Example Narration

Example Encounter Narration
Overview: A character has followed a man who tried to rob him down a dark alley.
[Player] I follow them! Wherever I hear the footsteps go, I run at full tilt to catch them!
[GM] The alley is dark, though light spills in from the street. You hear crashing sounds and falling debris up ahead – but the footsteps keep going. You are not sure what lies at the end – you cannot see a door,, but the end of the alley is covered in darkness, so it likely does not spill into a street. You definitely have some apprehension about a blind, debris covered, dark alley – do you want to follow anyway?
[Player] Keep following, I’ll be pulling my sword out now as I run… I don’t want to lose this robber as he’s lurking on dark street corners may know something about the murders of late. I’ll try and jump over anything that appears in my path.
[GM] Since you are not slowing down, you must make a PERCEPTION check to even see the refuse they have placed in your path in the dark, much less jump over it.
[Player] {Makes a resolution check against the PER attribute} I failed!
[GM] You go sprawling in the dark alley, caught in the improvised trap by the burglar. The clattering of debris easily gives away your position, and you feel a sudden pain in your shin and the board hits it hard. Your breath is knocked out as the debris also causes you lose your footing, and you sprawl int he filth and garbage. The weapon you just pulled – you need to make a REACTIONS check to hold on to that.
[Player] {Makes a resolution check against their RCT attribute} Success! Can I just swing it around until I hit something?
[GM] Well, you have a tight grip on your sword, your only weapon now so far from your friends. You realize you must have traveled several blocks in a maze of alley ways. You take 4 fatigue damage from the nasty spill, and begin to swing around without hitting anything but debris and the wall, and your clumsy efforts just serve to keep you off balance. With your military and combat knowledge, you realize your position of on the ground and off-balance is an advantage your opponent is likely to use against you quickly.
[Player] I have to get up and reassess. Can I do this safely? I want to see if I can hear them climbing above me or maybe just moving through the debris – it cannot be good for them either!
[GM] You take a chance and randomly move to one side {here the GM roles to see if the character moved to within range of the concealed attacker}, throwing your back against the wall you pull yourself up. Make another PERCEPTION check to hear where the footsteps run off to.
[Player] I have an acute sense of hearing! {Makes resolution check against their PERCEPTION attribute – modified by the acute sense trait}… I make it!
[GM] You shake your head clear, and you faintly hear… no steps… but only an ever quieter breathing that vanishes as your own calms and your actions go quiet. You realize that your assailant has hidden himself in your confusion… and is waiting for you somewhere in the dark alley around you.

And so it continues…