Orrish Hunting is part of the Transformation of Crestwold campaign. NPC’s for Orrish Hunting is part of it > Tekua, the Unchained Thrall
> NOTE: Originally, it was integrated into the main campaign, but all encounters were broken out into its own arc for secondary characters.
The Torrelson Riders have enjoined a posse and are serving as runners and long range scouts and liasons with the mercenary bands hired to clean up the Orrish mess.
You can see three riders in the distance, making a beeline towards you. They are not trying to hide, and you can see they wear the colors of the Baron of Crestwold. They raise their hands and approach at a trot. ‘Hail warriors. We are seeking to ensure all the bands like yourselves are well and good. There have been a few attacks in the last few days. The bands of Orrish are getting more aggressive. Additionally, the local criminal element is taking advantage of the situation. I have a list of those wanted, if for any reason you stumble across one that matches their descriptions, you are authorized to capture and hold them for a bounty – alive. He hands you a waterproof scroll from a bundle he carries, all alike. Also, there is a farmstead that’s a little more remote as no one’s heard from them in several days. An old family of Umbakian blood – the Audin family. It’s large, and would fare well against the goblin marauders so it’s most likely they are just holed up. Send word back and continue patrols around Yarans Round after.
#2 on map
[ i ] DC 10 Intelligence (History) > Lightbringers; Balthazaar
[ i ] DC 15 Intelligence (History) > Devout – like many in Yaran’s Round, their house will have many holy symbols.
[ i ] DC 15 Intelligence (History) > The family and attendants are likely its own congregation with a Prayer Wheel.
Prayer Wheel ties to holy symbols and suppresses any magical Darkness in 75m
Generally improves the morale of followers.
[ i ] DC 20 Intelligence (History) > The patriarch of the family will have Conviction and minor liturgical abilities.
He can activate the Prayer Wheel to cast Light from any holy symbol 1/Short Rest
The family members will seem dazed. They will give conflicting answers on when the last time the goblins attacked where it was. They seem inordinately exhausted. They are thin, as if they were neglecting themselves.
In their minds there is an enemy goblin who comes to them and whispers outside the house. At night. They can hear the scattering of giant spiders and fear that they will all be killed.
Family members believe that the thrall, who is impersonating one of them, has a plan to lure them in at just the right moment and kill them.
The thrall says that the goblins have stolen lightbringer heirlooms of the family, and so they wait in hopes that they can ambush them and regain the heirlooms.
You come across the tracks of many small feet. The tracks are many days old and lead off in multiple directions. You try tracking, but it gets more difficult as the day goes on and you feel like you have gone in a circle. You know that they purposefully tried to obscure the tracks
> and theres something magical afoot helping them.
When they get there, it’s obvious the farmstead has been attacked.
The farmstead is on a low rise around which a stream flows. Hills to the NW create a natural wind break. The main farmstead looks to be a collection of buildings (a farm house, stables, and a third building) that are connected by a wall – its obvious that its a decently defensible structure with the right number of inhabitants. There are pens on the outside, a pair of small barns and sheds that hold goods for maintaining this settlement of about 40 acres.
[ i ] DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) > No dogs; No livestock left except for a couple chickensStanding off to one side, behind one of the barns is a family cemetary. Even from this distance, you can tell its been torn up – headstones tipped, bodies dug up, fences broken, and the entrance arch has been pulled over.
Obviously Lightbringer. Graveyard with fresh Graves.
A couple of the graves look more recent than the goblin attack. The recent graves are the ones that Tekua has killed and sacrificed to the lich lords.
It is obvious that there have been multiple assaults on this settlement. There’s evidence of livestock being attacked, and several fights on the grounds in various places. The central farmhouse has every window and door covered. There are several obvious fires that have been attempted and one structure is completely burnt down. Other than the wind, almost nothing besides birds and insects moves.
[ i ] DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) >Something has been dumped in it, a body of a goblin that is diseased and has poisoned the water.
As you get closer, you can tell that in addition to the shutters, several boards have been used to cover windows and doorways inside and out. The doors are probably barricaded on the other side. In other buildings these have been torn off. No carcasses remain, although there is evidence of several fights.
