Annals of The Gallantine in Richfield (new Gallants 1)

Dunstrand Rising Living World Set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms, as a Living World storyline with the New Gallants.


THESE EVENTS RUN BETWEEN start and CY 9164, m10, d25.

Diplomacy in West River Run

The group rests 3 days, then takes a 3 day journey to the court of Baron Veff in Faryain. It turns out there are a few with magical acpabilities in Baron Veff’s court – despite his displike of it.
The group also finds out the the baron is rumored to relyon The Salamander’s Guild for intelligence. A court dandy challenges Plague (using no armor and fathers sword) to a duel and gets schooled! The Fame of The Gallants is increased.

3 days bacnk and 12 days stay at Hawks Blood Inn. The group receives word they are to meet the Earl in Denfirth – 1 day away.

Dale Betrays Mary and Leaves

Private conversation between Fazeel and Books over a 4 days period:

[Fazeel] I’m paying a lot of attention to their mates. If anything overly suspicious or covert happens i’ll be removing them from the picture as quietly as i can. I’m certain Ruby could be dissuaded with a few threats of ‘forgotten magics’ and convinced to run home to daddy. Marys fop on the other hand…… I’d probably just bury him somewhere and forge a note speaking of ‘urgent business back home’.

[Books] Mary’s blinded here. Quite frankly, it’s his child and she won’t have as many rights as he will with it. The child will likely be used as leverage against her. Find out more about him, we’re being attacked from all sides and he may be a plant.

It does not take much to find out he’s got debts… he may be looking for a way to deal with them through association to The Gallants, and the Earl.

[Fazeel] Obviously I don’t want anyone knowing about this, Plague and Seconds in particular. I’ll see if I can get a bunch of ‘the guys’ together and get him plastered. I’ll pretend to have way too much to drink and retire a little before everyone else. Then that night when everyone else is off to bed ill try and catch him while he’s off peeing. Conk to the head, chloroform if available, strangle cord, basically nothing that will leave blood. Then a nice jaunt 2 miles out in the muck where I will have hole premade. The day after i’ll make a show of being completely hungover.

[Books] Its easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. I get it. Make it so. Get rid of evidence.

On ___, Dale was last seen out drinking with some of The Gallants, like he does on many a night, and only a note remained in his room in the morning. The Hag is going to be forced to deal with the child on her own.

> “Dearest Mary – I see that we are not meant to be, for you are the love of my life, but i cannot live in your shadow. Your path is dark and dangerous, too much so for I. I am so sorry for leaving you this way, but my fortune must be sought elsewhere.”

Dale’s horse is butchered and given to the hybrid horde by a couple unscrupulous types that Fazeel knew about locally. His belongings too. His bar tab is unpaid, a whopping 400 silvers! The best wine and food was his while he was associated with The Gallants.
No one is REALLY looking too hard into this, though there are a few sidelong glances.

Assassination Attempt on the Earl of Richfield

The group awaits their orders – figuring they will soon be going north to take on the Gwinnish! It is not to be however, the Earl arrives unannounced into town
and stations his guard in the barracks – displacing The Gallants. He asks that the Gallants escort him and his knight friend from West River Run on a hunting trip
– boards on the edge of the swamp. There’s already rumors of riders and strange sightings to the south – but the Earl insists. The Earl, his friend, the huntmaster,
and 6 servants plus The Gallants set out. Several days of drinking, eating, and relaxing later finally sees the younger knight get his kill. That night, after all
are asleep drunk and happy, assassins attack. Fry Bread is just able to get into the tent after 2 of the Earls servants are killed to stop 4 assassins. The Baron
takes a ghastly wound, his last servant dies and the Gallants struggle to beat down the assailants in the dark with improvised attacks. the Hag sees Seconds about
to be struck by a powerful blow and draws upon her inner sight to send bad luck to the attacker. Just as Naked is wrestling with the last assassin, with all the
Gallants in the remains of the tent, the last assassin is able to crack a fake tooth and release a deadly gas, gurgling “die Gallants” as he dies. All but The Hag
make it out safely – the Earl having to be carried out. The Hag is coughing and sputtering – her throat constricting. Naked performs an emergency tracheotomy. As
she lays, barely alive, she senses her bad luck has come back – the life inside her has been harmed by the terrible poison. Outside, under the starry night, the
Earl start laughing. Half the Gallants are ready to pound him, when he reveals “its working” through repeated heaves and deep breaths. Finally they get it – he’s
being noticed. His plans are threatening people and all his work is hitting his enemies were it counts. While not entirely pleased about it all (many of the band
are wounded), The Gallants feel good that the Earl’s plans advance.

Trouble in West Cut/Scoradin’s Gap

Family’s are feuding and one of them is the Earl’s wife’s relations. West Riven Run is once again trying to usurp more power and control of the region.

A Trip to Blackbath

At last the Earl says they should trek to the spas and springs at Blackbath and enjoy a week of healing there. While there, Hag is approached by a man, Dale Buernin, who wooes her into bed (she is all too willing) and expresses his love for her. She leaves at the end of the week with her man in tow – expressing his love for her endlessly. She is flattered, but will not accept any talk of the future. Naked is pursued by a woman named Ruby. She discovers he is not interested in a proper relationship, or long term commitment. The heroics of The Gallants are the talk of the earldom, and she settles on Fry Bread’s good looks but dull wits. He is more than accepting of Naked’s “cast-offs”… and she forces him to court her properly. It turns out her father is a smith in Marvencol – a wealthy and influential man – who is not happy when he hears the news. Perhaps to spite her father, she leaves with The Gallants as they go back north. Once there, she arranges for them to be married, and Fry Bread begins his attempt to knock her up. Dale speaks to The Hag about marriage and she refuses. It simply will not happen for her – its “too dangerous”. He whines about his love, but begins to slip away – probably realizing that his future with Mary will never come. Its a different story for Fry Bread – he and his wife are happy. Other than the romance, there are no other conections made at Blackbath – a place where deals are done and connections are known to be made.

Build up to War with West River Run

The Gallants slowly make their way back, on foot, to the pass to Marvencol. During that time they notice an increased military presence along all the roads – including those leading to Richfield. Arriving at the orphange of the White Sisters, they collapse. Naked gathers some local hunters and begins to keep a close eye on the pass and West River Run side. After a couple days, trade stops flowing. Sending scouts out, they discover a huge military build up. Sending word via runner, they await the word of the Earl, while thinking about defense. Word arrives back to begin a spear levey and prepare for war! The Gallants get 20 recruits of their own, and Seconds starts training. Another 20 join the Marvencol Militia. Naked keeps a close watch, and the scouts from West River Run begin to clash more with his own. At last trade outside the region is attacked and word is war is imminent and the Sir Gar Samuelson and the House Guards are on their way. Just as everyone is sure West River Run will invade, they clear out. It takes days for them to pick up camp, probably over 300 men. Naked leads a scouting expedition and finds out that Gwinn has attacked Cabella!
Somehow Richfield was used as a ruse to lure away troops from the real threat… no one is sure of anything. The Gallants suspect that the actions of the Sun Stealer cult may be connected – the plot in Molra was too complicated for a mere small cult.

