Jacques and a New Breed – Loose Ends (new Gallants/Red Hats)

Dunstrand Rising Living World Set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms, as a Living World storyline with the RED HATS.

PREVIOUS: New Gallants > (Previous) <New Breed of Protectors< (Current) THESE EVENTS RUN BETWEEN start.

As chronicled by Taelin, Jacquelyn… and others

Boone, Mendollin and the Eye of Dimov

Boone did what he did, and there was no one to stop him – most of the Gallants were in terrible shape. Mendollin was the only one probably tracking occult issues at that time… and he made a decision to get it back. Originally he was simply going to, like Fazeel, enhance the power of the Gallants. He thought he might be able to ambush Boone as well and not kill him, but Boone had iron will and a drive that would not keep him down.
Mendollin had to kill him – he had a drop of mana left, it was a very close battle… and little health left.

All the group knows is that soon after the battle, Boone was mustered out and Mendollin vanished. Jaq says she knows he is alive, but that is all she knows.

[Taelin] And the reason why Mendollin put on the Helm was that one needed to have a Occult Aptitude to wear the Helm, and Mendollin was the only one (Geri didn’t want a steel cap on her head and losing all of her hair, but Mendollin was bald already). And we needed everything we had to take on Anwin.
This may not be on the right track, but based on the fact we got the Helm from the The Celestial Anemro Alu (Geri forced her to give a name of one of her servants who had an item of power). Mendollin may go and help her out or something, as the item seems to be very old, even old in CY 600, and could possibly have a connection to the Celestials… let me read to you the story of the journey into the House of The Dead.

[Jaq] I know Mendollin would say “fuck ’em all”. They aren’t Gallants, and he holds no alliance to those two. It makes sense at the time of the battle but know i am not so sure it was a good idea.
I know Mendollin’s dream was to head to the library, pick up the mantle of keeper, spend his life decerning the secrets of the objects brought to him by the Gallants. The helm is a permanent fixture now and we dont know what it will do.
I know he would want serve the Gallants faithfully as always…

[Taelin] It seems that the Fallen Celestial Anemro Alu is now free of her prison under the Library and Church of Malek at Braddon Bog, and she is now the Witch of Dwindor Swamp, and historically we have had ties to the witch, and the witch also seems to have ties to Braddon Bog (isn’t that because it is near the edges of Dwindor?). And while we have the Gallantine Academy, Braddon Bog and the Companions Library are still the heart and home of our Company for decades and generations. Which all means that she may be an ally of ours in the not too distant future…
More importantly for us, and the fact I believe it was the Sea Kings that imprisoned her, the fallen Celestial might be an ally of ours when dealing with Elancil and the Gwinnish, as I believe that she hates the dark storm goddess and the ancestors of the Sea-King Empire who imprisoned her..and she would HATE to have the Heartlands of the Steel Realms subjugated under a Sea-King Empire under the theological rule of the Drowned Ones of Elancil. It is personal for her,, and she can help us quite a bit when it comes to issues of navigating the waters of Dwindor and maybe even helping us against the Gwinnish invading, and such.
Again, there might be a price for all of that, but she could be a strong situational ally for us… not that we are probably going to be warm fuzzy close friends to her, but we DID get her out of her prison, so hopefully there is some bridging of ill will between both sides. The Celestial killed Geri as that was part of Geri’s plan to double cross Aruna, and the only way for the Celestail to gain the power of Dwindor Swamp was to kill the current Witch (or the current witch must die before the power transfers over, I believe).
Anyway, just keep some open thoughts about the Fallen Celestial Anemro Alu, as she still may factor in our future, and possibly along side us and not against us. She is out of her prison that she was in (I am guessing) for thousands of years, and I can see how she wanted out of there any way possible (she is definitely not a pacifist and as uprightly moral and ethical as Aerna, that is for sure).
From my perspective, even after reading the annals, as a half-elf, my Elven father taught me to respect the power of The Old Ones, The Celestials, and the Green Church encourages that as well…

Researching Anwin’s Baggage Train Notes

Taelin helps Mary in doing this…

Lofflin Family Blade

A long time ago, Lofflin McKabe was defeated and his family blade taken. It turns out he had changed his name, and that the blade was one of the Blood Blades of Umbak – the Lofflin family of Falcon Reach.

In an attempt to try and heal some bad feelings between the 2 territories, the Gallants take a risk and travel into Umbak to return the blade. They make a few new contacts along the way and things generally go well for them. After Fort Pavec, they go 100 miles east to Falcon Reach. They hear of travelers abducted, but rumors and nothing more – the authorities do not seem to talk about it. Traveling to the Lofflin estate 2 days south, they are entertained by the family, which pushes them into examining the case of missing pilgrims going to the shrine of Aerna in their northern lands. The Gallants push for them supporting them in getting Bone Shaker returned. Hands are forced, political games are played and an agreement is struck. One of the younger ladies in waiting is smitten with Kye and divulges that another group was sent earlier and never returned. – this as they are leaving and no other info can be gained (Kye gets the sense she really like him though and would not lie – perhaps he will return later, convert her and return to Dunstrand a happy man).

