History of Immal

Immal was born and raised amongst the western tribe of the ‘Freeborn’ descendants of the Dragon Almarutz’s slave race. Like all of his people he was taught the history of how they came to reside in the world of Orlec. Immal did not show the aptitude or presence of mind necessary to learn the discipline of the tribes Monastic order, but was still physically imposing in his own right. He spent his time learning a variety of weaponry from the protectors of his tribe and hearing stories of the other creatures that resided in Orlec outside of his tribe. When one of the other youths of the tribe, Akra, left to make her way elsewhere in the world Immal began to feel a restlessness that would not go away with hunting or training.

Shortly after he had reached maturity the land experienced an unnatural frost, accompanied by windy storms. For weeks during the planting season the climate was too harsh for any crop to grow, let alone thrive. They seemed to be only on the outskirts of the worst of the cold weather and storms, but moving elsewhere would mean the displacement of hundreds from the homes and shelters they had established. Against the advice of his elders Immal traveled deeper into the storms. For nearly a week he explored and sought out the source of whatever this blight upon his people was, scraping by on what few animals and foraging opportunities that were surviving the cold climate. Out amidst the swirling eddies fog and hail he would see creatures that were clearly not native to the area, but they all appeared natural in a cold climate. Despite his hunger and the cold that weighed upon him even with his draconic ancestry he left them alone for fear of angering whatever entity had sent the storms.

When he had nearly forgotten what warmth felt like Immal found what he could only call the eye of the storm. Before him was a crystalline ball of ice approximately 2 meters in diameter, hovering a meter above the ground, unmoving and seemingly clear despite the fact that he could see nothing of the other side through it. The area around it was chill, but still, without hail or storm. Immal cried out in a plea for his people and home, hoping that something or someone could hear. A soft wind brought a flurry of frost and snow brushing against the sphere, creating a whisper that clearly said “Leave”. Immal refused, pleading for his people’s livelihood again. The wind whispered again “You will die if you remain here….. Leave, and survive.” Immal refused again, stating that if whoever sent this curse was going to continue to harm his tribe, then they would have to start by killing him here and now, rather than the slow starvation that was being forced onto his people. He sat down next to the orb in the ritualistic meditation of his peoples Monastic tradition. For days he endured, as the orb of Ice changed the environment, exposing him to cold and storm that even his scale hide and cold temperament could not hope to survive for long. While stubbornly resisting temperatures well below freezing he saw within the orb the source of power. The Elemental spirit of frost, Gelima, the manifestation of Water and Air. Disreputable beings had corrupted Flame Sparks and had hid within the area. Gelima brought her powers to bear to snuff out the corrupted Elemental Sparks before they could be turned to any unnatural cause. Immals people just happened to be there. Immal offered his service and loyalty, swearing he would put an end to those who had brought about this corruption, so long as the storms were brought to an end. He was near death, but Gelima accepted his oath, and granted him one breath of her own, baptizing him as one born of the ice. Forever he would exhale a frosty shroud, and would feel little concern for any temperature but the most extreme. The storms ended, and the cold climate creatures retreated into the sphere of ice before it too faded away. One large lizard remained, a frost gecko who would aid Immal in his hunt. The Gecko, named Ghilmot, served as the dragonborns mount. Together they found the guilty parties, 2 sorcerers who had made a bargain with the legion of the damned. Immal slew them both, despite the flames thrown against him. He then rode back down to his people.

Immal was received as a hero. For several weeks he was praised, wined and dined, sang about, and begged to recount his story over and over. Ghilmot left unceremoniously and silently after the second night. The boisterous behavior surrounding him died out, but he was a welcome guest in any den amongst his people even after the awe had faded. Despite all this, he found that his experience and service to the Frost Spirit had given him a clarity that the Monastic meditation never had. He told his people that he was going out into the world, and would return with more to teach of the Elemental Spirits. He went back to the site where the Ice Sphere had been and in his meditative ritual prayed to Gelima. After an hour with no response he accepted that he would find no answer here. He opened his eyes and saw only inches from him the face of Ghilmot. The giant lizards pale blue scaly skin was a stark contrast against the now vibrant landscape. Immal had a gleeful disposition as he mounted Ghilmot and set out into the world. For lack of any immediate direction or goal he decided he would track down his old tribemate Akra. She probably had some stories of her own to tell.

Joining the party

2 Years after leaving his tribe Immal has served his goddess and grown in the faith, but always through his own prowess with the confidence that so long as he serves the Frost Maiden will provide. When his travels took him to Saltmarsh he learned of Akras residence there. He was granted a brief audience with the Lord Decanth, to whom Akra served as Bannerman to. Decanth informed Immal of where Akra and her comrades had gone. Immal found his way to the Wreck of the Marshal, and was quite surprised when a comrade of Akras not only directed him to where Akra and the rest of the party had gone, but offered to escort him to them.