if they live.
* This retainer is only available at some point through Bau Wildlight the Fighter; They had a healthy upbringing.

Attack: To Hit (20-AC on d20) – AC 9 = 11 / 8 = 12 / 7 = 13 (etc. to max 20)

While within the party and with the Fighter, they increase the HP of all zero level human retainers by 1.

Alignment: Neutral

  • Hunters Instincts (1 use): The (Chaotic or Neutral) character draws on their full breadth and depth of killing experience; if the character can ambush with surprise, they can backstab on their first attack like a thief (+4/ x2 damage) – ranged weapons can only be used at short range (no added to hit bonus). Or, the (Lawful or Neutral) character may automatically go first, ties resolved by Dexterity scores.


Event: A delegation lead by Alderman Hanry gathers a crowd around the character. He delivers a scroll and makes a speech to the same effect as what is written within the scroll. Additionally, he and those with him – representing the characters close community – present gifts to mark this event and good will of the community. The gathered crowd cheers and there is rejoicing as the party’s reputation increases and is extolled throughout the barony.


Item: A scroll written in the common language of Gladnorian: Let it be known to all that [Name] the [Class] has achieved high status for their deeds in Staghelm against the mad minotaur and is recognized by the Baron Sir Rustin Onrad and the folk of his barony of Matchalk that they are safeguarding. They have slain many foes and secured portions of the area for safe living, travel, and harvest.

  • ([min] @3rd level) – Holy Symbol of the Beast-Lord’s Flock: Automatic Faithful Follower retainers = wisdom bonus per month
  • Scroll of Light
  • Potion of Healing (d6+1) x1

Zero Level Retainer (human) – Faithful Followers

DnD Basic Follower Retainer

DnD Basic Follower Retainer

HP = 3 + Reputation Adj. = ___
MORALE = 2d6 check vs. ([base + 1] + Cha mod) of “Recruiter” or current leader
AC = Leather/Shield/Dex = AC 6 (-1 w/shield )
spear (d6 > throw @+1 20’/40’/60′ @-1), sling (d4 rock > @+1 40’/80’/160′ @-1); sm. sack w/10 rocks; pack w/clothes + 3 day rations + sack + flint and tinder + 1 torch (d4 fire/30′ light) + 1 vial holy water (d8 vs undead)
Hireling Cost = (0); This retainer is part of the local flock of followers of the Green church of Darupet that are providing support. They get a full treasure share if they live.
* This retainer is only available at some point through Grarcer Terrabow the Cleric; The church is with them – They bring an offering to the PC of a vial of Holy Water.

Attack: To Hit (20-AC on d20) – AC 9 = 11 / 8 = 12 / 7 = 13 (etc. to max 20)

The group together gets a single Re-Roll to represent their faith. If the Cleric is in the party, they can also use their Intelligence based Re-Rolls through one of these followers as a symbol of their shared conviction.


Event: A delegation lead by Alderman Hanry gathers a crowd around the character. He delivers a scroll and makes a speech to the same effect as what is written within the scroll. Additionally, he and those with him – representing the characters close community – present gifts to mark this event and good will of the community. The gathered crowd cheers and there is rejoicing as the party’s reputation increases and is extolled throughout the barony.


Item: A scroll written in the common language of Gladnorian: Let it be known to all that [Name] the [Class] has achieved high status for their deeds in Staghelm against the mad minotaur and is recognized by the Baron Sir Rustin Onrad and the folk of his barony of Matchalk that they are safeguarding. They have slain many foes and secured portions of the area for safe living, travel, and harvest.

  • Badge of Salamanders Slither: This well known badge of The Salamander Guild allows the bearer to trade his life and automatically succeed at surrender and have their hostage penalties paid for by the guild. A new badge will be sent each month, each is good for 1 month.
  • ([min] @3rd level) – The Salamanders Eye: 1/Month this pair of spectacles made by the guild will allow its wearer to either automatically pick a lock or find a trap.

