Reference: * Troglodytes of the iVerse *
Overview: The feud between the lizardfolk and troglodytes has intensified since the war with Gwinn and their agents infiltrated the troglodytes and organized and armed them as another front in the war. The raids against the troglodytes have caused a decrease in their population, and now that Gwinn has a truce, they are not protecting them any longer but they remained organized. The militant trogs have left their traditional lair in Calibans Slurry to a new one in The Black Shore. It seems someone else has enlisted them in a campaign of violence, and found a way to increase their numbers!
Overview: There was a meeting and fight between their speakers of the gods. A portion went into Calibans Slurry, relocating some of the tribe. Another god-speaker convinced them that he had the power to make them strong again – he had found a special site where their young would grow fast and strong. Since then, they have been bringing their tadpole young to this site, and they emerge and their growth is greatly accelerated. They are building up a large raiding effort and attacking their traditional enemies in greater numbers… preparing for a war with the humans! The rest have retreated to the old lair.
Ambiance: Swamp Background Sounds
Who? > The earthquake to raise the sea-king ruins and the demons were summoned by Elancil herself – violating the Godspeak Accord! She set everything in motion directly.
Armament Source: Additionally, the agents of Elancil have contacted Frad, the leader of the smuggler operation in Torrelsons Ford, and has supplied them metal weapons from an old shipment of Umbakian armaments from a ship that went down off the coast of Tarmysia. LRS got the materials from a salvage operation and now sees a new way of upsetting the humans of Torrelsons Ford. He hopes to frame his old rival, Frad.
Why? > The forces of Gwinn sent the 2 demons to infiltrate the troglodytes as they can no longer openly have war with the Duke. They are doing it by proxy to weaken the forces around Torrelson’s Ford because they believe the truth is tenuous and if it goes away they are ready immediately to smash the duke’s forces there before they can recover and be reformed.
What? > There is a warlock apprentice (two actually – a lesser [apprentice] and greater [master] god-speaker) to the shaman who venerates a god under a name the troglodytes gave them (Ten-bret!!!). The two speakers is a built-in limiting factor to keep the trogs from actually gaining real strength. There must always be a master and apprentice with this new god, but no more than one of each. The greater has taken the place of the traditional shaman of the wyld faith, and the lesser is his assistant. They have made a pact with Sun Stealer, in his form of Tenebraeth!
Where? > In the new troglodyte lair (old Sea-King ruins), there is a troglodyte champion head spiked up for all to see – this is who the shaman defeated. A champion of the old god. He proved that his new God was more powerful by killing him. There is a scene carved into stone by claws to remind everybody of the defeat of this champion. His spiked head also serves as a reminder.
The troglodytes are taking their tadpoles and releasing them into the brake of one of the vents of Apshai. This opened from one of the earthquakes. They hang huge chunks of snake and lizard and fish outside the entrance to draw the tadpoles out after they’ve been infected by the growth worm and then they come pick up the tadpoles that have been infected and take them back to the tribe where they grow at a rapid rate, coming of age in 30 days. These troglodytes have been provided metal weapons by Frad the smuggler and Lucky.
The Hermit of the Black Shore: The troglodytes have made a deal with a necromancer doing research on The Black Shore – he has gotten a few bodies over time for his efforts. He has also warned peddlers and travelers away from the trogs when they are actively hunting in the past… he does not want undue pressure to leave if their is a unacceptable loss of life to House Malor (who is allowing him to stay and study and has basically forgotten about him); Now, their numbers and aggression is not something he can check and so he is working for them – in return he gets an occasional body to study. HE makes a poison for them as well, and they in turn hunt for him so he can use his time better.
The troglodytes are way over hunting to feed their voracious fast growing young warriors and have made their first move. The Black Shore line now has no or little wildlife left, it’s all been eaten within a 15km radius.
This can come from many sources, rumors in taverns, trade representatives talking to the PCs, sailors and peddlers, travelers, etc.
> Walter questioned further: Also, they were wielding human weapons!
