Sojourn on the Dhju’durain Aelfpath of Helca uses the locale of The Dhju’durain Aelfpath of Helca.
The Dreams End Ford of Dhju’durain is where it starts.
[ i ] > PER DC 15 = sprite/small movement – finishing writing barn signInside, the Inn appears bigger than the outside. Smells like musty bread. It still appears to be in bad shape, and the floors all creak and hinge squeaks. There only appears to be a single person in the Inn, behind the bar an youngish looking country man (human) dressed in rough clothes and furs. The place is clean but sparse. A large two handed cudgel hangs behind the bar. He smiles and his teeth are a wreck – dirty, growing in different directions, and obviously cutting his lips often. He speaks with a lisp. “Ah, welcome strangers. Don’t get many visitors around here. Come saddle up to the bar and tell me how it is with you and whither thou goest!” The last is said with a flourish, and a few droplets of blood.
Whadya say, whaddya do, whadya know? I’m Demet. Still. I think. And who might you all be?
Demet is a lycanthrope, who shifts into a massive and powerful wild boar.
[- Dialog with the NPC -]
Demet’s Story:
He rolls his eyes. He’s obviously repeated it a lot. I’ll give you the short version. Not from any place you ever heard of, refused to share my fire with a gypsy and ended up here when I woke up. Frankly, my teeth ain’t got worse, I ain’t aged, and it’s not a bad gig – lonely (he shrugs). I get few visitors, there’s always food, the seasons don’t change much. Could be way worse, friend!
There’s no charge for any service, except maybe a story, some news, music if you can and a dance if a lady will oblige me. Things do get a little weird out there on the road. I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s safe here. Every now and then, stuff goes missing – I always find it, but I’m sure it’s those little buggers I see sometimes when I’m chopping wood. Small price to pay, really. I couldn’t cook to save my life, but here, it all turns out ok. I guess I probably still can’t cook, but hey, someone’s gotta like me!? Anyway, stay for the night. I’ll go make sure the beds are fluffed – so long between guests and the dust does collect. Had one guest sneeze his way out and cursed me for a shoddy innkeep – but that was… I don’t know, a hundred years ago? Two? I was new, so he could have cut me a little slack. Took a year before the curse stopped and I did not sneeze and shit myself every time.