Character choice is first come, first serve per the Rules of The Session. Of course, the players can discuss ahead of time and agree to claims.
On the eastern borderlands in the barony of Matchalk (of the southeast Duchy of N’Lokrha), an evil minotaur has escaped from somewhere and is terrorizing the frontier. He has even had a few warriors of the fighting pits (berserkers!) escape and flock to him as a cult – worshiping strength and killing! The worst of the local population of monsters and civilized exploiters has gathered and is preparing to launch an attack. The Baron Sir Rustin Onrad has put the word out. Yours is not the first band assembled. Each group that has volunteered for the treasure and glory has not come back. You hope to capture the fame and wealth of those who have come before. The minotaur and his “tribe” live somewhere in the east of the town of Staghelm, in the low hills before the foreboding mountains in the east – the border of The Darklands. The grateful folk living on the edges of these lands will shelter and feed you and point you in the general direction. The minotaur awaits behind his labyrinthian confusion, his servants preparing for war! Can anyone stop him in time?
Word has gone out – baron Onrad is offering a large reward. Aside from unique family heirlooms, anyone dealing with this problem will be able to keep all loot and ignore taxes. Groups are to apply at the town of Staghelm and see the mayor there. Although tempting, you know many will be flooding into the area to assist the Baron. Its been nearly a full cycle of the moon, and you expected some group to be able to claim the reward and handle the problem by now, but the word goes out once again. And so, you travel to seek to end this reign of terror. Hopefully you can put an end to it before it reaches its next level. You follow the instructions of the crier and travel to The Scattered Geese Inn in Staghelm. There you meet several others like yourself. A town alderman named Hanry (apparently it is his turn to deal with adventurers!) sees getting you food and lodging. He tells you the terms – 100sc from the Baron, and terms you heard previously about things you can keep and taxes, and the Baron is supplementing retainers as long as the reputation of the group is fair. He gives you a couple days to think on it. You get to know each other in that time. A few nights later, you meet with the alderman Hanry and accept his offer… right on time. It seems the forces of the minotaur have raided another town and a couple more farms. It is agreed you will begin in the morning – if there are any questions, alderman Hanry will try and answer.
WARNING – This is NOT FOR EVERYONE. The history of the Basic edition can be found on Wikipedia. The Tom Moldavay edition of DnD Basic rules (1981; PDF linked temporarily) is not the DnD you are used to – like or dislike the current edition, its got some key differences. THIS IS FROM 1977 ORIGINALLY – BEFORE AD&D/1st edition!. Power is seriously nerfed. There is little variations between classes, race is a class and modify more than class alone, etc. See session details and pre-made characters for more information.
Because “Surrendering” is not an outcome in encounters (you could surrender in many scenarios instead of dying, and give up gold in order to escape – gold was worth experience points), INTELLIGENCE (really only needed to put forward a surrender in the language of your assailants) will be used for additional languages and a like # of RE-ROLLS (‘I know how to do better!’ – all dice in a “roll” can be re-rolled) for this one session because of its epic nature.
Outlook/Alignment: This is classic High Fantasy – in general, all PCs are Lawful!
– A Lawful character follows the rules, respects hierarchy and believes in power given by society. Lawful characters believe in honor, following traditions and being trustworthy. They have faith in societal rules because they are how you create a functioning society where everyone acts in the way you expect.
Exhaustion: For each 6 hours, the PCs need rest 1 hour or suffer Minor Exhaustion until they do. Going without resting, multiple days without rest, and various effects will impose a state of MAJOR exhaustion. These are not cumulative.
Background: The backgrounds are irrelevant. Players can make up any that grant them no mechanical or social benefits and do not alter the characters in any way. All character will start with ONE optional “inheritance” items – a random d4 roll!
Bergron Steelbelt the Dwarf
Strength: Melee adj. “to hit” and damage + Open Doors
Intelligence: _____ Added Languages (< 6 not literate) + Area Search; # Re-Rolls for this epic session
Wisdom: _____ Magic Saving Throw adj.
