In the iVerse, the Faerie (Faey-Ri) are part of the humanoid Faybrin genus. One of the original and oldest races of the cosmos, they are hearty, primitive and adaptive to a high degree. The Faerie developed alongside and competed with the Faelen (Human blood) and Feyrish (Orrish blood). Clever and lofty, the Ur-Faerie (Aelfs) have transformed themselves through magic animist Sylvan beings, controlling their own evolution. Generally, they view their human cousins as simple, and their Orrish cousins as violent, stupid and brutish. Though pure bloodlines cannot themselves be devolved into Duathi, their lineage can be mixed with human as part of an amalgam to add some corrupted racial traits. The Feywyld was formed as a nexus of The Aelfpaths by the Faerie folk.
Long Life Thread > d20 Raise Dead and equivalent/d20 Revivify and equivalent: Creatures with a Long Life Thread (ex: Elves) cannot be targeted by either of these spells (they simply fail) – it takes stronger spells to impact the character enough to bring them back from the dead.