The barony of Lilymarch is is north along the The Black Shore Coast. The Harbor master of Lily Rush is the most powerful person there. He helps outfit (skiffs, rope, provisions, etc. – mundane) the PCs since they are promising to do something about the menace along the black shore. RUMORS/KNOWLEDGE = (make a check for each to see if he divulges the knowledge)
The militant trogs have moved out of the old territory and into old ruins along The Black Shore. The recent earthquakes in the region uplifted the ruins and partially drained them. This particular earthquake was nestled amidst the others and not noticed by anyone, but it was Elencil herself who did this. She hopes that it went unnoticed.
The Sand Hermit can tell you what to expect.
1-3 on d6 for each half hour or by encounter phase; d6 to determine what encounter: Most of these are typical Encounters in Dwindor. Encounters precluded by PC actions may indicate a sighting.
– Sightings will not necessarily precipitate an attack.
APPROACH ISLAND: Also check as the PCs approach the island, as the encounter may trigger as part of the [aboleth effect]; It is recommended that #1 happens immediately and automatically if the smugglers have warned the trogs.
Ahead you see a small rise coming out of the water about half a kilometer away, and a half a kilometer into the water from the Black Shore Road. It almost looks artificial from a distance. It is definitely not flat, from a half a KM away the dirt and sand bump is slanted, as if it is falling away or sinking from one end. There are the remains of what was once a stone structure seen atop it. They appear to jut out no more than a meter from the earth, and are broken and obviously crumbling even from this distance. There is a faint horrible odor in the air – more than just the decay of the Black Shore on the edge of Dwindor Swamp…
If Landside, the PCs may find a terrified batch of baby boars – their mother was recently killed by the trogs and they are terrified. If the PCs rescue them and take them to safety (on a boat or camp site) this will favorably incline the Swamp Dryad to help them later if they need it.
These ruins were purposefully ‘raised’ from the depths by Elancil herself to give cover to the trogs closer to civilized lands. The last time these ruins were accessible was a thousand years ago, they may appear on maps that old in some archive.
[ i ] DC 20 Intelligence/History (Dunstrand/Dwindor) > This area is not on any maps, and not a known ruin or peril marked within the last year. It is definitely not a known or studied territory.@Primordial Awareness: There is a distinct lack of ‘naturalness’ in the area surrounding the ruins. Not only is there an outside influence that likely brought forth these ruins and made them accessible recently (though that presence has since left), but there is a lurking intelligence of yet another party that is felt nearby tweaking certain natural effects and perhaps making them worse – this one is active.
@Connexion Awareness: The godspeak accord was violated here. Although the presence is gone, the residual impression of a god or its avatar’s DIRECT manifestation is felt… Elancil walked here, or directly caused this area to be accessible to the creatures that now call it home.
Flying Characters/Targets: Swarms
Traps are plentiful and dangerous! The mud traps, water traps, and pit traps, and sand traps are all the Mud Viper design. There is no way it tracks, the mercenaries or even the smugglers of Crestwold have good enough experience to make the sophisticated traps that they do.
The Black Shore – Revenants Shelf
ref: The Revenants Shelf – The Black Shore
Shore is a shelf 6″ to 3′ that’s 100’ wide between isle and shore in all but 2 places.
Vampire Eelgrass planted by Mud Vipers is out of control, tides cause it to wrap around. Hard to tell from normal eelgrass. This stuff is said to be cultivated by wizards and sold on a black market.
Water: Every 40’, check for Random Encounters
1-4 on a d6 there is an encounter. It is well patrolled and stocked constantly.
*: Accelerated Troglodyte of Apshai!
Shore: Every 1 hour, check for Random Encounters
1-2 on a d6 there is an encounter.
*: Accelerated Troglodyte of Apshai!
> Within 1 Mile: The trail is well concealed. You would have to be looking for it.
> Outside: Although obviously concealed, the small rise has a stone reinforced bolt hole.
> Inside Features:
Smuggler pit trap, net trap, crossbow trap
> Within 1 Mile: The trail is well concealed. You would have to be looking for it.
[ i ] DC 20 Intelligence/Investigation
> Outside: The trail off the Black Shore Road seems to end in swampy dunes.
[ i ] DC 20 Wisdom/Perception > There is a well concealed cave. No smoke or movement is evident as you watch it for several minutes. There are no obvious tracks leading to it.
Divine Onus of Elancil when any non followers or allies come within 30’.