For days the band awaits word from the Earl, and eventually they are told to return to their stations in the north – at Hawks Blood Inn. Their recruits will be going north with the Earls, to help the Duke’s forces in West River Run keep back the tide of Gwinnish forces. They receive word from their acquaintances in the Brotherhood of Mizras that they have been drafted to assist with planning and field tactics, and that they have requested some attachment to the Gallants recruits to help keep them alive – the least he can do until he sees them next and can fulfill his oath to teach one of the Gallants his “sword dancing” ways. The Gallants rest.. a well needed rest. They engage the hybrid horde with food supplies for months to scout the far reaches of Gillman Pass and warn of any impending attack from the Gwinnish forces in that direction.

Putting Down Insurrection in Molra of West River Run

CY 9164, m10, d25 Arriving on Molra, the ill herald of Baron Veff settles the party at the Grey Goose Inn. By the end of the day, he’s returned with a summary of the local watch reports, a basic timeline, and a few bottles of good wine for himself. He pretty much throws it at the party, and asks to be informed of any updates, and retreats to his room to suffer through the dehydrating diarrhea he’s suffered from the last few day (thanks to The Hag putting something in his food).
The timeline and progress of events is eerily similar to Barrid – and only a day ago there was an altercation in the Charon market place – the second of 2 large markets in town.

The group manages to catch 2 agitators after several days of setting up watches and trying to get information. The Gallants are more well received for their less high handed efforts than they used in Barrid. The 2 captives are from out of the area – confirming the watch commanders belief they are well organised. They really don’t know anything,but during the search of surrounding areas a body is found. It turns out that a couple more people come forward, from outside of town. Combined with the homeless missing that Frybread uncovers, its a total of five victims – but only one body. All of them in good physical shape; the one body found had the mark of Sunstealer on the sole of his foot – barely recognizable with the rodent chewing and muck.

The PC’s mull over this terrible news – a cult of the dark right in the middle of the whole Cabellan situation. They are told to focus on the Cabellan agitators by the herald of Baron Veff, but they approach it obliquely, claiming they may be involved – citing evidence suggesting them being well organized and more active of late (the time of the sacrifices). A man comes forward to the watch and says he can only be protected by The gallants, and he will only meet with them. The Gallants set up a safe spot, but he is murdered that night on his way. He is known to sleep in three derelict houses – the watch provide details (he is a known homeless man).

the Gallants go and get the help of an initiate from the Church of Light, in case they run into dark worshipers. The Gallants move as a group, knocking down doors and being heavy handed in their search. They find nothing, though at night they spot a lone figure leaving from what appears to be a boarded door. They catch him and he claims to be a slave – he believes he was soon to be sacrificed – of the underground temple to Sun Stealer. He was told to wait an hour then leave. It smells like a trap of sorts, and after they investigate the fake boarded door and reveal a hole into the earth, they send the initiate of light back to get his brethren. The Church of Light shows up with a dozen followers, officials, watchmen and the media in tow – to make a big deal about how they are going to deal with the threat. In the now abandoned temple they find traps, tricks, and papers. The papers implicate judges, sheriffs, businessmen and others in a plot to overthrow the city council. Arrests are made, torture is enjoined and after 5 days the church finally comes to the conclusion that the papers are fake! The Church of Light in Molra takes a huge popularity hit. The Cabellan agitators, fearful of being associated with events in any way, completely stop. The herald of Baron Veff considers their word fulfilled and releases The Gallants.

Meanwhile… Books manages to discover the chaos ring thats been on ice for many years is actually ne of the Rings of Weyen.

Gallants Betrayed by Amelia

CY 9164, m10, d23 Taqwill is murdered by Amelia!
Books uses the Seeing stones and insists that Fazeel tell everyone the entire message. Taqwill is dead – he was assassinated by the care-taker of the Companion Reliquary – Amelia. The short of it is, once Books had drafted and sent through the communications about the Gallants as a chartered company and its service to the Duke, she was given the order to move.
Apparently she has been an agent of Umbak all along. This explains a few things of how they were able to successfully infiltrate at Braddon Bog a few times. The library and the long lived elf with a long memory were not something Umbak was willing to tolerate apparently. Books is in control of the Companions Library and is instituting pogroms and purges. Braddon Bog is not a happy place and Books does not care. He fears the enemies of The Gallants may be making their play before we get too powerful.
Finish what you are doing as fast as you can and rally to Braddon Bog – the Regent appears neutral in this so he does not think he will move to block travel. Books is hearing rumors about The Maulsmen – a merc company that was forced to leave at the end of the civil war but may be employed against the Gallants somehow.

@ Braddon Bog: In convention of the law, Books tries her (she could be considered a Gallant – his reasoning is she was employed by them, not Taqwill) and is tried under their rules. She is found guilty. Books locks her in the old church cellar and begins a private
torture session. He asks for a sacrifice, a goat, and comes out covered in blood (for effect only). She has given up her contact – too far away in Umbak to make any use of – and the messenger between them has long since fled.
Books decides that she is to be quietly disposed of. Everyone is told she is dead and buried, but he takes her and sacrifices her to the Celestial.

[Fazeel] Amelia sounds familiar from the annals but i’m drawing a blank. How relevant was she to us?

[Books] Batsu hired her years back… shes a no one, and she kept her head down and betrayed us a few times.

[Hag] Wasn’t she the woman who employed us in the last territory that we worked in.

[Books] Nope, she’s just been a no one. Batsu wanted to hire someone when he was not there… just a wrong pick.

[Fazeel] Wait didn’t we suspect her at some point? We were doing some investigation or other and found a woman whos husband had been umbakian or something along those lines? Arg…. I wish i could remember exactly what we were doing at that point.

[Horse] Damn it! To think that bitch did that shit pisses me off! If we find her. She’s dead man! Not just betraying us but killing Taqwill too!!! She’s going to wish she was dead long before she dies…I’ll feed her to the celestial, let her drain the essence out of her! All of it, forcefully! Batsu was just trying to do something good, preserve the memories of the fallen, of our travels, of the thing the band of crows learned as well as the Gallants for future generations…Bitch!

[Books] Shes already dead.

[Horse] Good, do we know where? I’d like to go drop a deuce on it!

[Books] I took care of it.