If seen a crossbow will fire with surprise
Though it is muffled, you can hear quite clearly through a small opening. From behind it comes a voice that tells you to halt. They say that they are armed and that several crossbows point at you and ask you what your business is.
Manning the door is Kurt, the eldest son and two workers.
2 level of exhaustions
The inside is suddenly filled with noise. You hear a lot of sliding and scuffing. It’s obvious that some sort of barricade is being moved. After half a minute, you can hear the bolt of the front door slide back and the door slowly opens. A haggard looking face pokes its head out and looks around. Another half a minute goes by as it scans you and scans the area. It nods slowly and says that you may come in.
Check to notice the door. Squeaks louder than it should, as if it’s been intentional that it should.
The goblins come every so often. They watch the place day and night for an opportunity. You are likely now trapped here with us. There are a few roving bands from a party of over 100 that were operating nearby. My father is exhausted, and sick, though he fought in the initial battle. Transporting him might endanger his life. You should rest a few moments, and then speak to him – perhaps we can ambush them with your help when they return. I will get you fresh drinks.
Enough food and water for three more days.
Talks rather ploddingly and monotone.
2 bolts each, 4 crossbows
An old man lies in bed, the room is dark and smells of age and unwashed bodies. A bandage wraps the man’s head, and he has an eye patch over one eye. He waves you in to sit next to him. There is a quiver in his voice when he speaks.
Disguised w/advantage
My son tells me of your mission. I can but ask you to consider his idea, for I am afraid I cannot survive a journey. I am too old for these things, but I am still the head of this family. My days of battle are done; But these are still our lands and our ancestors are watching.
Insight to know quiver is excitement, not fear or age.
Should have said “Patriarch”, not “head”
The cellar is closed off and secured with a bolt and weight. “They may tunnel into it and try and come up from below” says the family.
The cellar is set up for ritual sacrifice. There is a symbol of the lich Lords, painted in blood on the wall. There is a magical circle on the floor. And runes at equidistant points. The runes represent each of the lich Lords. There are entrails hanging up on the wall. There are pieces of goblin and human. Enough parts can be identified to see that there are a number of victims One less than the number of Lich Lords. The final sacrifice will likely reconnect the power of the thrall to his masters.
[ i ] DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) > Perhaps the ritual will turn the enactor into a vampire.Goblin Attack: 1 on d6 per night
@ House 2: Since he knows where the PCS will be hidden. He will use family members to attack them, as they are critically charmed
> One of the family members can move the weight and lift the bolt on the cellar to let up six zombies that will form the first time he is attacked.
He will keep them covered so they cannot be seen and claim that the goblins cursed him with eyes that dried and burn and he cannot see anymore. This is another reason why they have not left.
Uses deception to try and say that he has faith that the Lords of light will guide his path though they have taken his sight. His plan is to use the still and the grain alcohol to create fire bombs
Deception again to lead a prayer group. Anyone with a religion skill can make a check to know that it’s incorrect. He struggles and says his mind is exhausted, and asks the PCS to lead the prayer if possible.
He has a satchel that contains healing. Unholy water x2 , Six points of salve, 10 points of burn bomb, two poultices, two potions of healing, and three crawling claws that are hidden in the bottom.
The PCS should try not kill the remaining family members while at the same time try and take down the thrall.
Adult x 8 + 4 killed
Adult worker: more physical x 5 + 11 killed
Child x 7 + 3 killed
> Dagger + improvised d4
If the thrall is killed, all of the charmed family members will instantly throw up blood and chunks of flesh that have been in their stomach. The thrall was turning them into sacrifices for when he became a vampire himself. If a character has the medicine skill and an intelligence of 13 or higher, they can attempt to perform therapy on family members by spending a short rest with each. Otherwise the family members run the risk of madness and only the white sisters could reverse it once it sets in.
If the PCS do not kill the remaining family members while at the same time try and take down the thrall, the gods will reward them with a Character Weave. Also, all healing the family had will go to the PCs.