You can hear the wind whip up, and it is cold and from the west – it smells like it’s coming from the sea.
Entering: DC 15 trip wire/pressure plate
Sand, mud and debris blow into your face.
= Perception Disadvantage; 1 cold damage per round outside of cave entrance. It can be negated using Connexion/Religion check.
> Inside Features: Hard to make out with Onus effects!
Inside the cave you feel like you are being watched.
Pit Trap w/Punji; the passage turns and twists, giving little more than 20 viewing area ahead of you at any given time.
Two troglodytes are crouched behind partial cover. Beyond them is a passage that goes into darkness. You can hear voices shouting for help. They throw spears at you as you come in.
Pit trap (d6 + spikes DC 20 save or d6 piercing and -5’ movement until Long Rest) + poisoned DC 14 save or Poisoned condition AND d6 necrotic on wound)
One more spear will pop out; poisoned.
Under the muck where PCs fight > Glyph of warding by priest of idea how old 22 acid damage
> in back cave, wind moans through sounding like voices
WTF!? At the end, its all a trap set up from the Mud Vipers.
Should be dug in and buttoned up. Multiple concealed tunnels that lead to getting out. It is only 4 hours away from their new hidden smuggler stockade they are building – but there are no obvious trails leading to it.
Daily Rotation: If these lookouts don’t show up by morning, the smuggler stockade will be alerted something is wrong. Its obvious there are not supplies for very long in the complex.
3 smugglers with spear w/poison and short sword; Hide AC 13 + Dex;
1 priest “Delway” of Irrigi (C3/Nature); Pelt (AC 13/15 [dex]+camouflage +15’ move), 18hp, sling, dagger; Spell DC 13/+5
Ceremony + Pelt: Footsteps of the Swarm > it shows them as a natural rat. locate person only reveals within 100. Left footprints of a rat
Cantrips: Druidcraft, Toll the Dead, Light, Guidance
1st [4]: Command, Putrefy Food and Drink, ! Sanctuary = failed save allows scuttle away
Animal Friendship (swarm of rats to cover retreat), Speak with Animals
2nd [2]: Hold Person, Hide Traps
Main Room: Pit trap = Hide Traps
Pit trap (d6 + spikes DC 20 save or d6 piercing and -5’ movement until Long Rest) + poisoned DC 14 save or Poisoned condition AND d6 necrotic on wound)
X: South Concealed Escape Tunnel:
> Triggered Collapse!
Y: N East Concealed Escape Tunnel:
> Triggered Collapse!
> USE Izitxachitl stats for The demon rays.
> There are #PCs x2 total in the area that will attack the PCs as they get within a half a kilometer.
Surprise Attacks: They will be able to gain Advantage on Stealth checks to surprise the PCs, due to the cover the swamp provides and their flat and difficult to see nature as they swim swiftly and launch themselves.
Ignored Warning: The normal sounds of combat from the rays is not enough to alert the trogs – their hunting is normal and at this point, they feel safe (their laziness and overconfidence is at play here). The PCs would have to scream loudly to trigger the @Alerted state.
If the PCs try to use stealth using skiffs or walking by land, they can resist (Stealth vs. Perception) being seen by the smugglers that will alert the trogs. Otherwise the smugglers will alert the encampment, triggering the @Alerted state.
Status Checks Before Entering the Area
@Alerted: If true, the trogs all gain Advantage and/or use active Perception on any checks to resist being surprised/stealth.
The reeds are black and dense around the shore of this area. Black tall cattails sway in the breeze. There is a stone in the middle of the protruding spit of land, that rises about 1m out of the soil.
Getting Closer >
It appears as if this was once the base of a statue. What appears to be two feet and the broken stumps of legs are now evident when you get closer. You can see webbing in between the odd cattails, and what you thought was the breeze is a few spiders, as big as your hand, moving around in the area. There is one area to the east of it that looks like you could land a skiff there, protected from the currents.
There is a meeting of two currents and as the PCs get within 15m, any skiff will be slowed to a crawl, caught in the clash and near-stationary debris.
> While stationary, the devil rays will attack. Anyone dumped into the water will be attacked by a swarm of devil rat fish
On the the Shore >
The spiders are not poisonous, though look like a poisonous variety from a distance. They will be angry at being moved, and will bite in defense, but avoid the party.