[Horse] [Horse] Whatever they know or, Books knows? we should hide the tomes and, any books we want preserved elsewhere if they do come looking for
anything. We’ve been in there side for many generations and, Braddon Bog has taken many hits for that in our sakes. Keeping up that
relationship is far more important then doing Baron Veff’s dirty work. I’m guessing we may side with the rebels cause if known what it was?
I hate the Twin River Powers and, how they oppress their people, forced to work for shit pay, barely able to feed their families and,
so beaten down are they by Anwin and, the policital machine that holds them in poverty, that I’m actually glad there is a rebellion against
Veff and them. Honestly, we hate those guys! They sided with Berithor and, Umbak during the civil war, against the Gallants and, we
have had many shitty run in’s and, experiences at their hand. Dealing with them should be a polititcal matter for the Earl of Richfield and,
Veff should handle it themselves, not one for the Gallants…unless our Earl commands it and, then I would say question it. Baron Veff’s
is about profits, greed, oppression of the people…not for peace for Dunstrand. If Berithor hadn’t have been stopped, Dunstrand may very
well have been devided by Umback and, all the easier for the Gwinnish invasion to crush the Duke’s power structure. I don’t trust him, I
know you must decide what to do to save our skins but, being a party to his thurst for greed and, oppression leaves a foul taste in my
mouth, worse so then if I had just licked Naked’s Bare back, fur and, all! I know not of the Maulsmen but, I do not like that they are
looking for us, whoever their employer is, even if it’s just trying to make a name for themselves by, taking out the Gallants. I should
arrive in Braddon Bog under the cover of night and, in common armor, not that of the Gallants colors. There’s no telling what kind of eyes
might be on us there already. Books is fromitable but, even his magics my not be enough to get him out of a fight if one breaks out.
I should check the defenses of the Library and, of Braddon Bog before you arrive, scout the area and, be sure all is safe for your arrival
after investigating the information on these ‘Rebels’ Veff is so desperate to be rid of…it may be good for all of us to go unknown
for a bit Plague, at least until you learn more about what is really happening in these areas.

[Plague] Uhhh, yea… you’re on the team dude, if the boss says so.

Books sends a follow up message that he says only Fazeel (well, because he has the Seeing Stone to relay the message) and Plague should know.

He just got a set of crude scraps of pieced together notes sent from a friend of Spider’s in Mosshaven. The news of the Umbakian agent killing Taqwill got out, and apparently Spider had some suspicions of a couple of
Baron Wheglin’s allies being Umbakian agents and recorded it before he died. In the event of Umbakian influence raising its head again, the Gallants were to get his scrap book.
Books has gone totally stone cold heartless – he asks that you send Plague immediately so he can deal with these 2 people.

[Plague] Plague: Yes, sounds good to help sort out this situation – people are screwing with us and we need some payback. And we need to find
out who specifically is behind this. Okay, let’s get these guys and get all the information they have and then payback. Or payback while getting
the information, but not too much payback, as The Celestial could always use a bit more Essence from people who do us wrong… This sounds like i need to handle this myself. Horse and I will ride hard for Braddon Bog.

[Fazeel] So with you not being there, what are your orders? Just give me the primary objectives and I’ll make sure we go in that direction.

[Plague] I am thinking that we can take care of the problem in the smaller towns, and if the party isn’t too beaten up, go to Cabella and parley with the
leaders, since we don’t have the brute force to go into Cabella and demand them give up their ideas that they are a Freehold under the Duke. While
talking with them let them know that at this point the Duke, as well as the Count of West River Run and other authorities have allowed them to exist
with their ideas that they are a Freehold under the Duke, because they haven’t caused trouble outside of Cabella until recently. But neither the
Duke or the Powers in West River Run have acknowledged or authorized them as a Freehold, so thus they are actually still a part of West River Run, at
this point. There has just been a bloody civil war in Bar-Innis, and the Duke really wants some stability in his lands. Maybe if we can get a list
of grievances and/or the reasons why Cabella should be a freeholding under the Duke and not just be a part of West River Run, we might be able to get
the ear of Tanner to have a hearing, though not promising anything on this point. But make it clear that the Duke of Dunstrand probably will not like
Cabella spreading trouble in his lands. Right now, it is only the Count taking notice.

Again, Fazeel, you understand the political situations and connections in this area much better than me, so amend my ideas accordingly. I am not
sure if we can speak for the Duke, but it might defuse the situation. I am not sure if we can even diffuse the situation through talk. But I don’t
think we can go into Cabella itself and demand that they bend their knee to West River Run Rule. I think the mob would kill us all. But again, maybe
you will find out that we can take care of Cabella itself, then go for it. But if we can keep Cabella free, it might help the region in the long term.

Anyway, some guiding thoughts, but as you actually play through this, the circumstances may change and you might have to take a different direction.
Also, if at anytime you are all at risk of being annihilated, bugger out and head back to Braddon Bog. But we might be able to achieve dual goals,
stop the spread of the Free Cabella movement and at the same time give a voice for a possibly Free Cabella, which we kind of support do to the fact
we really don’t like the powers of West and East River Run as they are controlling trade and impoverishing other areas such as the Riverdans and
even Richfield. (I have that right, right?).

[Books] I think you nailed it pretty well.

Putting Down Insurrection in Barrid of West River Run

CY 9164, m10, d15 The Baron has some civil trouble with agitators in the region of Cabella. He wants The Gallants to stop the insurrection. He offers them a writ to act in his name (under an advisor to be sent with them – they must protect the advisor) and exchange for acknowledging that they have repaid the worst of any debt owed by The Gallants to the rulers of West River Run.

CY 9164, m10, d19 Fazeel and Naked arrive after sending letters ahead and gone ahead under the Dame Mother’s thoughts that they will be ok – the group has waited for them. baron Veff provides them one of his herald’s to advise them, and the group heads off to the city of Barrid – SE of Cabellan territories.

CY 9164, m10, d21 The Gallants are told that the agitators have spread outside of Cabella and they are to stop them here first. Barrid is a small town of just over 1000 population. Each five years, the Chauvela Elves come to trade, and that will be in the spring. The Baron does not want to jeopardize any of this fragile process. Howard Lovejoy, his herald, impresses on Plague the need to absolutely shut down any agitators here, preferably using violence they won’t soon forget.

CY 9164, m10, d21 The Gallants march into town, and the locals get worried. Naked watches from a distance as the Mayor, Darel Hawkwind (of pine tribe descent) gets verbally assaulted and abused by the herald for failing to suppress things himself. Frybread poses as a cook, and where no one will talk to the Gallants, he hears all the rumors. A story emerges after a couple days – an escalation of violence including protest that got out of hand and a small girl killed, and a tax collector killed – his mouth filled and smashed in with silver coins, and fingers broken. There are rumors of something big happening soon – but no specifics. Frybread is set up as a protester when he is beaten by his own crew (and takes a pot shot back at Fazeel who cold cocked him from behind!). Indeed, later he is contacted by a member of the agitators. However, they think him too simple to be of much use (the head wound’s disadvantage clearly showing). Thinking quick though, Frybread follows him back. The Gallants raid the place, with Frybread posing as a captive. The contact they capture goes into a cell with Frybread, and he wins his confidence. Using Frybread’s hidden boot knife, they escape – a plan not discussed with the rest of the group! They are pursued, but lost. The sign of the Goose Down Den is where Frybread is taken to – the headquarters of the agitators. He manages to get the single person they leave on guard drunk with him, wins his trust, finds out the big event is killing a merchant, beats him senseless and grabs a bunch of documents and runs. He cannot remember exactly the place, but he leads the Gallants back – but asking directions gave their enemies a little warning – they just fled when they arrive. The Gallants send word to have a couple barracks soldiers protect the merchant – who seems to trivialize the ability of the agitators.

CY 9164, m10, d22 After pouring over the documents, Fazeel finds their backup headquarters at a place called The Games Workshop. The Gallants move to raid it, but looks out spot them as they come in, shut the place down and take hostages. They demand horse and way out. Mary incites the crowd that is gathering, and it turns into a flash mob. Half the Gallants make it out unscathed – but even Plague is pulled down and a brick taken to his head. Most of the agitators died in the mob violence. During this time, Fazeel spots a botanist shop out of the corner of his eye, and uses the mob as cover to quick-loot the shop and run. Naked leaps from the rooftops and manages to capture one of the agitators… and one of the six Frybread counted gets away.

CY 9164, m10, d23 The herald is not happy, and makes some disparaging remarks under his breath only Naked can hear. Mary decides she’s had enough of the herald and begins to poison his meals, making him sick to his stomach. They hear the next city is Molra, less than a day away NE.
Hag and Fazeel check the pouch he stole from the botanist. It reads (in elven) “For sick” – inside is a mask and wraps, sealed in large leaf wraps and bees wax.
They tinker and figure that basically the mask sets the breather in torpor in 3 quick moments rounds (nearly stopping all body processes), and there are 10 wraps that will alleviate malaise each night. They are made from some sort of orchid essential oil they are unfamiliar with.
Hag has never seen the like either – definitely elven specialty stuff. She says in unwrapping it and testing it, the preservatives are losing effect – these will last about 3 months.
Fazeel says to put them in new sacks, then burn the previous container.

Books Makes an Offer on Land: Used to purchase land in Dogwood Flats for “Gallantine Academy”

> 400sc in rubies from Teerlink the Lich’s lair, 5,000 in trade bars (250 sp each, total of 20 each, from Tanner Holmraf), Finnis-City tokens (each worth 500 silvers x3 = 1500sp), 200 sp worth of crystal decanter and glass set from church of Aerna – “for ending that which could not”, 3000 silver crown worth of family and personal jewelry from Sir Gilhed (“The Hound” of Berithor),1350 sp in jewelry (rings, necklace from 2 ransomed nobles [Ransom 2 nobles for 1600-150 for soldiers, ransom paid out. Coins actually silver plated lead with only 1/5th. Guards paid in real coin), Ducateon trade bar stash (500 sp, higher from collector), 400 silvers in misc. goods given to houses who support what the party did to Berithor, 250 silvers in goods from the Beastwood – the druids supported them, 400 sp in goods from Courtesan’s kidnappers (Alsa), 4 short swords, 4 daggers, 1 broadsword, 6 shields, 2 medium crossbows, 3 light crossbows, 3000 silver

Rescuing the Warrior Brother of Mizras

CY 9164, m9, d27 The Gallants plan their mission to rescue the captive warrior brother of Mizras. They assess that taking horses the long way and taking the more direct route through the mountains and Naked determines its about the same – but Plague knows going through West River Run exposes the team to the wrath of the rulers of that area. Memories are long and the death of the town of Dirte Diaphor at the hands of Gide’s Gallants wont be forgotten soon. Plague remembers they have master trackers available who know the area in the hybrid horde, and the group sets off to make a deal with them. Plague requisitions a bunch of the Earl’s supplies from the standing barracks – left over from when the House Guards occupied it, and takes them with as payment to the tribe. The payment works out for them, and they supply 2 members who can speak ok to lead the group to the top of Gillman Pass. Plague is slowing the group down, so they decide to let 1 group with Horse and Naked go ahead and scout.

CY 9164, m10, d3 Naked sets up Horse at a fall back position and scouts the area. There’s envidence of some random horse and foot patrols, and a supply cart about every 2 weeks. But is fall season, and the fog, cold and rain have ended campaign season – the fort itself is pretty inactive. Its made of rough stone and mortar from the local area, and an overhang has been dug out to provide shelter from the wind and rain. A rough, 10m tower provides a field of fire from almost every angle. A small smithy, a few supply sheds, the back gate and kitchen are partially exposed. Most of the barracks is underground. Naked thinks ambushing the supply cart may be a way in (posing as supply crew) – but does not relish the thought of trying it. He checks in with Horse and decides to make his way down the pass to the fortress of Dayne-Mar Dak at the bottom, and see if he can contact the warrior brothers. He manages to stumble his way past mostly sleeping sentries and get to the fortress. His gruff shouts are met with the few arrows in the early morning light – the fort’s doors wont open. He waits for light and poses as a trapper, he’s roughed up a bit, but put in touch with the warrior brothers – staying in the stable. He talks to them, and gets them, to arrange a mule to carry their comrade. Their leader tells him of an excellent ambush point about ⅔ the way back up. They leave to the hiss of the Baron’s men. They wait at the ambush spot while he makes his way back.

CY 9164, m10, d4 Naked arrives soon after the rest of the group. Mary reminds all that no one here speaks their language – so sneaking in will be next to impossible if the idea is to pose as one of them. That leaves sneaking in. After a quick skill assessment, Naked and Fazeel are assigned the duty of springing the captive. Too late Plague realizes they should have started by talking to the warrior brothers first – he feels they are winging it without enough information. Naked and Fazeel go in at midnight, slipping over the 3m wall easily. They can see a few lazy sentries. Naked begins to explore some of the supply sheds before trying to brave slipping into the barracks. He Manages to sniff out the right shed, at the base of the tower, but is discovered because its lit up. Fazeel uses some of his freeze potions to immobilize his head and prevent him from screaming, then to trip him up. He jumps on him and they struggle ridiculously. Naked comes out with the starved, exhausted captive and the alarm is raised. Horse is stationed about 50m away and prepares the mule and to provide covering fire. Fazeel narrowly misses a crossbow bolt to the hip, while they throw the captive over the wall, so the sounds of a cracked rib. Naked boosts Fazeel over then uses his pelt’s Predator Pounce ability, startling the archers in the tower. They retreat amidst a hail of crossbow fire, taking a few minor wounds. They make their way down the pass to the ambush point a few hours away. Its 4am, and the group reaches the ambush point, and discuss their next move. Lightning begins to illuminate the pass – with no thunder! A dazzling flash here and there, eventually making its way to them. Hag is blinded in one flash making a run for a pack horse, falling to the ground. The group surmises there must be a follower of the Storm Queen amidst the fort’s occupants. Naked spots a group of a dozen or more, shield wall in fornt, coming down the pass. Plague decides to bug out, and the warrior brothers follow suit – risking their comrade suffering a major wound in his weakened state. Long after morning, the group finds itself at the base of the pass road. Fazeel has a strange sense and manages to hide himself for some reason. Naked is bringing up the read and has time to slip into cover before the entire group is surrounded by soldiers of West River Run. They are very excited to have caught the mighty Gallants – and they let the warrior brothers go (who make their way to Hawks Blood Inn, to await their return (the leader feels The Gallants will ultimately prevail – knowing what he does about their history and reputation).

CY 9164, m10, d9 Fazeel and Naked meet up in Marvencol after both making a run to get out of West River Run. They meet with the White sisters and Fazeel begs them to write a letter in favor of The Gallants – Dame Mother April does. She swears she would testify on their behalf if ever a trial came… but thinks its just a lot of hot air on the part of West River Run (she’s hearing rumors in her own messages to her Sisters there).

CY 9164, m10, d14 For 8 days the members are beaten, starved, and abused. Then, Baron Raelen Veff II of the Barony of Faryain in West River Run comes to see them personally. He claims that they will be a prize indeed to the Count. They will be tried, found guilty, and likely killed to answer for the crimes of the past Gallants. They manage to convince him of letting them make amends, the letter from the White Sisters also reaching him he seems more open to discussion.

Fazeel is the new annalist!

Books and Plague – the Aruna Question

[Plague] What about Aruna… we owe her a debt?

[Books] Boss, from what i can tell Aruna as taken some of the Celestial’s power from her. The rough notes from the annals of the Gallants dont say a whole lot – but it appears she first forged her connection when she was brought into the fold of the Gallants on Farold’s time. Hap’s ward Melanie and her became friends while she stayed at the library in Braddon Bog. She was a bit too vocal about her plans – she hinted rather overtly at her intent to sacrifice to gain the power anbd favor of the Celestail – Hap’s ward was the target. She won her confidence and would like had spilled her blood to gain power from the Celestial. She had already been given much power. When they went seeking a beast in the earth, days before it was felt she would really sacrifice her, she was pushed into the pit. Cursing the group as she fell, she reached out to her new mentor and the celestial helped her make the transition to a lich. The celestial warned the group at one point, revenge was the trade… though Aruna had conquered the orrish in the dark below, and the wurm in the ground with her new-found power. Not wanting to give up living forever, she has been slow to exact her revenge – for then the power would leave and death would overtake her. Now…. if we could get close to her, we could use your conviction to negate her power – she has no more than you do. She was just be an ordinary lowly mage for a few moments and we would have to strike quick.

Of course, she has minions and a complex underground we wound need to find her in. Seconds has Gravewald’s Axe – that will serve us against the orrish well, and your spear may let us know when she is near – she is a lich now.
Killing her may bring a little loot, and return some power to the Celestial. Plus the curse of that area has been held in check (its a long story boss- yep, theres a curse on the land) this will likely re-emerge. I dont know what it will be…. but theres a chance Aruna took notes and made what use of the power she could.
So, i say that we should do it. Its a couple weeks careful travel to stay away from spies and prying eyes – and closer to Anwin. But, i think with our scout’s help, the Celestial’s help, and our own cleverness we can do it.

[Plague] Books, some thoughts as I somberly finish my wine and and ponder the heaviness of leadership…
It does not sound like the Earl of Richfield or the Duke have directed us to get immediately involved with the Gwinnish invasion of Cabella, though I
still support their cause to be independent and it pains me right now not being their to help them in their time of need. And the Elves are helping
the humans! The hatred of the Gwinnish runs deep and wide! Is this an immediate situation for us to get involved in, or is this something that is
slowly building up and we have time to take care of other business before we get involved? If we get involved…

House Malor (I need some refresher on why they are out to get us) poking around Tarly Castle would definitely destroy everything we have striven to
build up for the Gallants these past few years, and would doom our future in Dunstrand. Do we have a sense that this is immediate, or just that in
the very near future they will be heading towards Braddon Bog and Tarly Castle?

Now I understand better the words of Druid Draug Fenc when he appeared to us last year regarding “past generations put things in motion”, and the Worm he spoke of, though that Worm sounds pretty dreadful. But he did say
that “Blessings of The Wyld” will be ours if we put things back on their natural path and sew the wound shut. It would be good to have the Druids on our side.

If we do have the time to do this, the other big question is: are we currently strong enough to invade Aruna’s lair with her army of Orrish and The Worm? That Worm sounds demonish to me. And you sound pretty certain
that my Conviction/Synergy as a beginning follower to the Celestial will be enough to counter Aruna’s. Though it does seem like Aruna the Lich has double-crossed the Celestial by forcibly siphoning off more of Her power
that She was willingly to give, weakening Her even more. That definitely puts us in an advantage, as we become the personification of the wrath of a displeased and betrayed god. But we Gallants are not as strong as we once
were, but if in your judgement we have the time to do this before Tarly Castle and House Malor and the other threats, and we are strong enough to survive intact against Aruna, and that Anwin will not catch us (call us
Void soup if he does), then that should be the first thing we take care of when I meet up with the Group. I hope that going after a long time enemy of the Gallants will rally our group together after their trials in
protecting the Earl from Assassination. More thoughts after some sleep to digest all of this. I will pray to the Celestial for guidance tonight….

Well boss, i got the feeling the Earl of Richfield is keeping us as his ace in the hole. I admit – seems odd to be kept away from the fighting (though we did send a company north we hastily assembled from fresh recruits). There will be Gallants dying – we may never know them, but they are Gallants we assembled when we through West River Run was invading. I dont like it, and makes me think we ow the Gwinnish a debt in blood too. But thats an expensive game. We could at least try and recruit a few more to send some replacements. I’ll try and get a letter through to the forces of the brotherhood of Mizras that we’d be appreciative if they could send us word (if they have any).

House Malor – well, they are the bane in the side of all other mages here. Larapis has had it out for our group for a while i tthink – my feeling is he thinks he’s going to make his “career” on busting us and raise his status. Unlicensed magic, animating the dead, the burned bed and breakfast… and more – we’ve lead a bloody trail for generation. I think there is something we are missing from this picture, but all i can say is that we surely dont need any of our past dredged up just as we are about to make a new image for ourselves. They are dangerous… but not malicious. They are just trying to make sure there is no powerful magics in their backyard to jeopardize the new stability in the Bar-Innis fief.

The wurm? The annals hints of the stench of Mog Creoch – the great wurm, devourer of the dead. I hope whatever was in there met its match in an angry lich… but i gotta tell you, she was pretty weak as a mage – less powerful than me for sure. I think i could have taken her in a mage duel… now, obviously, she’s a little beyond me. Going to the druids may be a good idea on this one – they might have some idea. Oddly enough, a real member of the order makes her home at The Hawksblood Inn.

Books Leaves

A couple days after things calm down, in the Gallants headquarters during evening show, Books raises up and toasts.

[BOOKS] Some of you i’ve only just met, but its time for me to say farewell. I got business elsewhere, Gallants business, and i plan on keeping a watchful eye from far away – because i can. Don’t you go thinking ‘ol Books aint watchin… i wield the powers of the cosmos and i’ll always be here. Plague is captain now, you follow him and watch out for each other – he knows where i am if you need me. I’ll see you soon enough Gallants.
I’ll usher in the last of my role as annalyst. Plague has made some decisions on the leadership of the group. He will stay captain for now. Fazeel will be the Lieutenant;
Fazeel is the “heir apparent” to the knowledge of me, and my apprentice. Obviously combat is his weakest suit, so watch out for him. The Hag will be Sergeant – she has
the “mother” factor and is sort of taking Bandages place – she is a stellar healer. Naked s in charge of all travel, movement, and recon.
These are roles, less ranks. People can come and go out of these positions.

[Naked] – muttering under his breath] hmm. last time I took command I was the only one to come back alive. if it’s alright with you prob better suited as sergent or just a scout/ranger for a bit.
unless there is some other special catagory/rank – as long as i’m still on officer, not sure if I could take comnands from untried new recruits (especially if they are stupid)…
as always I’ll step up as need be…

And with that, he is gone. Plague and he nod to each other, and Books strides out while whispers and shouts are raised. He leaves in the dark, a wagon and a escort of Richfield House Guard with him

HORSE: Sad but understandable given all that he’s been through, with the loss of so many friends, it’s not without merit. At least he’ll be around someplace? He better be studying, researching or something? He ain’t Books for no reason after all.

Regroup at The Hawks Blood Inn

Conversation between Plague and Books:

PLAGUE: And as we start on a new incarnation of the Gallants, I am trying to think of loose ends from the last few generations. The first two I can think of
are Anwin and Aruna, both of whom have come up either personally or in discussions during my time as a Gallant so they would still hold some relevancy, I think. I have never fully known or understood the bad history
between them and the Gallants. Anwin is still a political actor in the region, and I believe we had made it a larger mission to take care of him some how, though he is a powerful magus. But politically and socially what
is his standing in the region, and how does it relate to us? And the same with Aruna, who is a lich, and is apparently somehow connected to the Celestial in becoming a lich – what was her role before she was a
lich, and how did bad blood happen between her and the Gallants? – was it before or after her becoming a lich? Are either one of Anwin and/or Aruna actively still pursuing us, or are we still on their “list” if they are not actively doing so at this current
time? It seems like a lot of this background comes even before with the earlier groups of Band of Crows and Brave Companions…but even going through Gide’s Gallants that you told me about, it is like
information overload, with not lots of context. So when Flowers would talk about all the wrongs done to us in the past by certain people or things, I really didn’t get some of it, though I should have done better
outside of our annal reading sessions to get more clued in. I don’t know if we have to follow up on very old things from Gallant incarnations past that wouldn’t
really make any difference to this newer group of Gallants, but at least with Anwin and Aruna, they still seem to be somewhat relevant in the future of the Gallants even in this new generation.

BOOKS: Well, the short of it is Anwin we owe, he’s killed one of our members, and ruined plans of ours (of course, we did the same to him). But i would say leave it all lie
for a while and let the new characters gain in experience before we even talk about that stuff. But yea, we should dust them down to the ground, and hard. The Lich is not doing much – but she could develop into something terrible the longer we wait and the more her hold on sanity slips.
I gotta say also, i found Bandage’s Moonshadow Stone dust – we could try and heal your wounds with that using Fazeel and The Hag’s skills.

PLAGUE: Yes, if possible I would like to pursue healing the Hearthgate wound with Fazeel and the Moonshadow dust, since it is a mystical wound. The wound
from falling I can actually get rehabilitation for if we can’t find a way soon to work out any other deal with the White Sisters. The only other person left with a Hearthgate wound is Naked, and I
don’t think his has as much of a downside to his development as mine.

Books goes to talk to Mary and Aman… he pitches his idea to them…

FAZEEL: Hasn’t Books had some experience with this stuff before? If we have an idea of what to expect It’d be worth a shot. providing the others are willing to trust our ‘short cut’.
Didn’t one of the previous captains have a rule about no more short cuts except in life and death situations?

BOOKS: Hey, look, if it can heal, we should use it. Bandage and I played around in the past and got lucky a lot. Its powerful material and its just waiting to be used. Yes it could be useful in the field, but it can fix a huge problem here.
Fazeel, using your distillation skills and purifying it, and adding some botanicals to enhance its effect, it seems like you two could create some sort of balm to heal the wound.
Plague has asked that you look into it – the Hearthgate wounds are very debilitating, Naked’s less so, but still… it would be good to have it taken care of.

FAZEEL: I’ll do what dabbling i can and see what it’ll do. If Nakeds is the least debilitating I think we should start on him to get a grasp on how this is going to work, so maybe we can have a better chance with the captain.

CY 9164, Month 9, Day 23 Horse is presented with A Prize> The House Guard of Richfield presents Horse with a fitted suit of double leather and a helm for his valiant efforts in defending the town. The suit is an old hunting suit of the Earl’s, they just happen to be about the same size.

Yea, About Those Damn Elemental Things> HORSE: I’m getting me a big hammer to smash the next one that comes for me…gonna have some smith put that shard from Stone Cutter (hey – i overheard Books and Fazeel talking about it) in it so I don’t have to touch it and, it’ll
kill the fuck out of’em! Kill a perfectly good horse, my Earl’s horse, with me on it, killed a few of our members, damn near kill me and, almost break my legs…! Yeah, I’m going to carve a pretty
little hole in one next time…bitches! Richfield is supposed to have a great smith so, I’m hoping he can make something on speck like that? if he’s done work for the Earl, etc. then hopefully he’s up to the task and, Plague permits it? It might prove an interesting weapon/tool against certain shit, like rock elementals. I’m sure Horse ain’t looking to meet any again soon but , he’s going to want to be prepared if so…the right tool for the right job, be it horse or, hammer, etc.

BOOKS: (to Plague) You are the leader of the Gallants, so you should answer the question. You have a shard of Stone Cutter touched by one of the Lich Lords. Its bad, corrupting, probably not good. But I dont know exactly what it might do – its difficult to fathom. (*He sighs a lot*)
If he wants to lay claim to it, he can suffer its consequences. I simply dont know – but i would bet it wont be good. We got it in the tomb of Wendel Tarly at Tarly Castle. Its powerful for sure. And… this… is a new guy, so i’m not real attached to him. It does not have an Aura on it – so at least its not sentient like the spear you just found.

PLAGUE: I think that shard is something the Gallants should keep in hiding and in reserve, only seeing the light of day for a most dire situation that the
Gallants may face in the future, but not for routine day to day use – or we might get Horse the Lich!

BOOKS: Putting it in some sort of holder so it can be used as a hammer type weapon? Its an odd shape, so i would not use it in a main weapon or you might blunt it – but a specialty weapon you only use in special cases might be ok… I remind you we have a smith of our own now.

HORSE: The Pick can have the Shard in it and, the Hammer on the other side so, it only has to be used when needed. Just tired of our guys getting killed by earth elementals when we have something that
would make them shit their pants if we could hold or, use it…placing it in a weapon does allow for it’s use without having to actually touch it.

PLAGUE: Ummm…I need a drink… Ok, well… Books has informed me that there are some nasty side effects to using this shard. While I don’t remember the specific benefits and special
abilities of this Shard of Stone Cutter, it seems to have some very bad side effects for the user. Also, I am not sure how you know so much of something overheard once in a conversation.
There is a reason that no one decided to use it as a main weapon or regularly…because it has bad corrupting side effects from being touched by one of the Lich Lords. Just by that name, “Lich Lords”, is probably is
a good indicator on why this weapon is a weapon of last resort for very special circumstances for the Gallants. I am under the assumption that if one of us was to carry this thing
around or use it too often, that something bad will happen to the user, effectively cutting short their life…I think it would be a guarantee that the person that uses this would not live a long life, Horse
would not be long for our family, possibly following the fate of the Ducateon with the Helmet, or others over the years who have used items that corrupt or change the essence of the users.
Though Books says it won’t make the user kill people or go crazy or evil, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other very bad side effects… Also, if someone was to use this now, the shard will most likely not be
around long for the Gallants to use in a special situation if we really did need it. Also, we have not often faced the danger of stone elementals (once in Tarly Castle and just this past session). I really don’t see how
carrying this around regularly is a good thing for the Gallants. But given all of those things, Troy, if you want to do this, I guess I will leave it up to you. Then Horse can work with Books or Fazeel on figuring
out how to make this work. I STRONGLY advise against this – I reiterate, I think this is a bad idea for you and the Gallants, but if it something you want to do, I guess go for it. I really think that you have lots of
potential and given time could be a really great asset to the Gallants. But I think most assuredly, if you were to use the shard as some regular weapon, or even just carrying it around for “just
in case”, you will die and untimely self-created death. Horse, the choice is yours….

BOOKS: I dont have any other skills i can bring to bear. Its got a foul aura… but not deadly. Maybe i am too cautious after all this time. I would avoid it personally.

HORSE: I will side on the air of caution and, not recommend it’s use or creation…but, at some time if it might become useful…man talk
about pissed!? I’ve been around the Gallants, I know shit gets weird… seriously… any sane motherfuckers joining our ranks recently? Yeah, that’s what I thought!…we’re like the suicide crew
man! This is the shit that you hope for and, never hope happens to you directly…but, to us it does! Don’t need it but, desire the thing that might make it ok…? but, that would be fucked too… there
really is no good end to this I guess and, it’s not like an everyday weapon but, it is tainted-mojo so, I’ll not go further down this course…but just remember I mentioned it if we face those fucks
again! I will feel weird not going on instinct if I know of the shard and, our resources were available and, able to protect us? if more Gallants die from Earth Elementals, etc…just know I ain’t very
trusting of this shit from now on…elementals… argh.

PLAGUE: Maybe we can make this hammer thing with the shard and keep it in our vault for extreme special circumstances that may arise. We have been known to
pull out some crazy shit when the shit hits the fan. We do have a new smith in our group, so this might be possible. Would the smith be effected by the shard by creating this, Books?
And what would be the differences in powers/benefits from the shard in it’s original from and in the hammer from? I thought the power of the shard
was that it cut stone like butter, but if it is in hammer from it can’t do that. Maybe it would crush stone more effectively than a regular hammer?

BOOKS: Meh. I dont really know captain.

HORSE: hey boss, what ever makes that thing kill baddies made of stone or, whatever? I’m good with it. You saw what they were about
to do to me if you hadn’t interviened somehow…? I don’t know how you did it Plague sir? I owe you my life? but, it was you that stopped
those rock things from killing me after breaking the Earls horse’s legs! Fuck sir, I would’ve been dead for sure…as would the rest of
the Gallants if you hadn’t stopped them when you did. You know I’m right…? I don’t know if the smith can actually fuse that thing to a
pick/hammer to use against Rock/earth elementals but, after what Naked had said happened to the Kidd and, Singe against the Hybrids in his
report, are we really going to take the chance again? I’m not even saying this thing is for me sir but, being in a vault in the time of
need ain’t going to do us much good either…what’re we going to do? Tell the elementals to hold on while we travel however many day we
need to to get back to the fighting before showing them the complete abomination of their distruction??? Pretty sure they’d kill us just
for being that stupid sir. If it is possible? If the smith can do it safely so that it’s able to wield when needed without harm to it’s
carrier? then I would wield it for the Gallants, if it is my purpose in life sir? It may take time to show it’s affects, whatever they
might be on the user, before showing tiself? I’m not the mystical type, nor am I the commander of this crew sir but, if it can be constructucted and, wielded without harm in it’s use? then I volunteer
on behalf of the Gallants and, for you sir to find out for sure. I’m no hero, I’ve seen to many of them fall sir but, if I can be of
service and, help keep the Gallants alive? me included now, then sir I’ll do it. I’ll spend my time learning about that type of weapon so
if it’s ever needed, when we need it? and, not in some vault where it’ll be too late, then I’ll do it on your command as a Gallant and,
not risk the others sir…just issue the command and, I’ll follow you sir. “Gallant unto death sir”. That is our code. Better to risk
me, then to risk you or one of the captians sir. I follow your Lead Plague!

PLAGUE: Plague: What, what, Umm…What?!! Did we have some crack floating in the air in Dunstrand? Boy Howdee, how did I miss that? Can I get some!?
Horse, while I admire your passion, and you had great courage facing up to those stone creatures, I don’t think this is what I meant by my words to
Books in possibly pursuing the creation of this hammer with the shard. Even in hammer from, it would still have a “foul aura” as Books as stated, and that can mean no good. And I don’t think that the Gallants really need
a “foul aura” around us as we try to increase our fame and fortune. If a hammer can possibly be made of the shard without harm to the smith, we
can keep it in reserve. Given that this possible shard/hammer WILL be back in our vault-o’stuff-new-recruits-shouldn’t-know-about, and not readily
accessible if an earth elemental or rock creature suddenly appears, it will be available to us if we know ahead of time there is a certainty of a
danger like this. Or in the extreme case that we are in dire straits and need every last possible piece of power that we have to survive, given it
will still have negative effects to the user – though maybe a bit muted in hammer from – because it has been corrupted by the touch of a Lich Lord.
The shard was not touched by a Happy Lord, or a Nice Lord, or a Warm and Fuzzy Lord, but a LICH LORD.

