Battleworn Armaments

Battleworn” is a Item Condition that indicates an armament has been actively employed as a defensive measure and has suffered structural damage that can be Repaired/Patched. It can be realistically assumed that found or scavenged armaments have the Battleworn condition. The item is Vulnerable to a Full result – it is made Useless on a check result of 1 on a d6 until repaired. Repairing simple “Battle Wear” (see Weapons and Armor) costs 10% of the normal item price. A Weakened item is Vulnerable, but if broken it cannot be repaired.

  • Armor: The armor has a penalty of -1 to its maximum (not base) Resilience in addition to the Vulnerable provision.
  • Weapons: The weapon has a penalty of -1 to its maximum (not average) damage in addition to the Vulnerable provision.