DC 20 Intelligence/Investigation > Reveals a small hole covered in loose debris between the feet. It is a vent hole for the barracks ruins. It is about 10cm shaft made of stone going down into the darkness – not big enough to go into for a humanoid by a long shot.
The ground is lowest here, only being about .5m above the water line. You can see the remains of a round tower sticking up. It is broken all around, and its height varies but is no more than 1.5m. The walls have gaps in them, nothing human sized could get through – it could be defensible.
@Night: Lights flitter like fireflies around the tower area.
Approaching the tower base, you can see there are tracks and activity that have been obscured by recent rains and water rises. Within the tower is what could only be a couple of crude beds, using reeds, cattails, and scrub. They are old, and do not appear to be recently used.
#PC x Restless Spirits/Will-o-Wisps –
This is the party that was sent prior to the PCs. They were killed defending their position in the tower base. Their spirits are afraid of the trogs, and angry at the living! Their memories of being surrounded and essentially attacked over and over and eaten alive will be visited on the party on a successful attack [aboleth effect].
DC 12 Sanity vs. > Nightmares for 3 nights (half healing due to restlessness, no Short Rest recovery of abilities); They are not attracted to or motivated by the usual – just living.
If there is activity/attacks in the area, it draws a strange [aboleth effect] mosquito swarm that fed off the dying groups blood.
Ghoul Insect Swarm Properties: 20×20 area; half damage; DC 12 Constitution check or Disease: Slowing/Swelling (-1 Dexterity for 3 days) – Alleviation = Herbalism kit = 2 uses; takes 1 hour
After it is all over and the spirits put to rest, the combat has kicked up enough materials to see that there was some left behind from the band that was killed here. It seems that the creatures that killed them took the obviously valuable goods like weapons and armor not broken, but other stuff was sifted through and left behind.
Multiple torn packs: bullseye lamp, 2 oils flask, 4 torches, shaving kit (10sc) salvageable + ruined/torn clothes, eating and grooming kits, etc.
DC 15 Wisdom/Perception > Among the goods is a sealed scroll with the symbol of the the baronial house of Lilymarch on it. Inside is a writ to search the Black Shore, get information on the trogs, seek out the lair of the troglodytes and re port back or do justice to them if possible and take whatever loot they find without tax. Signed by the baroness.
DC 16 Intelligence/Investigation > kicked under a bed and buried in mud:
A waterproof satchel with a log book and parchment maps (map making kit) of the most recent version of the Black Shore that they made as they explored. The log books (written in Gladnorian) tells of them being mercenaries looking for work after the truce, and the disappearances of traders and travelers along the Black Shore for the last month. They stumbled across the somewhat famous hermit of The Black Shore. The notes indicate they do not trust him, that he would not trade with them even! They discovered Umbakian ruins along The Black Shore that had their ancient graves dug up recently! Within a year at most. Its mostly a boring travel log. Other than the hermit, they met with a couple travelers and told them to use the longer inland route. They did come across a camp site that had been attacked – no survivors. Their conclusion was either Orrish are eating them, or they are being taken as slaves. They were assailed by swarms of swamp wasps and insects and bats (at night) during their travels – they thought it was strange they were so aggressive. They did come across what they thought were smugglers but could not prove it. These travelers seemed interested in gaining information but not divulging it. It seemed they were not afraid [enough] of the disappearances in the area.
300sc for the map of The Black Shore… the latest map of the changing environment is worth a lot!
The ‘island’ rises from the swampy waters of Dwindor at an angle. Its about 3m tall on the east end, and 1.5m where it evens out in the middle. On the eastern rise are the remains of some large building – The Ruins. About 60’ long it runs east-west, and 20m wide north-south. There are obvious breaks in the walls that rise above the mound. It is obviously tilted – something caused the east end to lift up out of The Black Shore higher than the rest. The remaining walls are no higher than 1m out of the soil. Broken pieces of stone litter the area around it, making for difficult terrain without tripping.
@Closer-Look: DC 15 Intelligence (Stone Masonry/Mining)
A closer look reveals there has been recent cracking and pitching of the land – evidence of the quakes you have felt in the region. It is not natural though – it is almost as if a hand pulled up part of the island, it does not fit in with what you would expect.
