Restoration Reagents (healing, augmenting, etc.)

There are standardized Restoration Reagents for addressing Damage and conditions for ease of use. Technological approaches use chemicals, materials, science and engineering to make reagents that trigger it and deliver it – even automatically through such things as Body Computers. Mystical means typically draw upon anima, rituals, ceremonies, and/or spells to effect the same outcomes.

Saturation Factor: Though not by default, using standardized portions may be limited to Saturation Factors (SF) within the targets body. Mystical portions typically ignore this. Where used, it can be assumed that a target has a SF of 1. If ever a portion delivers a measure of saturation greater than the targets SF, at best it fails, at worst it triggers a saturation reaction. It prevents the use of multiple doses within a cycle (typically a Short Rest Cycle). Mystical portion delivery typically ignore this.

Cross saturation dose. More than 1 in short rest cycle; save or fails and measure of exhaust

  • Generic Over Saturation Effect(s): Exhaustion

Tech Limits: The use of tech triggered “Dose Packages” is often limited to a SF.

Healing Portion Materials

i20™ Portions Details

iCore iCore™ Portions Details