
The Narciss is a strange type of Homunculus that serves as a Familiar. It does not have the active abilities of a familiar, but is bound in a similar fashion and does count as one.

It is formed of the magi’s blood (to tap the dark power within the magus), the blood of a bird (symbol of freedom/independence), and under a full moon (or similar height of ever changing process), a spirit is called forth from the summoner using their hair, lashes, skin, clothes, even a bit of money (the bond to the magus)- all boiled and burned in a cold wrought iron cauldron (transformed in shape, but pure in essence).

The danger is that the summoner becomes enamored of it and cannot be rid of it.

1 CP is required and it gains the Lore: Occult ability at 1. The spirit is then an adviser to the magus, can offer perspective on best use of powers (with an Occult Lore check), and is a mirror of their own personality. Younger mages often go this route, but each time they ask it a question or advice, the spirit will manifest control over them – requiring a willpower check. Ten failures means the magus will not destroy the Nariciss. Most mages think to destroy the creation after 9 questions, just to be safe. However, many find that influence is already exerted over them and they are unable to undo what they have wrought. They will dream about it, forgoing any other romantic relationships or familiars.
1) Advisory on occult matters
2) Spell knowledge (total spells capacity by occult factor = highest occult factor of spells known to summoner); these are determined randomly and may contain nothing new for the summoner.

3) While alive, creator is down 1 CHA; if destroyed 1 WPR gone forever

It is vulnerable to powers of the void, not even a true creature of shadow! Though it’s presence can be sensed with mana sense (full check), it cannot be seen or directly targeted.