Rite of Atonement


This is the Rite holding the litany to trigger the relief of being under Censure or who has transgressed (either by Act or Proclamation) against the observances or will of their faith must seek the Rite of Atonement. A member of a holy order, clergy, or institution who has broken a bond or vow typically seeks Atonement as well. The absolution and penitence must come from the Divine Principal or from a similar Follower who shares his or her faith and/or sect. Acts of privation and contrition, denial of worldly comforts, prayer vigil or service among the community of faithful may be part of atonement. Regardless, the confession and forgiveness by the faith and its representative(s) must also accompany acts of contrition.

  • Minor – Unwilling/Accidental/Trivial: 1 Long Rest cycle base time; 1 Rite Measure
  • Major – Willing/Purposeful/Egregious: 3 Long Rest cycles base time; 2 Rite Measure

Divine Scrutiny: Atonement can only sought if the Follower is genuinely contrite. Seeking Atonement to restore powers only for the purpose of repeating the transgression will not be recognized by the Divine Principal. The Conviction of the Follower allows the divine principal to know the truth of their actions.

Form and Execution

Common Resolutions: Most faiths will have known and followed activities, observances, and/or full rites that resolve their fall from grace, and restore their status among the Followers.

Common Requirements: All Rites the Character performs or participates in must adhere/conform to the Tenets of the faith that it is directed at.

  • Marking: Either possessing the Meditation feature or offering a Cost Portion worth of goods allows you to pursue the mark of Atonement. Then it is just a matter of marking the time (Minor or Major) to gain the Atonement. A ‘Simple Rite’ finishes completely in 4x base time cycle. Optionally, the practitioner can achieve success through the Rite Trial for each stage:

Recitations of Contrition: Stage 1 of 3 of this Rite Trial; Success by ‘Simple Rite’ success or checked as a Rite Trial; 1 time cycle.

The sacred space allows you to detach from all the worries of the world and focus on the Conviction you have to your faith. You follow the precepts of contrition. All must be laid bare. What covenants did you violate? What tenets have you broken? Why did you violate them? Why was it wrong in regards to it? You breathe in the holy fumes, and lay yourself bare and the eye of your faith is upon you. You know if must be told with conviction. The truth must be spoken aloud.

Acts of Penance: Stage 2 of 3 of this Rite Trial; 1 time cycle;

The Cleansing of Conscience: Stage 3 of 3 of this Rite Trial; 1 time cycle.

i20™ Rite of Atonement Details

iCore iCore™ Rite of Atonement Details

Elan Building: This particular activity, along with Mystic Offerings to or time serving a Prime Entities, Time in Service to Prime Institutions or Entities, acquiring knowledge and experience arduously and over great amounts of game time (beyond Character Inception), Acts altering the outcome of great conflicts or the lives of many in general, and enhancing capabilities to an epic level can all build Elan.