Part of the Ancient Blood Campaign
Author: Kelly Berger 2015 / System: Incarna ver. 2.0/3.0
This is part of the PnPG Steel Realms Destiny group, and tied to the Dunstrand Rising – The Beginning campaign…
The group will be venturing for a prolonged trek into the ancient lands along the river, on a mission for The Surefoot Merchant Coster. See an Overview of the Riverdans…
Riverdans – OLD
This is part of the PnPG Steel Realms Destiny group, and tied to the Dunstrand Rising – The Beginning campaign…
Backdrop of Dunstrand: War has been brewing in the north for years. The forces of Gwinn have taken islands and coastal communities and is at war with the Norther Merchant Cities and Umbak. Dunstrand remained neutral until the Tarmysian Peninsula was invaded. Tarmysia and the rest of Dunstrand are separated by a thin neck of jagged hills, with seasonal access only through a place called Gillman Pass. The Scar Flow and Dwindor Swamp provide an impenetrable barrier after that. The forces of Gwinn have held onto Tarmysia for a year or more now. The old Riverdan territories may have a role in what happens to Dunstrand – a key part in a [[plot|plot which involves the party]]…
The group will be venturing for a prolonged trek into the ancient lands along the river, on [[Dunstrand City and Pekki|a mission]] for [[The Surefoot Merchant Coster]]. See an [[Overview of the Riverdans]]…
Fey-Born; darkling ferralings – crazed animals, berzerker powered in defense of mystic woodland and natural sites; often grow to 5x their normal size Enokian = ancient language spoken in the east; the source for the three main languages of the realms
Lilliana Grantfell (Baramatchu) in county Faer taken hostage- must be freed; they are claimant on an old
riverdan territory, the 7 other houses still exist to this day. If the victim is killed, that last possibility of
Dunstrand Restored will be forgotten. Its been 60 years since the line was thought to have died out
Documented lineage (the Malek library + confirmation from library at Port Towne – research required)
Richfield – strange creatures Like a rallying cry that keeps echoing, lord Culahey’s banner flies again. Goblins and men rally to the standard and bring darkness into the lands of light. Castle sacked by Umbakians long ago – Go to Fort Harvina looking in the archives of Balthazaar for records taken. Bribed to act as bandits against rival merchant organization missing span w/another family – blood not gone just married into another line; only look at the records if they solve a bandit problem.
Main branch ended and split. Bastard son of of the last ruler Lord Verrick Groostmaen, entered a monastery and died childless. Verrick’s young cousin Sophia Daneforth assumed the mantle of Viscountess and her branch has since then lead the fief, and done well. They have kept their independance from East River Run – being close enough to Dunstrand City to be shielded from the worst of politics and outright war. However, the scattered nature of the territory has made it unstable – those in the north claiming the ancient title as well, and a tense rivalry getting more violent over the centuries. The Daneforth family is split into northern and southern branches – the northern Daneforth’s taking on the title of ‘Sheriff’ to support their blood allies which rule nominally from the south side of the river – securing the bridge at Gatesmount against the politics of the Riverdan.
Very few of the neighbors of the Riverdan territories want any effort to upset the status quo to succeed.
agent of Count Griswold – He has employed three other sets of spies
Robert goes by “Mr. Glassman” and uses poison. He prefers simple clean up jobs (not killing major players) and no direct confrontation.
When baron Sherwald finds out who killed Steel Eyed Pete, he will be very interested. He will try and send his agent Anton Lemay first and see if the party can be bought.
Realizing that this new group must have something to do with the warnings he has been given, he will test them with faith, sending Marcellus to try and pressure them as worshipers of the Light to do the right thing for the faith.
CRD 6/RCT 8, CHA 7; Kinetic 4
Less Sleep
Melee 3, Evade 6, Soak 6