Dexterity: _____ AC adj./ “to hit” with missile weapons; init. adjustment ____
* Constitution: _____ HP per HD
Charisma: _____ Reaction adj. + Morale / _____ Max. Retainers / Retainer Morale (default w/o adventure factors) ____
* = primary requirement (must be 13+) *
Special Abilities: Infravision (heat seeking) 60′; Earth Sense (find slanting passages, construction traps, shifting passages, new construction 1-2 on d6); Thorough Searcher (+1 searching for traps and items of interest), can wield dwarven battle hammer, combat experience (+1 To Hit as 3rd level character); a Dwarf can camouflage/obscure camps underground; a Dwarf in melee is used to maneuver fighting (they only get hit on 1 on d6 instead of 1-3 when allies fire into melee combat)
Communication (speak/literate): Common (Gladnorian), Dwarvish, Gnomes, Kobolds, Goblins (Orrish)
Armor: Chainmail +1 (dwarf sized), Shield; ARMOR CLASS = 3 base
Weapons: Dwarven Battle Hammer (d8/+1 damage vs. skeletons & open doors; can be thrown 20’/30’/40′ and wont break), 3 hand axes (d6 / throwing @+1 20’/40/60′ @-1)
> COMBAT > Surprise (d6 if needed); Initiative (d6 + Dex); Morale (2d6 if needed); Move; Attacks; Surrender/Retreat (if possible)
ATTACKS (20 – AC on d20 = Target) @ init in order of 1} Missile Wpn 2} Spells 3} Melee Wpn;
Pack: 1 week iron rations + mess kit, flint + tinder, oil flask (d8 fire/2 rnds), 5 torches (d4 fire), 4 days clothes, spare dagger (d4), wine skin, large sack, small sack, 50′ rope, hammer and 5 spikes
Magical Items:
Wealth: Gold = 150
> Crep the MULE (AC 7 / 2HD= 9; kick d4) Morale 8; 2000 coin capacity
Ilidan Stillstar the Elf
* Strength: _____ Melee adj. “to hit” and damage + Open Doors
* Intelligence: _____ Added Languages (< 6 not literate) + Area Search; # Re-Rolls for this epic session
Wisdom: _____ Magic Saving Throw adj.
Dexterity: _____ AC adj./ “to hit” with missile weapons; init. adjustment ____
Constitution: _____ HP per HD
Charisma: _____ Reaction adj. + Morale / _____ Max. Retainers / Retainer Morale (default w/o adventure factors) ____
* = primary requirement (must be 9+) *
Special Abilities: Infravision (heat seeking) 60′; Keen Sight (spot secret/concealed doors 1-2 on d6); immune to undead/ghoul paralyzation, combat experience (+1 To Hit as 3rd level character); a Elf can camouflage/obscure camps outdoors
Communication (speak/literate): Common (Gladnorian), elvish, orc (Orrish), hobgoblin, gnoll
Armor: Chainmail (elf sized) + Shield, Ring of Protection +1; ARMOR CLASS = 2 base
Weapons: Sword (d8), Long Bow (d6; @+1 70’/140’/210′ @-1)
> COMBAT > Surprise (d6 if needed); Initiative (d6 + Dex); Morale (2d6 if needed); Move; Attacks; Surrender/Retreat (if possible)
ATTACKS (20 – AC on d20 = Target) @ init in order of 1} Missile Wpn 2} Spells 3} Melee Wpn;
>p>Pack: 1 week iron rations + mess kit, flint + tinder, oil flask (d8 fire/2 rnds), 5 torches (d4 fire), 4 days clothes, spare dagger (d4), wine skin, large sack, small sack, 50′ rope, hammer and 5 spikes
Magical Items:
Wealth: Gold = 75
> Filbin the MULE (AC 7 / 2HD= 9; kick d4) Morale 9; 2000 coin capacity
Norlen Boldsmile the Halfling
Strength: _____ Melee adj. “to hit” and damage + Open Doors
Intelligence: _____ Added Languages (< 6 not literate) + Area Search; # Re-Rolls for this epic session
Wisdom: _____ Magic Saving Throw adj.
