Fallen Temple of Aerna Golden Hem

COPIED FROM 2021 FILE SET (incomplete)

Fallen Temple of Aerna Golden Hem – An adventure wherein pilgrims to Aerna’s shrine in NE Umbak are vanishing, the authorities are keeping quiet, and the local ruling family is willing to pay the PC’s anything to root out the cause before word spreads and incomes drop and drastic action must be taken to recover lost pride.

This is a short adventure – a set of inter-related encounters that that pits the PC’s in a battle with dark forces.

This adventure can take place with any level of experienced characters.


sacrificed on the altar of Everdark and fed to goblins before a horde is let loose upon the area.


Environment: Countryside

Planned Location: The NE of Umbak, north of Falcon Reach in the hills of the Seven Spires.


Your job is to find the agent of peace and return them to Mev before a campaign starts which will see the death of many innocents. There are many ruins and places to hide in a small area – it will be dangerous. There has been a lot of strangers and a spate of heavy fog lately – very unusual for the area. The locals are suspicious of outsiders, but your way will be eased in this regard – you are assured.


Journey to Umbak

The Lofflin Family

Lofflin Family of Umbak

Events at Falcon Point

Fallen Temple to Aerna Golden Hem

2 human worshipers of Everdark:

Night patrol: Ork; Gub, wears piecemeal armor 14 pt patchwork/ 110, wields spear (10 dmg/3 A). The spear has been poisoned (5 POT/1 r onset/4 dmg); STR 8, RCT 7, RSN 2, PER 5, SAN 3, CHA 2 / Melee 4+2, Soak 3

grublin: nurth/goblin off-spawn. They have a sheen on them that sheaths them, nothing sticks to them – it provides full elemental resistance (minor) around them. They have small arms, but their mouth is a maw of teeth. They have millipede-like legs and climb caverns and walls. They have a piercing scream that causes disorientation unless a SAN check is made. If more than 6 are heard together, the check is reduced by -2 (effects are non cumulative though). Once they latch on (melee + grapple), they are considered to be armor piercing – they chew through armor and gnaw on wounds – any wound which takes more than 10 points in a single attack is aggravated due to their saliva.

Jump 4, Climb 6, Melee 2, Grapple 2 (max due to weak arm strength), Attack = 4 AM (2 AM ambush/drop); 4 base +2 dmg

Altar Defense

At the end, the denizens of the temple will make one final push. If the altar has been desecrated, each denizen will have 1 blessing to try and recover the altar area and push the PC’s out.

PC Retreat: The altar will be cleansed, and then left – the orrish will leave the area (for how long?) “in peace” if they were defeated but could at least clean the altar and leave with some modicum of pride.

PC Stand: The orrish will wait until the night patrol returns at about 3 in the morning and make one final push.

Follow Up


Golden Thread of Protection, sanctified by the priests before the temple fell (40 Size)

Adventure Record

(From Arabus 2022; former umbakian church of light, Aerina and Balthazaar sort of mercantile church. Went to shit, dark worshippers squatted in it. Jaq, Harahd, Kye and Taelin wound up investigating it. Jack got captured and we had to siege the altar room. Taelin converted and at the end used his true light in his soul gem to incinerate the Troll the priestess pulled out of a bag. This all took place after meeting with the Umbakian family that Kai wound up being engaged to the daughter.