Orrish Hunting is part of the Transformation of Crestwold campaign. NPC’s for Orrish Hunting is part of it > Tekua (thrall of Orgren)
> NOTE: Originally, it was integrated into the main campaign, but all encounters were broken out into its own arc for secondary characters.
Setup: The thrall is actually embedded with the family and has charmed them to manipulate them to a certain extent. Yes, they have been attacked by goblins, and the thrall has manipulated the family to sacrifice themselves to defend him. He masquerades as one of them though when the PCS make contact. He is prepared to defend to the death and sacrifice family members willingly.
CLASS: Warlock
Str 12
Dex 10
Wis 12
Con 12
Int 14
Cha 18
San 8
SKILLS: Deception, PErsuade, Arcana, History, Religion, Nature, Athletics
Lore: Rituals, Lich Lords, Lightbringers
Feats: +1 invocation feat; Shadow Touched
Beguiling presence
Devils sight
Eyes of the rune keeper
Maddening hex
> 6 spells known
Shadow: Invisibility + Cause Fear 1/Long Rest
Armor of agathys
Vampiric touch
Charm person w/Eyes of the Dead
Swarm of rats: Their bites burn as tiny vampiric mites jump onto the target and in a round a rash appears and 1 damage per round until burned away (1 damage)
Swarm of bats: The subsonic screech causes deafness (Disavantage)
Swarm of spiders: One damage on each hit is 1 point of hard necrotic damage
Potion of levitation
Potion of feather fall
Jar of Eyes of the Dead x12
Bone knife (femur)
Necklace of finger bones
Spell stick (cane d4) – false life x2
Tarmysian by birth, served the vampire Orgren for 200 years. Tekua was one of the few thralls that lived. When Orgren was killed by a Silver Talent knight of Umbak, his thralls were released. Tekua now seeks to replace his dead master, and is conducting a blood sacrifice for this to make his own Cold Bargain. Getting back into their good graces before the aging begins to catch up to him is his primary goal.
Tekua was cornered in Torrelson’s Ford. He went crazy, killed a few people and fled into the countryside. He’s been wanted by the authorities ever since, under the name of “Arture”…
Orgren was a one time butcher of Ados and serial killer. Orgren was taken by the Lich Lords through a Cold Bargain and given undeath as a vampire. He in turn collected several thralls in and around the edges of Umbak and southern Dunstrand over a 500 year period. His presence was known by the Umbakians and House Malor of Dunstrand, and he was actively hunted by the Umbakians whom he hated with a passion. He was willing to sacrifice his thralls in exchange for luring in knights and slaying them. When the power of the Lich Lords was diminished, several of their minions were unshackled. Orgren was killed by a Silver Talent knight of Umbak, releasing his thralls.