Eliash, a minor functionary in the summer queens court, has stolen an object he was supposed to deliver to the winter queen’s court. He used it to create an aether pocket, and recruited a mortal peasant for a Honey Pot trap, but the process did not end how he thought it would. It has stranded him (locking him out of the now re-functioning but broken Dew Gate he created), and attracted all manner of creatures from the Feywild. Eliash now roams far, telling adventurers, knights, and anyone foolish enough about a princess trapped in a tower. The influence of the Feywild stopped after time, though the gate remained open. Five decades have passed, and his mistress – the summer queen – has decided that it is time to end his escapade. She wants him dead, and the gate closed.
Before you appears a swirling golden mist. “Welcome traveler, seek you the promised tower of the maiden fair?”
[Answer no]
“Then seek ye the road back to Athlapoole, ‘ere the Grimdowns claims yet another victim!”
The Pig Pen: fresh boar (8) slaughtered = EATING FRESH is a long rest
Detect magic reveals:
The Ladder: sticky to intruders
The Balcony: fall through 1 on d6
The Hut: Intelligence 7
Detect Magic = hut only, all else suppressed
Pile of 15 packs; 1-3 on d6 = mundane
4 potions + 1 ring
Old Hag is her name… no name. Eliash promised her the princess in the tower and she would watch over her and be another pair of eyes. Also, she would hunt anything that came from the feywild. Well, Eliash did not phrase it right, the things already here she won’t touch, just the ones that now come to the Feywild. Eliash does not realize how powerful she is. Of course, she intends to trick or provoke him and take everything he has.
Adventure – Aja the hags’ lair
Young Kingdoms – Samoorhen’s Dungeon