This slanted path into the ruins clearly looks to be an entrance corridor. There were obviously once doors at the front, but long since rotted away. Both sides of the corridor are lined with ancient reliefs that are so worn as to be undecipherable. Moss and dirt cover most things. At the end of the hallway is a broken statue – only the base and legs are visible now.
This is an ambush area, though hardly useful now, that the trogs will use. The statue will keep the attention of the PCs unless they say otherwise. Trogs in D and E will attack the party.
> The statue has a broken offering bowl carved into its base, for those coming into whatever structure this once was.
DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) checks to see faint writing carved into it.
Written in Yvaldeysean: “The Emperor Accepts Your Gift in the Spirit in Which it is Given”; The offering bowl detects as magical faintly, but its magics are faded. It would record the offerings made and who made them.
= Alcove down below can see the tallies
This is an odd shaped room with arrow slits facing the slanted corridor. It appears to once have been an ambush room. It is only filled with mud and dead vegetation.
Buried in the mud to hide them are 1/2 #PC of troglodyte warriors. They will attempt to ambush the PCs (Stealth 20) in conjunction with the others at area D and E. These have wrecked shields they will use the final 1 Resilience for to draw the parties attention, while throwing their javelins
This is a room with unknown function – virtually nothing remains. It is only filled with mud and dead vegetation.
Buried in the mud to hide them are ½ #PC of troglodyte warriors. They will attempt to ambush the PCs (Stealth 20) in conjunction with the others at area D and E. These will throw their javelins first, letting those in area D distract the party to gain advantage. They also use a balm to antagonize the large snake they have with them, that causes it to attack non-troglodytes.
Along the shoreline here is piled all manner of refuse and waste. It is obvious that someone has even tried to light it on fire at least once. Bits of metal, bone, and hide stick out of the pile. It is covered in insects – though not enough of the larger ones to make a swarm.
DC 20 Wisdom/Perception > You see the glint of shiny metal.
Looking closer, the pit gives off a foul miasma and overwhelming stench, perhaps this is what causes only the most dedicated or desperate insects to stay and attempt to feast. You get the sense that disturbing it should be done with as little vigor and as slowly as possible to not release deadly noxious fumes.
In the pit are mostly broken remnants of hide and studded armor and Umbakian weapons, feces and waste. However, at the bottom is a weapon that the trogs found annoying. One of their number found it in the ruins, and it was clearly a thing not to be used by them and it would not allow itself to be used. It was taken by the garrison commander from a single combat fight with a Black Gorgon who was seeking to broker a peace. He was forced into it by some made-up perceived plight. It is Lady Trouble – one of the Olivers 12 Tones
This is a room with unknown function – virtually nothing remains. Going into the floor is stonework. It is covered with debris, but would only be hidden from casual sight at a distance. It looks to be recently disturbed.
The trogs from areas D and E will attack if they have not been uncovered yet.
There is a broken stairwell going down. It appears to be flooded at the bottom with brackish, stinky water up to a normal human’s knee. The stairs are broken and jagged, switching directions half way down the 10m it looks to go. The debris covering it is loose and can easily be moved aside, though the stairs themselves look weatherworn and treacherous. At the bottom, an arch beckons going east into darkness.
DC 10 Investigation to uncover the much covered writing:
in Yvaldeysean: “Your Service to Clan Hammarin Will Live Forever in the Memories of Our Ancestors!”
AND: “The Storm Queen Watches and Her Servant Holds her Wrath”
This is a reference to the clan that produced the Ensellus War Barracks of the Sea Kings in the area, using Black stone, which can be seen once cleared and uncovered. Hammarin Black Stone (used in Ensellus War Barracks) prevents scrying/detect magic, etc.
You stare into a switchback stairwell leading down into darkness. Its not exactly clear who made these ruins, but whoever did made them well. Despite obvious signs of recent damage – you assume from the quakes and tremors – the stairs are holding up remarkable well. The stairs have been cleared of rubble – tossed haphazardly around the area on the surface. There was obviously once some sort of “hood” covering them, but that is gone, along with most of the surrounding structure. There is a paved walkway leading into the stairs, and a broken wall enclosing stairs going down.