They return to Falcon Point – the river crossing and way station for the road to the shrine and the healing waters of Aerna. There they pursue a lead Kye originally stumbled on earlier, and manage to capture an Everdark Cultist. Jaq dispatches him after determining no information will be gained. Their ultimate goal is a temple of Aerna abandoned after being sacked 8 times by Orrish night raids over hundreds of years – considered cursed now and well off the normal road (which used to run right by it), the Lofflin family identified it as the most likely place for a force to hide out.

They travel to the fallen Temple of Aerna of the Golden Hem. Using the captured cultists signals, they draw away an ambush party and assault the temple with surprise. A plan is hatched, with the older Gallants of Mary and Jaq guiding the newer ones on making military decisions and assaults.

There is not enough time to fully assess the situation if the groups wants to take advantage of the ambush party being distracted. they see the old road leads past it and there appear to be a stable and main front entrance. They are 6 hours overland trek in the dark from the main road and any chance of help – even from unarmed pilgrims… they decide to assault the temple.

The group attacks through the stable doors; Kye is stronger than he appears and he and Jaq break the board holding the door shut. The temple is purposely made to look burnt and collapsing, but their is evidence of recent repair – hard to tell in the dim moonlight, but Kye has seen this treatment before in tenements where gang hideouts are concealed. There are three guards. Arrows fly, knives whiz through the shadows, and a comedy of errors causes the warning horn not to be blown, Mary to be dazed by a pitchfork handle, and 2 cultists end up with their guts spilled while a third gets away. The cultists appear human, but all have a marking of a black stripe down the right side of their face. Taelin moves towards the door while Jaq helps Mary (who took three wounds in the fight) up and Kye and Harrad stamp out a small hay fire and re-bar the boor with a new board. Taelin has the breath taken from him as he looks down the hallway and his Soul Gem goes freezing cold for a brief moment – the wave makes the three stabled horses whicker and Jaq drop (she is not as used to the Soul Gem’s senses as Taelin is) as well. Evil, hateful evil, with a hunger for life is nearby!

the group is looking at the open door hearing the guards retreating footsteps in the hallway beyond.

In the stables, we prepared to move into the fallen temple. Taelin flashes the True Light of his soul gem down the corridor. He says the fleeing man turned left at the corridor end and kept going… but that he also saw a pale figure with black eyes peeking their head out from a door on the right – we all agree that was likely the “evil” presence Taelin was feeling. Undead. A shiver runs down our spines.

We could hear a commotion outside the doors we had barred. Tiny had come running in – he was nearly exhausted but recovered when he saw us. He had come from his position watching to roadside fake camp we had set up to say that it had been raided – he saw a group of about a dozen split up and some go north, others south on the road. He estimates we should have a few hours before they realize there is no one to catch.

We setup boards and horseshoes to warn us if someone come in through the stable doors. We then set up a standard entry for the room – Jaq is teaching the “youngsters” in a crash course of how to sweep and clear a room. Beyond the door is a dark room, in which a filthy pile of rags seems to sit. In the ensuing fight, it belches black, oily smoke, and spits acid – burning Harahd. Its obvious its nearly immune to the maces and bows, but with enough battering, it lays dead while we choke on the fumes. Tiny scrapes it from the flor – its held on with suckers under it. Only bones and a few melted coins lie under it. We try and get clear of the fumes, only to be charge by goblins – caught in the bend of the corridor on both sides. With the fumes filling the corridor, we fight – Jaq’s knee is cracked and she goes down. We almost loose the light, but once their charge is done, the goblins have little to offer in the way of opposition and are slaughtered.

Taelin realizes that the remnants of the rag pile monster can be used to make a smelling salt so powerful it could nearly bring the dead back. He concocts three from small kit he carries. Its enough to bring Jaq back to consciousness. She is walking with a bad limp again – but now we feel confident to go after the undead.

through the rag monster room and up some stairs, we pass alcoves with strange barrels in them. Through a room with a collapsed pit and spear traps in the walls – Aelwyn shows his cleverness by burning off the paper holes camouflaging the remaining spear traps after nearly being skewered by 1… the goddess provides. On the far side, we form up and go down stairs once again. At the bottom we confront the raging ghoul – veins bulging, its muscles groaning under their own weight the hideous beast tears into the group. In the cramped quarters neither Jaq’s broadsword or Tiny’s flail are useful – they have only small maces to use. It takes a beating of 5 men to take it down, but finally Aelwyn lands the killing blow. We find the concealed passage leading to a narrow passage which controls the spear traps in the room we came from. Dark twisting corridors lead to its lair – and Aelwyn finds a passage through and out the rubble to the roof – but falls and twists his ankle among the dangerous rubble. He also finds the spoils of its lair – bones and “shiny” objects – pouches and purses with goods looted from victims. At the end of a long rubble chocked corridor, a concealed door leads to an empty room, and a fake, plaster covered hole leads into the fallen temple proper – but it is nearly collapsed and Aelwyn gets the sense it is not safe – especially for someone as large as Tiny.

