OUTCOMES of the battle of The Convergence

⚔️ We move into the final phase… on Common Year of the realm, CY 2-19-9169 the chronicle picks it up: Hunting Mendollin

Outcomes Not Seen from Hunting Mendollin

GM’s notes for the hunting mendollin outcomes

NOTE: Some specifics may depend on the details of the condition.

Common Outcomes

Return the Naval Garrison to Active Duty after The Convergence! The Baron fears more instability of any kind! The Watch of Torrelsons Ford has a total of 42 as of 3-3-9169 – influx of Navy garrison without war means more watchmen. Many of them do NOT know Ulrich – the Baron may be trying to undermine support there.

Should Sir Roryin Die

The The Lightbringers in Torrelsons Ford will get Sir Roryin Lavinge‘s equipment returned to them to return to his family. Todd Eshrin will get involved with a destiny he believes he has now. He will take up a cause to put the spirits to the rest. Or at least some of them those in Whitehall area, expanding it and connecting it to Yarans Round safely, it will banish the spirits back to a line new in the mud. There may be angles of stirring up religious and social violence from this… ? Less of PCs succeed.

  • If Ulrich has not escorted his target out of Umbak by the time this happens, an attempt will be made to intercept them. He could be imprisoned under some charges and held temporarily as a petty revenge, but ultimately let go. If this happens, a new White Sister representative more sympathetic to the Dame Mother in Torrelson’s Ford will be chosen. Worst case (1 on d6) is Justicar gets involved and tries to peel back the layers of deception that the Pin Feathers have been involved with. Legal representation might be the only way out of that… quality lawyer not likely to be found in Umbak for Ulrich.
  • He will be buried in Dawnmarch Cemetery in Toerrel’s Ford – all the families from Yaran’s Round and Umbakian blood ancestry will come out. Green Church will not be welcome or tolerated.

NOT HAPPEN: Major Target Dead, Minor Target Alive

Things go back to the way they were for thousands of years. Toad Faced Dog will search for another dupe. There is a chance he may try to enlist some aid from creatures let out of Apshai, and/or the troglodytes. Perhaps trying to corrupt a druid of Pranin, but their anger will make them immune to his domination and/or suggestion powers. TFD will try and use his beguilement to get assassination attempts on PCs; he is not likely to get a quality player, but he can have several attempts by pawns he knows will not succeed as a means of PCs losing sleep. And who knows, one might get lucky.

The Portents

  • The spirits of Apshai will be commanded by Toad faced Dog to wreak havoc on the Peace Process; This can lead to blame-game and worse results.

NOT HAPPEN: Major Target Alive, Minor Target Dead

Mendollin will be without direct guidance. He will have a shard of the Mirror Portal, but not know what to do with it. Possible result is that he seeks someone who can deal with that which is dead, but not alive… the Necromancer of the Soul Scourge. It will take him time to travel and figure out how to approach the necromancer. He will do it directly, but he does not want to die.

The Portents

  • North of the black shore the skies are clear for 30 miles! 2 days in a row!
  • The moon is blue at night
  • Blind seagulls run into things
  • The spirits of apshai will be commanded by the eye of dimov to wreak havoc
  • Spirits kneel facing north
  • Storm! From the east!

NOT HAPPEN: Major Target Alive, Minor Target Alive

The dark gods will send the herald immediately rather than break the godspeak Accord. All three must decide to manifest the Entourage of shadows, and The herald is always first. It is the harbinger. Mendollin will proceed to open the crypt of Once King. It is a ritual that will take about 2 weeks. Longer if the Necromancer is slain and Soul scourge ended. Longer if the Unholy Trio cannot bargain with him.

The Portents

  • North along the black shore the skies are black, shadows dance above Scar Flow and The Black Shore… thunder rumbles constantly
  • The moon is blue at night, strands of sickly green crawl across it
  • Blind seagulls run into things, children are attacked
  • The spirits of apshai begin to fan out, keeping everyone away from the black shore
  • Ashfall rises again
  • Ashfall spirits kneel facing north
  • Storm! From the east! Clashes with storm from the ocean, west.

The awakening of the Once King will unleash a shit show like the world has not seen in a while. It will reignite rivalries and throw a large portion of the world into disarray. The Lich Lords may even be inclined to try something in their weakened state if the instability is great enough. Parties involved: Celestials, Dwindor Witch, Unholy Trio, Malek, Elancil, 2 dragon clans, the Druids of Pranin, Feather, The Orrish of Dwindor (Kynar run amok), both Apshai and Ashfall temples will rise again and spirits enjoin in battle once more – it may involve the spirits of Yaran’s Vale (dead Umbakians) as well!, House Malor, the Twin River powers vs. Duke of Dunstrand, Umbak itself, The Necromancer of the soul Scourge, others?