DC 12 Intelligence/Investigation check > The water line is new! There are a few faint ones, as if the water slowly drained in cycles over months.
@halfway Aboleth Effect: Dust Devil – whenever non-troglodytes/allies of Elancil try to enter; 3 rounds of attacks. Any characters pushed away will be affected by a Gust of Wind (fetid) and pushed into the swamp water inflicting the Dwindor Itch. or down the stair. D26 + dex save or swallow water at bottom.
As you move to push aside the debris and get a better look, the air around you erupts! The debris becomes a cyclone of detritus, pushing you and bludgeoning you!
@Last Half: Traps: When Elancil raised the sunken ruins, she restored the protection and devices used as an entry point deterrent. These are the traps in the stairwell
Here there are the remains of four stone posts that were obviously the supports of an old dock long gone. The supports now just serve to break up the clumps of floating debris in the currents.
DC 14 Wisdom/Perception
Although the dock is gone, a shallow boat or skiff could easily be brought up to this area and secured. The water is knee deep shallow on the side closest to the island and can easily be waded safely.
A giant catfish dwells here, waiting for those to secure their boat and to swallow whole. Once a character is swallowed, the catfish will travel further into the waters and wait for the swallowed creature to die. Attacking it while a target is swallowed requires Disadvantage or half the damage goes to the swallowed creature. Characters swallowed will automatically be affected by the swamp water to inflicting the Dwindor Itch.
Off Shore: Detect Magic reveals an item in the mud. Defended by a swarm of flesh eating Rat Fish!
DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) > To stay mostly dry and avoid the swamp water inflicting the Dwindor Itch.
Swarm churns up a Shield or breastplate – breastplate of Sea Kings!
The currents flow swiftly around the island. Its obvious that clumps of debris – including broken crunches that can hole a boat – are lurking beneath the waterline… typically of Dwindor.
This is the description for the entire shore except where noted:
Fresh Water Inlet: At the specific location marched H there is a fresh water inlet for the barracks system several meters out. The mouth of a stone pipe, surrounded with a strange coral (the allows flexing and does the filtering) lays in the silt bed a couple meters from the surface. A minor whirlpool keeps the pip clear of debris.
The debris in the water and swift tides seems a bit less here, as if the currents have a way of keeping it clear.
Its true, though it may seem too good to be true, its a perfect spot to pull up skiffs and land.
Getting Closer: As you move closer to the shoreline cove off the east end of the island, you can see something on the shore out of place. The decaying head of a large Lizardfolk rests upon a pile of stones, looking east. It is several days old, and insects cover it, buzzing and picking the flesh off slowly.
DC 10 Intelligence/Investigation – Holy Symbol of the Universal Dragon/Ur-Dragon – taking it may gain benefit to group from lizardfolk.
Swarm of Insects – Carrying a Disease: DC 12 Constitution check of -1 STR until a Short Rest.
There is an underwater passage to a safe chamber, covered by the scent of the troglodytes that wards off other predators.
These are portals carved into the walls to look like alcoves or entryways. The doors that once faced them have long rotted away, but they were typically trapped and alarmed – they look exactly like the normal portals. The troglodytes will not trigger any of these due to Elancil’s protection. d6 check =
1 -3 > A regular broken portal. The alcove is about .5m deep. There may (1-2 on d6) be the sound of a sprung trap, but nothing happens.
4 – 5 > An empty broken portal, about .5m deep. Exploring it or entering it will trigger the Magic Mouth with screaming seabirds and crashing surf. There may (1-2 on d6) be the sound of a sprung trap, but nothing happens.
6 > An empty broken portal, about .5m deep. There may (1-2 on d6) be the sound of a sprung trap, but nothing happens. If so, there is also a Phantasmal Force + Create Water + Gust of Wind. It is so realistic as to cause a DC 10 Sanity check, or the character reflexively steps into the alcove to protect themselves from the coming crashing wave they trigger a long broken trap.
@Semi-Flooded: There is about 2 feet of standing water. The water is mostly clean and not brackish. IT can easily be swam in. The water is cool, but not cold – the place is well insulated.
b>@Full-Flooded: Stone slams shut in the stairwell, blocking it in completely. It takes a minimum of 50 strength. The water filtration system ends and mud is allowed in. Normally there is no way to stop the quick flood, they would simply wait it out and one person would swim to release the hidden switch (it was hidden because the shrine was too obvious a place to put it for intruders).
