Precursor – Off Spawn Attacks /DONE

Orrish Goblin Precursor – Off Spawn Attacks > Orrish Hunting is part of the Transformation of Crestwold campaign.


The Offer: Each experienced mercenary will be paid 250 silvers, all their healing covered at regular places that the baron can control. Each will be given a vial of holy water just in case as there have been undead sightings since the soul scourge happened years ago. Each will be given two potions of healing (10 – from the Earl’s war stores now that there is a temp peace with Gwinn). Whatever mundane supplies you need for lighting and tracking and camp. A supply mule, and a scribe (see NPC’s for Orrish Hunting) that will record the sightings and map out your trailings and speak with the voice of the baron. Baron. He is a non-combatant but will defend himself if he must. He has a mule. And a full medkit to distribute should you need it..

Off-Spawn Attack – Testing the Waters (Precursor)

Make sure the information known in the the Steel Realms character intro tab: Foe is reviewed.

A horde of sun-cleansed Off-Spawn has been brought into the area by The Church of Darkness in order to wreak havoc. Using The Deeping and the Rite of Disgorgement, they have been whip-driven to the lands under Crestwold and tunneled up into the lands of light (the tunnel collapsing behind them; this will not be possible to find as the priests of darkness have magically obscured it).

The Off-Spawn Horde’s Terror

A group of Off-Spawn pillaged some remote farms of White Garden on the edge of Yarans Vale. A contingent of Mercenaries was quickly organized and sent to deal with them. They were hunted down and attacked while they slept. Three dozen were killed, but 6 mercenaries were also killed – half the force sent to eradicate them. Many rumors have come out of the encounter.

Rumors: [Time + Money (+1/sc) can enhance the checks] Each rumor can be discovered with a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check.

  1. There was a demon with them, protecting them from the sun.
  2. A black shaman travels among them, urging them to raid and burn!
  3. They took slaves, and raped as they went.
  4. The PCs are already preparing to go out and track them down!
  5. [Automatic] The leader of the impromptu mercenary band was named Jerod. He was wounded, but survived and lead the survivors back. He is recovering at the Inn. The contract is still open, and a few are seeking him out to find out more information.

Ignoring the Scenario

A few more settlements and travelers will be killed, and there will be some sort of blight that affects food production for the next month. The reputation of the PCs will decrease by 1.

Follow-up with Jerod

Jerod is the leader of the rag-tag mercenary band (not a organized one – just 13 individual mercenaries) that harried them northeast. He survived but his leg was broken and horse died. He managed to pick up the tracks one the north side of the river, using the ferry crossing and paralleling it east. “We rode hard to catch them, not able to before they hit a third target – a peat mining camp on the edge of White Garden in Yarans Vale.” Only hours behind, they decided to hit at a dawn raid. There was a near-giant among them, that killed his horse and ran, wounded, into the mists of Yarans Vale along with about half the savage brutes of the smaller variety that scattered. He can describe well the location of the morning encounter.

Jerod can address each rumor, or simply be coaxed into sharing information. He thinks he’s going to be able to get back out and lead a new raid to finish them off – but its obvious thats not going to happen. He won’t be able to claim the full reward. For the offer of a replacement horse (plus what he’s already been given), he will reveal all 4 items.

  1. “There was no evidence of any supernatural elements. They seemed to ignore the sun-bane as some Off-Spawn are capable of.”
  2. “They were disorganized, and seemed to have no leadership besides the big one driving them to kill.”
  3. “They were armed with wood and stone weapons, typical of Orrish – and seemed to be raiding for food only.”
  4. ONLY w/BRIBE or DC 20 Charisma (Persuade): He was once a priest of the Lightbringers. He was not expecting the giant creature, but was expecting a Black Herald.

Following the Off-Spawn

By now, news has spread. The small horde of Off-spawn were attacked and scattered, fleeing into the countryside.

CORPSES: The corpses have been hastily buried, a couple at each location. They can be exhumed and inspected. They are obviously Off-Spawn, not formal tribal Orrish. They look starved and in poor health. They are covered in rashes and scars. None are wearing clothes.

Bernard Farm Interview: Animals were killed and stolen; no tools or anything stolen.

Settlement Interview: Animals were stolen; no tools or anything stolen – 2 people killed 6 wounded and dogs.

Peat Camp Interview: Animals and some supplies stolen; 5 people were killed, another 9 wounded, guard dogs killed.

Hunting the Off-Spawn Survivors

Tracking the Off-Spawn

MORNING ENCOUNTER LOCATION: A low dip in the rolling countryside hid their camp from casual glance, but the tracks leading to it from the peat camp. The sound of flies and smell of festering bodies is obvious. A couple of dead horses lie amidst the wreckage. A total of over two dozen Off-Spawn lie rotting.

> The horde group #1 is easy to track – DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) and it will take only 6 hours to find them beyond the point of discovery; horde group #2 grouped after and went on the run; DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) but it will take 1.5 days beyond the point of discovery. DC 20 Intelligence [Dunstrand] History to known they are going roughly towards White Garden.

Off-Spawn Group #1 (small)

Off-Spawn Group #2 (Off-Spawn large)

The horde remnants have managed to find old Umbakian ruins in Yarans Vale and have holed up there. It is the general direction of Yarans Round! That would be bad if they made it to there… They will heal if left alone. After half the time to track, the PC tracking them can make a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) to notice that one set of tracks seems to be leading them after a while.

  • 1 Giant Savages Ogre
  • 15 Brute Savages Ape and a new experiment of the priesthood of Everdark:

    Brutal WARLOCK: 2nd (maximum 3rd)/Patron: Sun Stealer; Fiendish Vigor (7* chaos fanned)/Dreadful Word (confusion DC 10)/Otherworldly Leap (jump) – no spells for savages.

  • 5 Grub Savages
  • Chaos Snail


The negative pathway of triggering events that leads to this state/condition will likely come with Trepidation; specifically Disorienting Thoughts. It is also possible that Nightmares my also intrude during the hours of sleep/rest. This state would be removed through direct actions such as Atonement or indirect; ex: an Act or Mystic OfferingsOfferings[/su_permalink of appeasement, Many causes have methods proscribed, both mundane and/or mystical.


One medium shield, two javelins, padded armor, and an extra pair of boots because they typically need to be tracked through dark and wet areas.