HAPPENED: Major Target DEAD, Minor Target DEAD

In addition to the Common Outcomes, Survivors gather up their fallen comrades and the following items within a secure sack made from the skin of one of the sacred alligators of the moorswood given by the druids, and return through the Eye of the Serpent to the druids of Pranin Moorswood. House Malor/Dalcia, the Earl of Bar-Innis (through her herald Cal Warington), the Duke of Dunstrand (through the senior Herald Aila Vii) are all represented as those living are fed, healed and asked about details. All is recorded by the heralds in their short hand.

Fallen comrades: Shall be buried in accordance with their wishes. Preserved by the druids for their journey to their final resting place. Gear is returned to the individual party (Pin Feathers or Raiding Larks) it came from. The body of Mendollin, minus his heart and hands, is given over to The Gallants for burial – “Once a Gallant, Always a Gallant, Unto Death” – it was the will of Feather that it be so, says Dalcia.

Dalcia will identify and work with the druids to destroy the eye and secure the rest; Mendollin’s Items:

  1. The Helm of Nicolagaus
  2. The Eye of Dimov
  3. Mendollins’ Lens of Mana Straining
  4. Mendollins’ Empowered Sigil
  5. Teerlink’s Greater Master Ring
  6. Ring of Vorr
  7. The (red) hands of Mendollin
  8. The heart of Mendollin
  9. The Once-King’s token of favor

Dalcia will identify, catalog on a scroll, duplicate it and send them on to the Pin Feathers. TFD’s Items:

  1. An ancient Sea-King artifact of bracers with a kraken on them. It operates as a Sages Signet; Wolf (yellow): Pass Without Trace, Freedom of Movement; This wrist bracer is engraved with a kraken. For a follower of Elancil, it grants a swim speed equal to their primary movement rate. If a non-follower wears it, it will chaff and burn as though brine were poured on the raw wounds and a rash will spread. After a day (or after a spell gets used), the wearer will take 1 cumulative measure of Exhaustion. It heals after a Short Rest.
  2. The Once-King’s token of favor (ring; operates for a familiar of the Once King only; +1 AC, 1/Long rest can cast a spell through a Reaction slot
  3. Circlet of Spellwrought Power (Attunement required, +1 spell slot for a Warlock, essence taint of “Aberration” vs Detect and Protect spells; 1/Short Rest Cure Light Wounds {=8 + best spell casting mod only works on Aberrations or familiars of the Once King}; TFD can use it through any open action)
  4. The heart of TFD (as as a greater boost spell component for 16 doses)

The surviving Raiding Larks will retire to eastern Dunstrand and are never heard from again.

The Portents

CY 2-25-9169 portents begin.

  • North of the black shore the skies are clear for 30 miles! 2 days in a row! A strong wind blows back the clouds in the cold normally overcast second month of the year. Then, like a calm before the storm, it all goes to hell. THE REST HAPPENS AFTER:
  • The main moon of Helca – Connace – is blue at night; Its smaller cousin Tillace is streaked with red.
  • Blind seagulls run into things all along the Black Shore. They pick all small living things till only bones are left – it is a gruesome sight and the area from Sabin Bay to Richfield stinks of bloated, decaying flesh.
  • Rats go mad, biting every living thing in settlements – horses, mules, donkeys, goats, dogs, cats. Horrible screams of frightened animals and dying rats fill the air for days – all trade stops along The Black Shore. Diseases begins to run their course in the next few days.
  • The spirits of apshai return for one night of terror. Terror walks the land at night as the moons spin above with strange light. The spirits this time find their way into settlements. It adds to the fear and confusion of the seagulls and rats. A massive wave follows in their wake, flooding settlements including the Lowlands of Bar-Innnis. Many die, and it makes the disease outbreaks worse in coming days. The spirits of Apshai and Ashfall clash that night. Many of the living caught in between. Then the temples sink again.
  • Spirits kneel facing north, then west before those that survive of the Apshai temple fade with the dawn light.
  • Storm! From the east! This one crosses the entire length of Dunstrand Vale – from the T’Yendi Hills in the east, to Scar Flow (sunken Westmarch) in the west – along the path of the Nanford River. Bridges are destroyed. Areas are flooded.

Agents of the Duke and the Earl come together and make several proclamations to the benefit of the Raiding Larks (and one for the Pin Feather group). For several days the agents bring in House Malor and work with the Green Church to try and hold some of the worst effects at bay. There are days when no one leaves their house in Torrelsons Ford. All trade halts. After a week, a boat from Gwinn arrives with a huge load of ocean fish for the populace. Calm is restored after more loss of life. by 3-24-9169 things are starting to return to normal

There will be violent shakings and earthquakes as the Once-King is set back a thousand years. More to come…