@Instant of Flood = Water comes rushing in, and with it comes mud and debris. It is a wave that slams you against the walls, and scraping over rocks and debris, each time you strike a wall you are forced to try and hold your breath through the compression and pain.
DC 16 Strength/Athletics check or 2d6/7/12 bludgeoning damage; DC 10 Constitution (Concentration) or swallow water for d6 drowning (fatigue) and d6 acid damage (hard; toxins built up in the inlet ports of the flood pumps)
The air seems stagnant and heavy with particles, and the pervasive odor of the troglodytes is everywhere – making you oblivious to any smell other than that. There are no light sources anywhere. Details are hazy. There is standing water of about 40 cm depth, filled with silt cloudy with mud from the open stairwell.
>Intake> Despite the air smell and heaviness, the air intake here is still working.
[ i ] DC 12 Wisdom/Perception > You would think the place would be filled with water, as it is open to the rain and wind.
[ i ] DC 12 Wisdom/Perception > What you assume to be sconces are oddly shaped and seem ill-fitted for a torch, candle or lamp.
Event: @Tocrch: Light a torch burns off d6 foul burn smoke halves sight distance for an hour.
State: @Illuminated:
The walls are covered in worn and unrecognizable relief work. You are in an oddly shaped chamber, rounded with a few alcove that look like entry arches but appear to be empty.
Someone has chiseled a story into this alcove. There are images of a conflict, strange creatures, and words in some uncommon language. There is obviously a scene where a troglodyte like creature is being killed by a human.
[ i ] DC 16 Intelligence/History (Archeology) > The troglodyte peoples were held up by Elancil. The humans of Crestwold came to kill them. A new holy shaman came to the trog people in Calibans Slurry – their old home. They brought a new god. They cast down the old holy one and the dragon avatar that had abandoned them. They took many females and some male tribe members. Champions were sent, those who left defeated them in battle. They put the heads on the shores of their new lair.The words are in Yvaldeysean: The followers of Shuustak (Sun Stealer) have stolen the tribe from the old gods, the weak gods of ur-draconis. Shuustak and Elancil speak through their followers, and it is time for war. The Crestwold humans and lizardfolk alliance must be broken and cast down or the humans will cleanse the world of the troglodyte newtlings.”
Someone has chiseled a story into this alcove. There are images of a conflict, strange creatures, and words in some uncommon language. It includes a gruesome carving of a troglodyte being swarmed by snakes or some similar creature, into its eyes, nose, mouth and ears.
The words are in Yvaldeysean: Though Apshai sinks beneath the waters once more – perhaps never to rise again – Elancil blesses the swamp peoples of the troglodytes with her sacred worms. The birthing caul of Sea-Kings pours forth the abundant worms from their broken home. The ranks of the troglodyte folk swell as the worms accelerate the growth of the tadpole troglodytes and soon they will have an army.
On it is just a warning written in Yvaldeysean. “With the truce between the human-folk, the sinister lizardfolk will seek to turn their attention to the blessed troglodyte peoples to destroy them”
Scrawls on stone walls, new gods, and trog outlines with squiggle inside… ‘worm of growth’. Building an army to kill lizard folk but it’s usurped because a shaman (demon in service to Gwinn/Elancil) convinced them humans are expanding on truce and not fighting each other.
This is a bunch of chunks of meat hanging on hooks and shelves – keeping it out of the water.
The door between the entry chamber and here is a slab of rock, lowered in times of defense, that is stuck.
Chum for catfish and food.
The worms are bred and used to dispose of anything the trogs cannot.. like composting worms.
A fanatic of Shuustal works the composting pit here. If the PCs enter, they will fling Rot Grub at them.
Horn of Summoning Catfish: Maybe they charmed (using the chum from the charnel locker, triggered by horn specific sounds) some swamp creatures to use as a means of faster travel through the swamp. If they are striking at human boats, hunters, fishers and peddlers/merchants further and further away, they have to travel faster than they could move. I think i got the reasoning, now to decide on the critter. It might be a giant catfish! – They come to area G and expect chum in payment
Waiting in the area near 4 are two troglodyte guards, ready to set off the traps. They have ¾ cover from a rubble pile they are hiding in. They are carefully hidden (25 Stealth).