We go back – its been over an hour by now.

Little does the group know, but one of the alcoves has a false back. Jaq, in back and limping, is grabbed by a huge half-orc with surprise and some sort of shape shifter takes her place. fortunately, standing in the rag monster room not far ahead and stretching out his senses for lurking shadow, Harahd senses the darkness behind him – were the Jaq-monster has taken her place. Its a quick battle, with Harahd surprising everyone when attacking Jaq, but over fast. The thing is revealed for what it is, and its long fingers pierce the priest only once before it is made quick work of. The group recovers and back tracks, now easily finding the concealed door. There’s blood – probably from Jaq (a head wound?) to reveal the passage of her attackers. But not enough for the rest of the group to think her dead.

It leads to a water filled passage (only a half meter deep) which comes up in a landing with a long-ago bent portcullis. Aelwyn goes through and it attacked by a large half orc who body checks Aelwyn (who was through first). It almost breaks Tiny’s wrist, but the buckler he was using is let go and used to club Aelwyn. The snarling, crazed beast leaves and runs up the stairs before the rest of the group gets through. Tiny’s bloodlust kicks in and despair permeates the group as control is wrested from them. However, even tiny gives pause when he comes up in the middle of a mausoleum!

Taelin manages to track the beast’s wet footprints down the corridor where the only surviving globlin fled – just from the opposite direction. We estimate we went under the stables and came up far beyond. Fortunately the mausoleum is empty – sacked and looted, and no undead visitors – but it did clear Tiny’s head. The group passes one door and tracks the beast carrying Jaq to another. Not wanting to leave any enemies behind, they crash into the room beyond the door they passed first – but its a trap. Rubble resigns down. Harahd would have been crushed to death had Tiny not covered him with his own body – but Tiny is badly battered. The group mus stop and heal up – wasting valuable time.

They finally pick up the trail for Jaq again, but it leads to an empty room. After back tracking a bit, a concealed door is found – the rubble make it easy to conceal such. A wet passage leads all the way through the temple complex. A torch is seen flickering at the base of a narrow set of stairs going up. Aelwyn moves across the landing’s open area, but his sixth sense warns him. He manages to find a pair of sigils carved into the wall in the flickering light – Everdark’s wards. They think about other ways they may approach the rest of the fallen temple.

As they are coming back past the way they originally came in, Aelwyn hears the horsehoe alarm in the stables and the group prepares for another battle. Aelwyn camouflages himself under the goblin bodies already in the corridor. The others hide in the room where the rag monster was fight. At the bend in the corridor, a quick battle is fought with goblin skirmishers, and Tiny charges toward what all assume to be the commander. A priest of Everdark and a pair of half-orc killers guard him. The battle is brutal, and a pair of goblins nearly slips up behind the group but is ambushed by Aelwyn before the entire area goes dark. Taelin keeps it lit with True Light. The dark worshipers are caught off guard. Tiny is the one they focus on while the others slowly dispatch rest, and soon the corridor is quiet again. Blood and brains are everywhere – the group is covered in it. Drums are heard in the faint distance now. It is surmised some ceremony has started – perhaps a ritual to Everdark. They have to get to Jaq.
The half ork killers blades turn out to be poisoned. Tiny is laid low by the foul concoction, and they find a place to hide him in the rubble until they can leave – or perhaps Tiny may be the only one living when they are done.

They return to the sigil protected area. Harahd tries faking being struck down, and it lures the half orc from above. The half orc killer is lured by the body of Harahd and a battle is quickly fought wherein the defender is ambushed by the others – lured in by the trap. Afterwards Harahd tries to go past the ward using the dedicated holy symbol but fails and is brought low. One of the smelling salts from the rag monster manages to wake him up at death’s door. They decide to go back and maybe try going through the rubble and surprise the other inhabitants through the way Aelwyn uncovered.

Harahd tries stepping off boldly, but is struck down by Everdark’s power. Using the 2 holy symbols they still have, they try crossing the threshold carrying Harahd’s body and the flash of energy brings them down. Aelwyn sacrifices his own essence to call upon Life Breath and restore Harahd.

Little is truly remembered about the events in the temple proper. The bats, which would have served as an alarm are already agitated by the drums. The lone guardian of the back door is dead, and the Gallants burst into the temple. Talein flashes his True Light heartstone and the priestess of Everdark, cutting into Jaq’s chest to extract her soul gem, is stunned. Three half orc killers slaughter ten captives for the favor of the god of darkness while Harahd leads the group in prayer in the hopes some miracle can be pulled to save the group. Merkaine answers – at great cost and much essence – but the group is restored and with Higher Purpose – the defilement of the dark’s followers and temple ensues. The fire of vengeance courses through Jaq, who swears to the goddess if her revenge is granted – and she breaks one of her arms free and tears at the throat of the priestess – she will be unable to use her powers with calling upon her conviction through the combat. Fire is called down everywhere, faces are burned, the half ork killers are blinded by Aelwyn’s dirty tricks. Jaq is finally brought into submission and her soul gem smashed by the preistess. Goblins join the priestess as wave after wave of power smashes the group. Its insanity, pure chaos. Taelin converts for the fires of vengeance and Harahd has his energies restored. Fire keeps crashing down – smoke fills the air. Finally Aelwyn makes for the priestess, and manages to keep her busy with hsi whip while the last goblin tries to pass a stone box to her. Taelin unleashes his fury, his heart burns red and he wildly slashes out, killing goblins. As Harahd and Taelin finally dispatch their last effective foes, the stone box is opened and a form comes forth. Taelin flashes he store of True Light, believing it some shadow demon. Worse than some minor demon is the troll that springs from the box – but it is cast into the True Light! Under the sun bane, it sizzles and is blasted to near oblivion. Just as its armor begins to harden and form over it, it turns to the group. Aelwyn is stabbing the priestess while Taelin and Farahd go after the troll and strike it down before it has a chance to fully form. It turns to ash before their eyes! The blind half orks are dispatches and drums silenced.

There is commotion in the open double doors as a bunch of goblins burst into the room. Their mistresses blood is running down the altar steps and a broken troll crumbles before their eyes while bodies of their comrades are strewn everywhere. Blood covered the ground and the players. Taelin collapses from his fury and stitching up Jaq’s chest, Harahd just growls. the goblins flee the way they have come.

The “Rescue” at Aerna’s Fallen Temple

the Umabkain Ravager stumbles upon the fight.

The Dire Fight at Aerna’s Fallen Temple

Return to the Lofflin Family

Political and family alliances…
Well, they are not terribly wealthy in coin, they gift the Gallants 2500 silvers, and 3 cavalry horses too.

Harahd: Well its much better than the nothing we expected going into it. We’re going to have to tithe on that if we expect to keep wheglins patronage…. THAT is not a conversation im looking forward to.

Jaq: I’ll do what i can to try and square up with the Baron. I might be able to work through his new wife – she’s got a history of being less sentimental. the Gallants cannot afford to look poor now, just as our luck is startiing to change.

Healing without the White Sisters?

Adopting the Ravager Draven: The Umbakians Lightbringer Authority (ULA priest named Gus) are willing to assist in healing, transport and perhaps supply even if the Gallants are willing to “adopt” the Ravager named Draven and take him with them. They will speak to him and assure his alliance and future is clearly aligned by
appropriate “signs” if the Gallants are willing to take the Ravager from their lands.

Preparing for the Gallants Future

A Gift from the Queens Dragoons: In preparing to leave for home after enough rest to make them road-able, you get a personal courier from Tanner Holmraf. Inside are tabards with the a patch that is sewn on in the colors of the Queen of Gladnor. The tabards are in the dukes colors, with his house symbols of the red pine and hills. In his letter he gives you latest news on weather, the trending clothes, etc… a lot of small talk. The Queens Own Dragoons (light cavalry) sponsored the livery for you, as they visited the capital with the Queen’s sister and had asked about your group in particular… they would not say how they knew of you or why. It is an honor however (the livery is worth about 500 silvers each tabard) and should be worn proudly.
He also mentions that he has gifts of weaponry – solid weapons with the mark of the Duke as a personal gesture. He invites you to see him at the Duke’s Court, or if you cannot, he will send an envoy with the expensive items.

Anwins Notes… so Far

Taelin returns and continues to help decipher the notes along with some of Mary’s agents. Its VERY slow going, as they are all held in a basic cypher. While they have discovered the cypher, it takes a lot of time to translate each scroll, each message, each notebook by hand.

  • the transactions indicate Anwin must have been the richest man in the Duchy
  • Anwin used his familiar to write and record things extensively
  • Many payments were dividends of trade investments in the merchant cities
  • Anwin owned (and sold when he moved) much property
  • Anwin had spies (code names) in every riverdan territory
  • Anwin had a spy in Bar-Innis
  • Anwin had a spy in Richfield
  • He was VERY interested in the Companions Library – but his agents were not able to find anything (though his “masters” know Anwin thought it high value and may be a target)
  • Anwin had a source of information in House Malor
  • Anwin knew about the presence of Aruna – though not name or history
  • Anwin hated the Orrish (unknown why) and never used them as agents of any kind
  • He had smuggler contacts on the Nanford River
  • He owned his own boat
  • Anwin probably traveled to the south by boat – he went overland using contacts to Lake Caolite, then by boat from there
  • He had several visits from “Hareen” and suspected he was not as he seems
  • All his dealings with the Twin River Council were coded – he never used real names (but its probably easy to figure out who each is)
  • There were assassinations carried out (operations with code names – might be able to track who but locale and dates)
  • He has extensive agents in Monaides and possibly even trators to their own people working for him
  • There was plans to kill members of the Gallants several times – arrangement pending with several groups (code names and code places)

    Specifically, there is a group that operates in the merchant cities that will not step out of their lands (unknown why), but is ready should The Gallants come north
  • There was an extensive multi-year operation to undermine authority and kill the Earl of Richfield – the party was put into play and prevented it
  • Anwin knew there was power in the swamp and told his masters

Taelin Discovers Possible Abandoned Elven Enclave

Going back and reading through all the history of the Gallantine annals, Taelin had read once were a elven enclave had been abandoned in the Lowlands of Braddon Bog and Nuir Woods.

Grace Peregrin and Jaq Meet

Grace Peregrin has meeting with Jaq immediately when she returns. Jaq, bandaged and bed-ridden is pragmatic. “Geraldine is dead. The beast is dead. She knew it was on her to suffer the wrath of the Baron for any actions she may have taken – whatever those are proven or not, and whatever you might THINK you know, she ended up
giving her life for the future safety of the duke and his people… and especially the people nearby. That includes Baron Wheglin to the north. Its time to put aside differences and rekindle the flame that once caused the baron and his family to be our most trusted and powerful supporter.
We who remain remember the bonds – and lament those who may have lost sight of them in between the civil war and now… but those times are done and Mary and I now remain. Whatever test you ask of us, it will be passed.”
[What exactly passes between Jaq and Grace is unrecorded – Jaq sits secure in what she has done.] The Baron is old and he will likely not live out more than another few winters. Grace indicates that her and Mary have already exchanged information – The Gallants have no one else they can trust in the region.

Grace meets seperately with Mary in Dogwood Flats on her way home – covering the same topics and information.

Freeman Crane

Sira Freeman Crane: Proposed marriage with Siress Mary of the Gallants

2nd Nephew to Baron Wheglin. 37 years old male; “Lt” in the Baronial Guard of House Wheglin (honorarium with stipend)

The Gallant and family Wheglin ties will be bound in marriage – but through Mary, the current titled ruler of Dogwood Flats. Through marriage she will neither inherit title of Wheglin land (it will be to his 2nd nephew), nor will the Wheglin family inherit title in Dogwood Flats. The title is at the Baron’s privilege anyway – not hereditary. What IS noted is that Grace is an agent of the ducal authorities.

He (Sir) and she (Dame) will be knighted appropriately.

Gallantine Espionage in West River Run: It has come to pass that years of war are impoverishing West River Run. Very specifically the Baronial Veff family, which guards the pass into Tarmysia. Between his political alliances to the east and the Gwinnish forces threatening to overrun his land to the west, he has had neither coin nor will for years. Now is the time. Grace has ordered to prove the Gallantine good will by negotiating an alliance with the enemies of Dunstrand – and bringing Baron Veff back into the good graces of Ducal powers. He must be willing to give up ANY claim of any kind on Cabella – which he has nominal titles in, along with his knights and nobles pledged to him – all lands must be ceded to others (to be identified later – but Grace hints there may be something in it for The Gallants).
In return, his domain will be solidified, and his Baronial Authority increased to a County. Anything less would be better, but this is the maximum of the deal they may negotiate – of course any increase in his allies titles or holdings would have to be negotiated… he would not be allowed simple cart-blache.
They must travel to the Baron and secretly negotiate (envoy of hers named Gretchen Fieldings goes with group). This opens the possibility of a Cabella in the north through Bar-Innis in the south trade route not under a stranglehold by Twin River counties. The exact economic and military state of Cabella must be determined, rely on the Baron’s men for this – but place operatives and agents to gain information for yourself. Cabella might have to be “propped up” first. How much must be invested is to be determined.
Emphasize his ability to withstand a major seige in the last campaign and why it really failed – his “strength” or a weakness of the enemy? Grace hints that the agent of Gwinn the group rescued in The Sealish last year was instrumental in arranging a logistical failure – that had this not been accomplished the operation may have succeeded and the Baron and Duke diminshed in lands. This work for the benefit of the Duke
is what is even allowing the conversation between the 2 women to initially happen – Grace at least believes in The Gallantine commitment to Dunstrand.

Harahd Travels to Varstock Holt

Jaq, Taelin and Harahd decide what will be done. Jaq is too badly hurt to do anything for another month or more. Taelin is mostly healed, and desires to spend time in the Companions Library research a hunch he has on old elvish ruins.
Harahd decides he wishes to follow up with Jaq’s previous attempts to contact the Ducateon enclave, and deal with the smith there. the Holt is next to the capital of Dusntrand City –
while near the capital, he will contact Tanner Holraf first – who has sent word of a desire to gift the group with something to help them on their journeys.
Harahd will attempt then to go to the holt, along with Kye and perhaps Draven to keep safe.

[Harahd] “Greetings (insert ducateon greeting of friendship). I do not wish to waste your time with fanciful speeches or exaggerated ideals, i will be honest and brief in hopes that sound reasoning and mutual respect will be the mitigating forces between us. I am Harahd Adeen, Servant of Merkaine the mistress of fire. I seek an audience with the smith residing within, in the hopes that he will be willing to craft weaponry and tools of Draconian materials. I will not waste materials such as these in the hands of a human smith, I trust only an expert. I spare you the details of what i desire, but i would have you understand the broad picture. I am returning to the north, taking with me a band that looks to me for leadership. These men have struggled with morality in the past, seeing only the end result and final objectives in the grand scheme. I intend to lead them on a more noble path, one that values the betterment of all. They show promise, and a desire to do good works, but this is all pointless should they perish in the frozen north. I wish to protect my flock, and the power of flame is the tool my goddess has granted me to do so. No power is better suited for that of fire than the power of the dragons. I wish to see the dragons flame lighting the path my men must follow to become what they must.”

A Visit to SIR Tanner Holmraf


Before going to the Holt, respects must be paid to Tanner and the Duke’s representatives – such is protocol. Tanner is very busy, but delighted to see you. You find out through his servants that he has been KNIGHTED by the duke for overseeng the regency and transfer of power after the civil war of Bar-Innis!
He informs Harahd that much is happening… alliances are being set and there is great optimism for the year and beyond. He says the augers say weather will be bad this year – so he urges you to carry word that winter stores are to be especially safegaurded this year. He introduces Harahd to a few functionaries but its obvious his foreign faith and rather austere approach as a priest leave little points of conversation.
Tanner spends a full day catching up on all the happenings in Bar-Innis. Then he presents the weapons, and he says that he had heard that Jaq needed a replacement for Bone Shaker, and that he found a beautiful axe – suitable for one of the Gallantine Leaders to wield.
His aid purchased in in the Merchant Cities in the north, a beautiful antique from the north and a fitting replacement for Bone-Shaker. The dealer said its metal was thousands of years old – that some minor earth enchantment had preserved haft and blade alike – though it was not seen to have any overwhelming mystic powers.
It is on its way directly to the Comapanions Library. Harahd thanks him and makes his way to the Ducateon Holt of Varstock.

Dealings in Varstock Holt

[Interview with Ducateon Diplomat] Im coming to the smithy as a priest of Merkaine who’s returning north, should he ask of my other affiliations i will be truthful and upfront as long as it does not violate my code of the exillions. I will offer an appropriate tribute to the smith (ill do some research to find out what is available on the surface that a ducateon may care for, anything up to 100 silvers) I do not wish to convince his representatives, I would like to speak with him directly so he is given the opportunity to gauge what kind of person is asking for his services. I will not be rude to any one, only clear that I wish to pay my respect directly to the smith. Should he not be willing to craft for me, i will ask if he is interested in purchasing the materials that I would have asked him to craft.

He makes a solid impression – he is granted exactly a 20 minute interview… the Duke’s support has extended the more that normal 10 minute time to explain your ideas and desires.

9168 Q1 Heralds Quarterly Released

The New church of Merkaine in Braddon Bog – Despoiled

With the lands of Dogwood Flats becoming an official territory and title, the population of Braddon Bog has almost doubled. The Companions Library is finally seen as legitimate and long lasting. A new tavern is being built and the Inn expanded – the town is rebounding after the civil war.
However, the population, now over 500, supports three faiths. The Church of The Lightbringers, a shrine fo the Green Church, and now a shrine to Merkaine being built. It does not take long for religious factionalism to start.
the Lighbringers still lay claim (they dispute that they were lead to believe it worthless, and all manner of rumors have circulated for years of a treasure found under it) to the property of the Companions Library — once their old church but belonging to the Gallants now.
No amount of arson or work to crumble the library has worked, but the new sacred ground to Merkain has been desploiled! No one wonders at who is responsible, but the Lighbringer Priestess Mother Helen says she did nothing and is willing to take an oath before a Justicar.
there have been several fights. Regardless, Sister Stephanie Firetop has asked to perhaps move the location of the shrine to Dogwood Flats. Although the population is less, it will cause less issues and
perhaps is more suited for the fighting men of the Gallantine Company any way.

Jaq Possessed

The Axe is a thing of ancient beauty. However, it brings some terrible curse. Upon unwrapping it and grasping it, Jaq shivers and shakes, frothing madly. She is cast to the ground, and her death grip on the weapon cannot be broken.
Immediately the servants send for other members of the Gallantine troop – and they can do nothing for her. Mendollin is sorely missed say a few – he would surely know how to deal with this… Jaq is a woman possessed. Messages are sent in secret, Mary is called for as well.
No expenses are spared – the representative of House Malor is quickly brought to the Comapanions Library. He records the images he is seeing and send a mystical message to his masters, in turn it is carried to the court in Mev and finds Tanner in the capital. He sends a runner to find Harahd at Varstock Holt, where he has been for over a week.
The messenger of House Malor presents the Mirror of Memory to Harahd, and alone, Harahd sees the hysteria and raving of Jaq. In his heart he senses there is a direct connection between her and him now – something is going on he does not understand but his faith, he knows, the element which has bound them.
He feels that he will be returning north, and his Exlion blood thrills with the thought of it.

Return with gifts to Dogwood Flats

Harahd returns, making a swift journey and sparing no expense – Tanner ensures he has the extra cash and writ to move swiftly.

  1. for Taelin: a slim sword
  2. for Sankofa: short sword
  3. for Harahd: a mace
  4. for Tiny: a dagger
  5. for Chotla: a dagger
  6. for Aelwyn:a dagger

Stop at the White Sister’s enclave in Dunstrand City

Harahd waits patiently for hours before he is seen, thinking of his speech nervously the entire time. Trying to foster better relations with both his faith and his band, he stumbles through the words when meeting the Dame Mother. Finding the golden thread of Aerna in the fallen temple was a lucky break and he clearly a sign the 2 faiths must work together.
“We travel north, where my men and i must bring the warmth and healing of the goddess. I do not know what dangers await us, but I must see my men as protected as i can should anything dark befall us. I recognize the animosity between our groups, and i know that the wound of the transgression is deep….. but i beseech you: do not let the sins of the past blind us to the present. My people enter a new day, a new era. One that involves goodness and light, one that allows for healing rather than infection and pestilence. Your churches wound is great, but no wound can heal correctly when the scab is torn repeatedly.”
The Sisters are not terribly impressed, but because Harahd is standing there, after such a long journey, and the story of the temple provides the final link to get the sisters to aid him. Their seemstresses will do the work and send on the results in a few days.
Supplies for the church of Merkaine are loaded onto a mule for Harahd to take north.

Meeting Vagaert the Blind Seerees

Along the road the 3 Gallants near Dunstrand City find themselves alone in the solitude for the moment. Ahead is a young girl, leading a woman with the woman’s hand on her shoulder who is obviously partially blind. They move to the side of the road to let you pass, asking for alms for their pilgrimage.
The woman is exceedingly old, and Harahd asks where she is bound – seeking to gauge how many silvers in goodwill he might give for an obviously pious journey. “I am bound as you are bound Harahd.”, the old woman says. “No silver do I need to get me yonder, i seek only to know you. Come, give poor old Vageart your hand so that i may steady myself and let me poor guide rest her shoulder for a while.”
Startled, Harahd steps back, “Who are you old woman, to know my name!?”, Draven’s eyes go wide and he begins to pull his sword – “Witch!” he cries. Kye suddenly materializes a pair of blades, and crouches low… the little girl begins screaming and suddenly the entire world turns upside down. Its as if gravity stopped and suddenly the faces of the Gallants are muddy.
“Shame on you!” says the little girl, and the old woman just stand there smiling, hand outstretched. Deciding that it could have been much worse, the 3 cautiously picks themselves off the ground. Harahd stumbles over to the old woman, obviously some powerful mystic or something, but not meaning any immediate harm.
He places his hand in hers and she rest some of her weight on him; she is exceedingly heavy for her size. The little girl sighs and begins to throw rocks and sticks, talking to herself, and asking the others to play catch with her. “Harahd Adeen, i see you. I see those who have come before you, and those who will come after. All the way back do i see the line of makers to which you have been drawn on.” She gazes into his eyes, and grips his hand hard.
Harahd has seen the far-look in Chot’las eyes when he reads aura and knows it is being done to him. As soon as it begins, the weight begins to ease off – but Harahd looks around and realizes the others have been playing for a while. She stands behind him, and he senses that his friends were watched through his own eyes. Laughing, the girl runs back to the side of the old woman. “Thank you, sir!” she says.
“Harahd, you will do well on your journey, and should you die, know that you will die well. The blowing snows of the north obscure much, nothing is certain but that it will be a red winter and if you succeed the north will be much shaken, perhaps to the bone. See to your friends, they have not your fortitude for such things.” Harahd turns to see Kye and Draven staggering a bit. He runs to help steady them, and looks back to see an empty road – only a cart in the far distance.

Mad Ravings of Jaq Possessed

The cursed axe is really taking ahold of Jaq. Jaq is raving about the north… she is speaking in unknown languages, talking about places no one has heard of. She has attacked the pets and servants of the library and is isolated in her room now. TShe is fully possessed – there are no more lucid moments where she seems herself.

Harahd’s Plan for the Trip North: Harahd expects to visit the White Sisters and pick up some supplies to take north. He knows that they have a relationship with Merkaine. The holy temple in the blood river basin is a stopping point for returning north.
It is here that they will stop and sacrifice the ogre-slaying weapons bound to them that are both bless and curse. Merkaine will burn away the bane of their bonding.

Following the Trail North

Lady Mary Rellian: From The Companions Library yet another quest begins. Dogwood Flats is the first stop – to see Mary. It turns out that Mary has come to Braddon Bog, saving the others a trip (perhaps better, considering any delay may cause the spirit inhabiting Jaq to get angry).
Mary has had a small, trusted group of scholars; Lady Grace Wheglin supplied a pair of scribes working under her – Celina and Rhona – to help review some of the papers gained from Anwin’s retreat.
Mary of course blesses the mission – “Jack is dead – from now on she is a “she” and she will have to live with it. She is Siress Jacqueline Blackwell. No more tom-boy affectations, no more Umbakian blood or names – she is reborn. She is the second in charge of our band, and shes been to hell and back and we wont desert her.”
It seems that there are a lot of financial anomalies from the lands of Cerrans Grant. Perhaps there was truth to the crazy old codger Willup’s ravings about a hidden mine there. When you return, it will be a mission of grave importance to find out more about this.
If it can be usurped or suborned, it would prevent the funds from flowing into the coffers of some Anwin replacement.

Anwin’s Replacement – Godric Hammerhand: Speaking of which, the council authority of Cerran’s Grant has issued a statement announcing that
Sira Godric Hammerhand, priest of Miras has taken residence in Anwins old abode and re-named it Hammer Hall. He is the new agent of the Twin River powers. He has already begun to cow the local by holding an open combat to all comers in a “brawling field” outside the manse.
He remains undefeated in unarmed combat. He is a heavily scarred man of near 30 years of age. He has seen time against the Lich Lords and Darklands. Already rumors are circulating about foes he has taken down, and defeated in his encampment.
It is said he lay in the open for 30 days, taking all challengers. He is rumored to have already defeated a hedge knight of Umbak and Dunstrand both. Mary says this represents an interesting set of news.
She says that some of this comes from Grace herself, but it is believed that anwins departure, and the death of a few maguses in the last years of adventure in the region have scared away the few who might have taken Anwin’s place.
Instead it seems that the Twin River powers are going for a more overt show of force. And they could not have found someone better – less interested in money than in fame and glory, the followers of Mizras care not for politics, only battle and victory.
Mary fears that this is more a setback than Grace feels it is. Clearly it shows the enemy can adapt fast, and having a huge pool of followers to draw on compared to Anwin, albeit mundane ones, is never a good thing when your forces are spread thin and
and limited. It is said he is being considered for a Knight Banneret (unlanded, non-herditary) title for his service against the Darklands.

Lady Mary presides over a Oath Reaffirmation Ceremony – “Remember why you are doing what you do. Right now we train troops for the Duke, for The Earl and for the Baron. The coffers are empty, but we are slowly rebuilding alliances and funding to ensure our future.
Dogwood Flats is not the most prosperous region, but it is filled with proud folk, who are now our charges. Like Braddon Bog, their lands were trampled by our enemies, but we drove the Umbakians out, and now we look to keep rebuilding.
the population is growing and with it, our future revenues, volunteers, and resources. I ask you now to take the oath once again.” The Gallants Reaffirm the Bannerman Oath

  1. I hereby espouse my love of home and hearth – that Bar-Innis is my home, the home now of my immediate family
  2. I acknowledge that Lady Aelishan is the lord and master of my home, and that their law is my law and through it so am I protected and so shall I protect their people
  3. I shall do all in my power to flourish here, to bring a sense of safety and stability upon my friends and family that are here
  4. I will do all in my power to ensure the future security and prosperity of the land and its inhabitants
  5. As my home and lord are one, as one prospers, so does the other; My Lady Aelishan is the will of the land and its peoples, thier interest are my own
  6. I shall obey the commands of my lord and liege; my loyalty is my honor
  7. I shall contribute to the welfare of community through tithing to my lord, his family, and/or parties they designate in their stead

Mary takes Harahd and Taelin aside and tells them of their espionage mission in West River Run, on his way north. It is a lot for a junior company member – but this is Second Squad – The Red Hats!
They will be leading the entireity of 1st-3rd platoons north to serve against the Gwinnish in West Riven Run… that will be the “in” to get to the Baron of House Veff. Nearly ALL recruits. Harahd is given the official rank of Lt. and Taelin promoted to coporal.