Major Tenets are absolute and must remain inviolate. These Tenets are the highest ideals that drive acts, belief, observances, and values that the character is expected to represent, advocate for, sacrifice, and even suffer for.
Its prescriptive elements may be a custom Code of Conduct, an exp personal or institution’s existing Code of Conduct, or Creed which encompasses all Minor Tenets and all of the Major Tenets.
Major tenets are absolute and must remain inviolate. These are the highest ideals that drive acts, belief, observances, and values that the character is expected to represent, advocate for, sacrifice, and even suffer for.
This presents a good opportunity for adding Character Story elements to the Character.
Typical Requirements/Expectations: Oath of Service, Tithe, Membership, community Participation, Sponsorship and/or Patronage
A Share of the Proceeds: For obligations of fees, tithes, and other promissory support elements it is often necessary for a character to contribute monetary value to the operations of the group or membership they are part of to remain in Good Standing and enjoy/retain its benefits. The group must assess the obligations based on the expected share – make it as fair as possible. Authorities are likely to do an occasional review to make sure they are getting a fair share. Monetary obligations may go to get someone else to fulfill the obligations, allowing the character to get out of institutional duties – ministry, teaching, training, bureaucratic tasks, etc. The expectations of their obligations should be very clear and consistent.
Typical Benefits: Common, Uncommon, and Hidden Knowledge and Teachers, Sponsorship (as financial means or vouchsafe, offer of credit/lending, stipend), [both mundane and specialized & appropriate] Supplies (reduced costs and borrowing), [appropriate] Contacts, Healing, Shelter and Rehabilitation
Breaking the Tenets: The source of the tenets may have proscribed impacts, loss of Good Standing, and/or considered to have Transgressed and require Atonement of some kind.