Prefer to trap as many invaders as possible – min. half way down the traps trigger:
> The trogs will then attempt to light the corridor’s oil on fire (1-2 on d6 – the standing water will not help) – Old Gwinnish green fire; burns underwater
Again, more scrawls on the wall that the shaman uses to illustrate his point and constantly keep it in front of the truckload I tribe. There’s a whole level of the sea king fortress that is mostly flooded. You have to go and hold your breath to get from one room to another which is easy for the troglodytes
It’s slightly elevated, making it a place that intruders caught in the flood might naturally think of as a possible place of safety. The ceiling comes down to the water level, and then bars slip across the stairs at either end to trap people in. There is a shell as part of the relief carvings on the shrine wall that you blow into and the snake will pull the flood lever in area #2. Equivalent STR of 25 required for a DC 20 Strength check to be possible.
STATE: @Full-Flooded: DC 19 Strength check to break one of the old bars and open space to get out. Once water hits the pressure plate, the lever is revealed as well as the remains of old air bladders and hoses used to allow a few not in the shrine who knew the complex have a place to retreat to.
At one end is a garderobe/privy. Only a single person can use it in privacy at a time. It is flushed using a link to the fresh water system. Waste water is also dumped here.
Fed from the inlet at H. A small bit of coral (part of the water filtration system) has grown into the basin, normally it would be cleaned out.
Weapon stores, etc. (Umbakian) + Trogs
STATE @alerted: 2 champions
There is original art here, and original graffiti!
Apparatus to flood the complex
>Intake> Despite the air smell and heaviness, the air intake here is still working and is clean.
Forswatch the “Shaman” and assistant
STATE @alerted: no assistant w/*Pray and get Bless*
STATE: @Full-Flooded – safe in shrine: There is a barrier that keeps the water at bay.
Gelatinous Cube lke creature is the membrane/barrier. Those inhabitants here in service to the goddess can pass through safely. Otherwise, they will be attacked.
There is a shell as part of the relief carvings on the shrine wall that you blow into and the snake will pull the flood lever in area #2.
This room is choked with debris. It appears most of the rubble from the complex was pushed into this room.
Pit Trap @Entrance
Click – Broken Dart Trap @Inside Entrance
#PC x2 trog
@alerted: Gelswatch the “Shaman’s Assistant” + 2 champions Work with #_ to flank
6 champion trogs
@alerted: none
Click – Broken Dart Trap @Inside Entrance
#PC x trog
@alerted: 2 champions Work with #_ to flank
Ventilation shaft
#PC x trog w/partial cover +2 AC
Of course the snakes! Trapped and used in traps to enhance them… starved by the trogs. They will be released! Not charmed, but forced to be the door guard… these trogs are bad news, overly aggressive and taking up resources like crazy.
= aboleth helped? No ways trogs could do it
The smuggler in the trade war has lost some men to the troglodytes as well that were traveling along The Black Shore. There should be missing merchants and peddlers. The lizard folk in the Wonald Delta will be blamed but really it’s the troglodytes. He’s just trying to stir up trouble and make more money smuggling armaments. That’s when PC should travel to the old troglodyte lair and see that it’s been abandoned?
The smugglers have hired a salvage crew with a gang of divers diving wrecks from the war to supply the trogs. The shamans have made a deal with Frad, he handles smuggling and fencing, the salvagers are in water where he belongs. They pick up in a designated place along The Black Shore, and the hermit makes sure no one is waiting in ambush at that spot on designated days.
Maybe they can save a band of orphaned baby boars to try and bring them back to the area and gain the favor of the dryads.
The next day a dryad will, at the desire of the druids, grow a massive red willow at the entrance to the underground barracks. The roots will twine and shatter the stairs, crack the walls filling the stairs with debris, and collapse the upper walls so that the stairs are completely covered. As the morning fog rolls off the island, she will be heard intoning Gia and singing t the tree while dancing around it as part of a ritual to accelerate its growth and guardianship.
Asked for Advice: FB Group: