Cabellan Freedom Campaign

This is a campaign – is a series of play scenarios which thrust the party into a regional conflict for the determination of who will rule the north-western area of Dunstrand known as Cabella. The area has a rich history with a lot of opportunities for a party to make a name for themselves and gain titles and a home. Although designed to fit into the larger Dunstrand Rising campaign, it can fit as a stand alone set of scenarios without the full campaign backdrop.

Mission: To secure peace in Cabella and thwart the powers of the Merchant Cities and Twin Riven Alliance. To do this, they must:

  1. Defeat Orrish Raiders
  2. Make peace and an alliance with the Ambersmen
  3. Make peace and an alliance with the Chauvelah Elves
  4. Organize locals into a fighting force
  5. Defeat or ally with raiders, pirates, and brigands
  6. Stop the advance of Baron Serical of Southgap
  7. Secure the southern towns in West River Run’s hands for the Cabellans
  8. Bind Cabella to an oath of loyalty to the Duke of Dunstrand


Nominally it has been a territory under West River Run, though there is little in the way of easy resources and it is difficult to provide security for. A current agreement with the ducal powers of Dunstrand for protection is nearing its end, and there are political events which are distracting the Twin River Alliance and Duke both – rumors abound of civil war and Cabella’s territory has long been coveted by the Merchant Cities of the North – Lord Serical, Baron of Southgap and vassal to [merchant] Prinz Hemmerlan of Karolak has eyed the resources in Cabella with a serious eye. It is into this situation that the party will find themselves thrust.
Lately the movement to declare independence from West River Run has been gaining in popularity. Whether or not its a good move is irrelevant – the oppression that their southern rulers have placed on the area is coming back to haunt them. Though many places would not exist were it not for West River Run’s needs, few think that far along and insist that freedom would be better. There is little in the way of resources the region has to offer without a massive influx in interest and capital… Cabella stands now as a second class territory, the poor, raggedy child of West River Run, populated by “uncivilized and inbred yokels without a clue and without thanks for their betters” (as the Baron of West River Run has said repeatedly). The locals have for years been raiding Merchant City or West River Run merchants up and down the Via Cabella, declaring their efforts go towards a ‘Free Cabella’ movement.

Background – Getting There

Cabella Map

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