Initiative and Intent

Initiative is treated as normal. The optional Speed Factor in the [contentblock id=dmg-cite1] (p. 271) rules will be used.

Swift: Any “natural 20”, or an adjusted initiative over 20; The character’s penalty for Initiative Factors is reduced to zero OR they may take an extra Reaction.

Condition Initiative Modifier
Spellcasting Subtract the spell’s level
Melee, heavy weapon -2
Melee, light or finesse weapon +2
Melee, 2 handed weapon -2
Ranged, loading weapon -5
Tiny +5
Small +2
Medium +0
Large -2
Huge -4
Gargantuan -8

Incarna d20™ _TITLE_ Details/Mechanics

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.

DMG (optional) Rules are recommended

  • Encumbrance and Casting spells in armor use the Steady Up rules that modify initiative.

iCore _TITLE_ Details/Mechanics