Crestwold (Campaign Arc) pt. 2

Transformation of Crestwold (Campaign Arc) pt. 2, part of Transformation of Crestwold Campaign Pickup date: 9168, May 3rd


Desecration of Dawnmarch Cemetery (never run)

Dreamcloud of the Forge (unfinsihed)

Brightshard Forge

Green Lady

Bella looks older, put on a little weight, but still fierce, not stooped and sparkle in her eye – party has to find a new lover

Three Green Sisters

Drawn by the spirits and offers of reward, the three hags come from their astral and ethereal travels and see to make life hell for the PCs.


I look around and the villains and players circle our table like hungry beasts. Every month there’s a new face I need to watch out for when I look over my shoulder. Look, we seem to be all alone here and now…
[brings out map] We’ve got the merchant cities on our north that would sell their mothers for a dime, Imperial Gwinn to the west, Umbak to the south – friend or foe? Depends on the day. The twin river counties want to tear the duchy apart. The swamp is silent, the Riverdans feel like a ghost town. It feels like we’re being countered at every move. Maybe I’m paranoid. Let me tell you something about what i’ve been through.