* Dexterity: _____ AC adj./ “to hit” with missile weapons; init. adjustment ____
* Constitution: _____ HP per HD
Charisma: _____ Reaction adj. + Morale / _____ Max. Retainers / Retainer Morale (default w/o adventure factors) ____
* = primary requirement (must be 9+) *
Special Abilities: Stealth (1 on d10 in natural surrounds/1-2 in shadows if unmoving and camouflaged); Improved Saving Throws; Keen Eye: +1 “to hit” with missile weapons; Tumbling (AC bonus vs larger than normal sized/+1 Initiative rolls and only hit on a 1-2 on d6 by allies firing into melee combat), combat experience (+1 To Hit as 3rd level character); Disarming Affability (when attempting to discover rumors, they will uncover 1 more)
Communication (speak/literate): Common (Gladnorian)
Armor: Leather (halfling sized), Ring of Protection +1; ARMOR CLASS = 6 base (-2 vs. larger than normal sized)
Weapons: Short Sword (d6), Dagger (d4), Short Bow (d6; @+1 50’100’/150′ @-1)
> COMBAT > Surprise (d6 if needed); Initiative (d6 + Dex); Morale (2d6 if needed); Move; Attacks; Surrender/Retreat (if possible)
ATTACKS (20 – AC on d20 = Target) @ init in order of 1} Missile Wpn 2} Spells 3} Melee Wpn;
>p>Pack: 1 week iron rations + mess kit, flint + tinder, oil flask (d8 fire/2 rnds), 5 torches (d4 fire), 4 days clothes, spare dagger (d4), wine skin, large sack, small sack, 50′ rope, hammer and 5 spikes
Magical Items:
Wealth: Gold = 200
> William the MULE (AC 7 / 2HD= 9; kick d4) Morale 10; 2000 coin capacity
Grarcer Terrabow the Cleric
Strength: _____ Melee adj. “to hit” and damage + Open Doors
Intelligence: _____ Added Languages (< 6 not literate) + Area Search; # Re-Rolls for this epic session
* Wisdom: _____ Magic Saving Throw adj.
Dexterity: _____ AC adj./ “to hit” with missile weapons; init. adjustment ____
Constitution: _____ HP per HD
Charisma: _____ Reaction adj. + Morale / _____ Max. Retainers / Retainer Morale (default w/o adventure factors) ____
* = primary requirement (must be 9+) *
Special Abilities: Spells (2x 1st level Clerical Spells per day); Humans have a strong essence: +1 on d6 rest checks for healing/+1 cha when considering recruitment for normal human retainers, combat experience (+1 To Hit as 3rd level character)
TURN UNDEAD @3rd: 2d6 vs. Skeletons = T, Zombies = T, Ghouls = 7, Wights = 9, Wraiths = 11;
#turned = 2d6 HD worth of creatures (min. 1 creature) – lowest HD first in mixed group.
Communication (speak/literate): Common (Gladnorian)
Armor: Chainmail (human sized) + Shield +1; ARMOR CLASS = 2 base
Weapons: Mace +1 (d6), Sling (d4 @+1 40’/80’/160′ @-1)
> COMBAT > Surprise (d6 if needed); Initiative (d6 + Dex); Morale (2d6 if needed); Move; Attacks; Surrender/Retreat (if possible)
ATTACKS (20 – AC on d20 = Target) @ init in order of 1} Missile Wpn 2} Spells 3} Melee Wpn;
Pack: 1 week iron rations + mess kit, flint + tinder, oil flask (d8 fire/2 rnds), 5 torches (d4 fire), 4 days clothes, spare dagger (d4), wine skin, large sack, small sack, 50′ rope, hammer and 5 spikes
Magical Items:
Wealth: Gold = 25
> Bill the MULE (AC 7 / 2HD= 12; kick d4) Morale 8; 2000 coin capacity
Bau Wildlight the Fighter
* Strength: _____ Melee adj. “to hit” and damage + Open Doors
Intelligence: _____ Added Languages (< 6 not literate) + Area Search; # Re-Rolls for this epic session
Wisdom: _____ Magic Saving Throw adj.
Dexterity: _____ AC adj./ “to hit” with missile weapons; init. adjustment ____
Constitution: _____ HP per HD
Charisma: _____ Reaction adj. + Morale / _____ Max. Retainers / Retainer Morale (default w/o adventure factors) ____
* = primary requirement (must be 9+) *
Special Abilities: Humans have a strong essence: +1 on d6 rest checks for healing/+1 cha when considering recruitment for normal human retainers, combat experience (+1 To Hit as 3rd level character); a Fighter has Improved Combat Perceptions at 2nd: When firing into melee at any range, they will not hit allies
Communication (speak/literate): Common (Gladnorian)
Armor: Platemail (human sized); ARMOR CLASS = 3 base
Weapons: Silvered Dagger (d4), Sword (d8), Crossbow (1-6 @+1 80’/160’240′ @-1) w/10 quarrels + 10 quarrels +1; “Ork-Slayer” – Two Handed Sword +1 (d10 +1; sheds magical light 10′, detect orks 60’/+1 “to hit” additional vs. orks)
> COMBAT > Surprise (d6 if needed); Initiative (d6 + Dex); Morale (2d6 if needed); Move; Attacks; Surrender/Retreat (if possible)
ATTACKS (20 – AC on d20 = Target) @ init in order of 1} Missile Wpn 2} Spells 3} Melee Wpn;
Pack: 1 week iron rations + mess kit, flint + tinder, oil flask (d8 fire/2 rnds), 5 torches (d4 fire), 4 days clothes, spare dagger (d4), wine skin, large sack, small sack, 50′ rope, hammer and 5 spikes
Magical Items:
Wealth: Gold = 50
> Tony the MULE (AC 7 / 2HD= 11; kick d4) Morale 9; 2000 coin capacity
Zif Bordez the Thief
Strength: _____ Melee adj. “to hit” and damage + Open Doors
Intelligence: _____ Added Languages (< 6 not literate) + Area Search; # Re-Rolls for this epic session
Wisdom: _____ Magic Saving Throw adj.
* Dexterity: _____ AC adj./ “to hit” with missile weapons; init. adjustment ____
Constitution: _____ HP per HD
Charisma: _____ Reaction adj. + Morale / _____ Max. Retainers / Retainer Morale (default w/o adventure factors) ____
* = primary requirement (must be 9+) *
Special Abilities: Back Stab (+4 To Hit/x2 damage if hidden/quiet); Pick Pockets 30% / Climb 89% / Move Quiet 30% / Hide in Shadows 20% / Open Lock 25% / Remove Traps 20% / Hear Noise 1-3 on d6; Humans have a strong essence: +1 on d6 rest checks for healing/+1 cha when considering recruitment for normal human retainers, combat experience (+1 To Hit as 3rd level character); a Thief can camouflage/obscure camps in towns/urban areas; Disarming Affability (when attempting to discover rumors, they will uncover 1 more); a Thief has Basic Combat Perceptions at 2nd: When firing into melee at short range, they will not hit allies
Communication (speak/literate): Common (Gladnorian)
Armor: Leather Armor +1 (human sized); ARMOR CLASS = 6 base
Weapons: Short Sword (d6), Short Bow (d6; +1 “to hit” at short range 30′)
> COMBAT > Surprise (d6 if needed); Initiative (d6 + Dex); Morale (2d6 if needed); Move; Attacks; Surrender/Retreat (if possible)
ATTACKS (20 – AC on d20 = Target) @ init in order of 1} Missile Wpn 2} Spells 3} Melee Wpn;
Belt of Exquisite Lock Picks (+10%); Thief Trap Testing Kit; Pack: 1 week iron rations + mess kit, flint + tinder, oil flask (d8 fire/2 rnds), 5 torches (d4 fire), 4 days clothes, spare dagger (d4), wine skin, large sack, small sack, 50′ rope, hammer and 5 spikes
Magical Items:
Wealth: Gold = 400
> Bob the MULE (AC 7 / 2HD= 10; kick d4) Morale 8; 2000 coin capacity
Tue Spider-Binder the Magic User
Strength: _____ Melee adj. “to hit” and damage + Open Doors
* Intelligence: _____ Added Languages (< 6 not literate) + Area Search; # Re-Rolls for this epic session
Wisdom: _____ Magic Saving Throw adj.
Dexterity: _____ AC adj./ “to hit” with missile weapons; init. adjustment ____
Constitution: _____ HP per HD
Charisma: _____ Reaction adj. + Morale / _____ Max. Retainers / Retainer Morale (default w/o adventure factors) ____
* = primary requirement (must be 9+) *
Special Abilities: Spells (1st level x2, 2nd level x 1 – per day); Solar Wizardry: The ability to have a single magical staff (Magic Users normally cannot use staves); Humans have a strong essence: +1 on d6 rest checks for healing/+1 cha when considering recruitment for normal human retainers, combat experience (+1 To Hit as 3rd level character)
Communication (speak/literate): Common (Gladnorian)
Armor: Ring of Protection +1; ARMOR CLASS = 8 base
Weapons: 3 Daggers (d4/ thrown @+1 10’/20’/30′ @-1 – 3sc cost each)
> COMBAT > Surprise (d6 if needed); Initiative (d6 + Dex); Morale (2d6 if needed); Move; Attacks; Surrender/Retreat (if possible)
ATTACKS (20 – AC on d20 = Target) @ init in order of 1} Missile Wpn 2} Spells 3} Melee Wpn;
Magical Items:
AC 7, 2 HD (d8), Move = 120′(40′) + chameleon (surprise 1-4 on d6), Save as Fighter 1, Damage = d8 + poison (weak/+2 or death in d4); Neutral/No Morale Failures
Wealth: Gold = 100
> Gunny the MULE (AC 7 / 2HD= 15; kick d4) Morale 11; 2000 coin capacity
Where are you? Your home base is a town called Staghelm. The Barony of Matchalk, part of the larger Duchy of ___ (where many with elven ancestry live in seclusion) in The Steel Realms (of the world of Helca) – a custom fantasy world where magic is powerful (though rare) and the forces of good and evil are in constant war. They year is Common Year (CY) 0130.
Terrible -2 | Bad -1 | Neutral (start) | Good +1 | Great +2
This retainers are part of the locals that are providing support. The party “leader” is usually the same as the “Recruiter” for the retainers (PC with the best Charisma)… but it must be designated > _____________________________
BASE RETAINER MORALE = 5 – The party is unknown in these parts and the people are afraid. This will increase as the PCs gain success and their reputation changes.
Basic Retainer Contract: These retainers are part of the locals that are providing support. The hiring fee is lost and goes to their family. Any equipment they gained or came with goes to their family upon death (any bought for them is a cost paid for by the PCs as part of negotiations). They get half a share if they live. The locals are partially financed by the Baron of Matchalk’s military and gain a short sword and leather armor for free. If 25 or more retainers die, the Baron quits supplementing and they come with nothing but their pack, are lower quality (no Dexterity bonus), AND BASE RETAINER MORALE IS REDUCED BY 1. Additionally, the Reputation of the party will immediately drop by 1.
Retainer Negotiations: The DM will roll 2d6 (6 or higher the offer accepted); +1 to +2 are added for generous terms and high party reputation, -1 to -2 if the party reputation is low. The Charisma adjustment of the Recruiter is added. A signing bonus of 10sc will also grant a +1.
> ADD: A shield ($ 10sc) and a spear ($ 3sc; d6; thrown @+1 20’/40’/60′ @-1) = +1 to negotiation check = 13 silver crowns each retainer hiring cost.
> COMBAT > Surprise (d6 if needed); Initiative (d6 + Dex); Morale (2d6 if needed); Move; Attacks; Surrender/Retreat (if possible)
ATTACKS (20 – AC on d20 = Target) @ init in order of 1} Missile Wpn 2} Spells 3} Melee Wpn;
ALL AMMUNITON USED IS GONE; It must be replaced, it cannot be retrieved. This includes arrows, thrown spears/daggers/axes/etc.
** After 25 retainer deaths, retainer recruitment gets more difficult. TOTAL DEATHS = ____ **
DnD Basic Retainer 8
HP = 3 + Reputation Adj. = ___
MORALE = 2d6 check vs. ([base] + Cha mod) of “Recruiter” or current leader; -1 if Chaotic PCs
AC = Leather/Dex = AC 7 (-1 w/shield )
Short Sword (d6) + Spear (d6 + thrown); pack w/clothes + 3 day rations + sack + flint and tinder + 1 torch (d4 fire/30′ light)
Initiative (d6) is shared with paired/controlling PC unless they are dead.
Attack: To Hit (20-AC on d20) – AC 9 = 11 / 8 = 12 / 7 = 13 (etc. to max 20)
DnD Basic Retainer 7
HP = 3 + Reputation Adj. = ___
MORALE = 2d6 check vs. ([base] + Cha mod) of “Recruiter” or current leader; -1 if Chaotic PCs
AC = Leather/Dex = AC 7 (-1 w/shield )
Short Sword (d6) + Spear (d6 + thrown); pack w/clothes + 3 day rations + sack + flint and tinder + 1 torch (d4 fire/30′ light)
Initiative (d6) is shared with paired/controlling PC unless they are dead.
Attack: To Hit (20-AC on d20) – AC 9 = 11 / 8 = 12 / 7 = 13 (etc. to max 20)
DnD Basic Retainer 6
HP = 3 + Reputation Adj. = ___
MORALE = 2d6 check vs. ([base] + Cha mod) of “Recruiter” or current leader; -1 if Chaotic PCs
AC = Leather/Dex = AC 7 (-1 w/shield )
Short Sword (d6) + Spear (d6 + thrown); pack w/clothes + 3 day rations + sack + flint and tinder + 1 torch (d4 fire/30′ light)
Initiative (d6) is shared with paired/controlling PC unless they are dead.
Attack: To Hit (20-AC on d20) – AC 9 = 11 / 8 = 12 / 7 = 13 (etc. to max 20)
DnD Basic Retainer 5
HP = 3 + Reputation Adj. = ___
MORALE = 2d6 check vs. ([base] + Cha mod) of “Recruiter” or current leader; -1 if Chaotic PCs
AC = Leather/Dex = AC 7 (-1 w/shield )
Short Sword (d6) + Spear (d6 + thrown); pack w/clothes + 3 day rations + sack + flint and tinder + 1 torch (d4 fire/30′ light)
Initiative (d6) is shared with paired/controlling PC unless they are dead.
Attack: To Hit (20-AC on d20) – AC 9 = 11 / 8 = 12 / 7 = 13 (etc. to max 20)
DnD Basic Retainer 3
HP = 3 + Reputation Adj. = ___
MORALE = 2d6 check vs. ([base] + Cha mod) of “Recruiter” or current leader; -1 if Chaotic PCs
AC = Leather/Dex = AC 7 (-1 w/shield )
Short Sword (d6) + Spear (d6 + thrown); pack w/clothes + 3 day rations + sack + flint and tinder + 1 torch (d4 fire/30′ light)
Initiative (d6) is shared with paired/controlling PC unless they are dead.
Attack: To Hit (20-AC on d20) – AC 9 = 11 / 8 = 12 / 7 = 13 (etc. to max 20)
DnD Basic Retainer 2
HP = 3 + Reputation Adj. = ___
MORALE = 2d6 check vs. ([base] + Cha mod) of “Recruiter” or current leader; -1 if Chaotic PCs
AC = Leather/Dex = AC 7 (-1 w/shield )
Short Sword (d6) + Spear (d6 + thrown); pack w/clothes + 3 day rations + sack + flint and tinder + 1 torch (d4 fire/30′ light)
Initiative (d6) is shared with paired/controlling PC unless they are dead.
Attack: To Hit (20-AC on d20) – AC 9 = 11 / 8 = 12 / 7 = 13 (etc. to max 20)
DnD Basic Retainer 1
HP = 3 + Reputation Adj. = ___
MORALE = 2d6 check vs. ([base] + Cha mod) of “Recruiter” or current leader; -1 if Chaotic PCs
AC = Leather/Dex = AC 7 (-1 w/shield )
Short Sword (d6) + Spear (d6 + thrown); pack w/clothes + 3 day rations + sack + flint and tinder + 1 torch (d4 fire/30′ light)
Initiative (d6) is shared with paired/controlling PC unless they are dead.
Attack: To Hit (20-AC on d20) – AC 9 = 11 / 8 = 12 / 7 = 13 (etc. to max 20)
Start Date: September 1, CY 9130
REST Requirements: For each 6 hours, the PCs need rest 1 hour or suffer Minor Exhaustion (-1) until they do. Going without resting, multiple days without rest, and various effects will impose a state of MAJOR exhaustion (-2 + More). These are not cumulative.
Days Elapsed:
A Review by the Baron!
A Review by the Baron!