Magic User

Event: A delegation lead by Alderman Hanry gathers a crowd around the character. He delivers a scroll and makes a speech to the same effect as what is written within the scroll. Additionally, he and those with him – representing the characters close community – present gifts to mark this event and good will of the community. The gathered crowd cheers and there is rejoicing as the party’s reputation increases and is extolled throughout the barony.


Item: A scroll written in the common language of Gladnorian: Let it be known to all that [Name] the [Class] has achieved high status for their deeds in Staghelm against the mad minotaur and is recognized by the Baron Sir Rustin Onrad and the folk of his barony of Matchalk that they are safeguarding. They have slain many foes and secured portions of the area for safe living, travel, and harvest.

  • 2 Scrolls: Read Magic, Dispel Magic (3rd level spell!)
  • Badge of Solars Revealing: 1/Month gets a scroll of Detect Magic sent the character by the order (the first one sent with the badge)


Event: A delegation lead by Alderman Hanry gathers a crowd around the character. He delivers a scroll and makes a speech to the same effect as what is written within the scroll. Additionally, he and those with him – representing the characters close community – present gifts to mark this event and good will of the community. The gathered crowd cheers and there is rejoicing as the party’s reputation increases and is extolled throughout the barony.


Item: A scroll written in the common language of Gladnorian: Let it be known to all that[Name] the [Class] has achieved high status for their deeds in Staghelm against the mad minotaur and is recognized by the Baron Sir Rustin Onrad and the folk of his barony of Matchalk that they are safeguarding. They have slain many foes and secured portions of the area for safe living, travel, and harvest.

The group includes a few halflings, rarely seen this far from their homeland. They smile and shout huzzahs, passing on the gifts to you and the knowledge of how to use them. Though not as robust as the rich human resources, it is a token enough… for the advantages of being of your race give you edges the humans will never have! They swear to let your kin know of your good fortune.

  • A potion of Animal Control


Event: A delegation lead by Alderman Hanry gathers a crowd around the character. He delivers a scroll and makes a speech to the same effect as what is written within the scroll. Additionally, he and those with him – representing the characters close community – present gifts to mark this event and good will of the community. The gathered crowd cheers and there is rejoicing as the party’s reputation increases and is extolled throughout the barony.


Item: A scroll written in the common language of Gladnorian: Let it be known to all that [Name] the [Class] has achieved high status for their deeds in Staghelm against the mad minotaur and is recognized by the Baron Sir Rustin Onrad and the folk of his barony of Matchalk that they are safeguarding. They have slain many foes and secured portions of the area for safe living, travel, and harvest.

The group includes a few elves, rarely seen this far from their homeland. They hug you and sing together, passing on the gifts to you and the knowledge of how to use them. Though not as robust as the rich human resources, it is a token enough… for the advantages of being of your race give you edges the humans will never have!. They swear to let your kin know of your good fortune.

  • A scroll of Mirror Image


Event: A delegation lead by Alderman Hanry gathers a crowd around the character. He delivers a scroll and makes a speech to the same effect as what is written within the scroll. Additionally, he and those with him – representing the characters close community – present gifts to mark this event and good will of the community. The gathered crowd cheers and there is rejoicing as the party’s reputation increases and is extolled throughout the barony.


Item: A scroll written in the common language of Gladnorian: Let it be known to all that [Name] the [Class] has achieved high status for their deeds in Staghelm against the mad minotaur and is recognized by the Baron Sir Rustin Onrad and the folk of his barony of Matchalk that they are safeguarding. They have slain many foes and secured portions of the area for safe living, travel, and harvest.

The group includes a few dwarves, rarely seen this far from their homeland. They guffaw to crude jokes and laugh loudly and share the dwarven ale, passing on the gifts to you and the knowledge of how to use them. Though not as robust as the rich human resources, it is a token enough… for the advantages of being of your race give you edges the humans will never have!. They swear to let your kin know of your good fortune.

  • A potion of Fire Resistance