Infection of a level to affect characters is on a large scale from wounds or systemic – minor cuts and such can develop into a problem, but it takes many rest cycles normally. One cannot have Infection and be Hale. Unless specifically stated in the source of the infection, the following applies:
Minor Infection:
Major Infection:
Sources of Inhibited Healing include Malaise Damage, Disease/Illness, Toxins/Poisons (natural or by Abolition Reagents), Infection and mystical effects.
Minor Infection: The target’s healing rate is reduced by 1 and has their maximum HP reduced by 1.
Major Infection: The character gains a level of Exhaustion, and has their maximum HP reduced by 3.
REMOVING: This can vary by source, but typically it requires a DC 10 Medicine check each day for 3 days, or with a Healer’s Kit or Herbalism Kit and then 1 use over 3 days will cure it – removing any Exhaustion after a day.