[Plague gets dreamy]…….I think there are stories of a ring of power in a far and distant land… and there were creatures held in thrall to the
master of the ring…I am seeing something…the creatures were called… Ringwraiths or Nazgul. Maybe I shouldn’t know this, but my connection with
the Celestial is making me see things that I don’t understand…but what I am gleaning in my Celestial visions of the different world/universe are
that the dread Lich Lords of our Realm make these feared-in-the-other-lands Ringwraiths/Nazgul seem like fuzzy bunnies by comparison….the corruption
of the Lich Lord touch should be feared…….. ……through the Celestial, I am also sensing something about some lady who glitters gold… there are songbirds and smoke in trees by a
brook…among the trees is a piper who will have a tune that will cause the forest to laugh… the piper then calls us through the whispering wind to
ascend into the heavens… and we shouldn’t roll like a rock, but a rock we should be…very deep……[Plague wakes up]

PLAGUE: Right now we have made amends to those hybrid creatures and their shaman worked with us in solving the problem between our peoples, and he
apparently was the one creating these rock creatures. So I do not see a threat from that venue. Until we hear of randomly roaming earth
elementals/rock creatures wreaking havoc in our lands, we will just let the shard/hammer lie safely and untouched in our vault-o’stuff-a-new-recruit-shouldn’t-know-about. Though making the hammer
now might be the way to make the shard at least semi-useful in an extremely dire pinch for the Gallants in the future. Or not.

BOOKS: (just shakes head) I’ve said my peace… i dont even know where we stand, but i think the answer is “no”?

[Horse] You’re the leader. I’ll say no more on the matter sir.

Looking for a new Ash Tree for the Spear Haft> Plague needs Naked and Scotchbloom to watch out for a good solid ash – an entire ash which must serve as a new shaft for the magical spear The Gallants recently acquired from the tomb of Lemrin Spear-Shaker.
He must remake the spear he’s got – and the wood from the ash must be used as the fire to heat the tools to burn in the runes Books has meticulously copied down.

A Letter from The Brotherhood of Mizras

CY 9164, Month 9, Day 22 To: The captain of The Gallants; currently of Richfield in sword service to the Lord of Richfield.

– Sir, I know this shall find you puzzled, and i am not one for small talk so i shall get right to the point. You showed wisdom and good battle sense when you allowed for us to handle the issue of one of my men committing a horrible crime upon the White Sisters some time back. I come to you now, because i have need of such qualities. One of my member has been taken hostage as we sought to travel through Gillman Pass – under the protective pilgrim’s credentials of the brotherhood. The occupying Gwinnish forces took exception and we had to defend ourselves and retreat – but one of our brothers was left behind. Now they say they will kill him unless we pay a ransom. Our order is for teaching and advice only – we are forbidden to engage in combat except to save our lives – to keep our knowledge pure. All our money now goes to the White Sisters, and the Count of West River Run refuses to aid us. I implore you to assist me in retrieving my sworn brother back. In return, i will teach one of you in the hidden ways of our order – normally forbidden to outsiders. Come at once or send runner with your decision, my man’s life will soon be at an end if no action is taken.


John ‘Steel Shins’ McMillan – Lt. Brother in the Brotherhood of Mizras, Broken Ridge sect.

BOOKS: Share this with all of ’em?

PLAGUE: As long as he was truthful about the Brotherhood of Mizras that they are peaceful and only about knowledge and teaching – and if their standing in
the region isn’t too controversial – I don’t see any reason not to share the letter with the rest of the Gallants as helping them would seem to help
us out politically and with our long term connections, and fame, as well as gain one of our members some extra skill from the Brotherhood of Mizaras. But they are not a healing order, so the hidden ways of their
order are knowledge or magic?

BOOKS: “Sword Dancing” is rumored to be once of the strange powers they have. Not healers, not warriors, but aesthetics, monkish – they advise based on their study of tactics and military history.

Respecting the Dead at Hawks Blood Inn

CY 9164, Month 9, Day 21 The Gallants gather after the battle with Karst and returning to Hawks Blood Inn. Their fortified farmstead on the rise becomes the scene of a blow-out wake for fallen members.
Lord Oliver Richfield will come to you personally and thank you for what you did, understanding the great sacrifice you have made, the comrades and gear you have lost.

– To Craig (“Horse”) he gives the Silver Spear award

– To “Plague” he awards the Golden Helmet award

– To The Gallants, he grants the title of “Friend of the people of Hawks Blood Inn”

He toasts the group, stays and makes conversation for about a half hour, and leaves…

PLAGUE: Okay, the Earl of Richfield is a cool guy, and I have reconsidered my statements that Richfield is just a backwater. While I like Books’ proposal of the Brothers of Gallants locating back in
Dunstrand, we will serve our current Lord Oliver of Richfield with honor to him until our year of service is done. Hey Books, remind me again of this whole political landscape – you got this stuff down
and i constantly need to be reminded of it.

BOOKS: Dunstrand is the Duchy… It is comprised of several large counties… Richfield and Bar-Innis are fiefdoms within it – the Earls of these places pay homage to the Duke. They are exceptions – the lands settled second – after the Riverdans.
The Riverdans are the oldest of the settled lands in the Duchy, they are smaller than other territories, settled by the families of the knights of the first Duke. They are more autonomous than the counties.
West River Run is just north of Richfield and is one of the 2 larger “Twin River” counties… which control most of the trade in the Duchy.
Tarmysia was a late addition – the peninsula is isolated and conquered long after many of the other lands were… by then, the ancient Sea-King blood had thinned out and the place was nothing but ruins. The traditional ruling families here were labeled the “Fish Lords” by the rest of Dunstrand nobility. A couple decades or so ago, it was conquered by the forces of Gwinn, and has been held since. West River Run and them have been fighting ever since.
Lastly is the lonely area of “Free Cabella” – a thin strip between forest and coast north of West River Run – claimed by them, but the locals prefer to think of it like a freeholding under the Duke. No one has enough troops to spare and the locals never get too rowdy… for now, its just another part of West River Run.

And boss, its a fuckin backwater still… but we’re big fish in a small pond here. We just got unlucky, our luck will change… dont you worry…

CRAIG: If it’s possible to get the bones of Singe and any gear (The bow his
father made, etc.) I would like it back and, offer whatever to Merkaine for him. Obviously I’d like the gear, but i figure it’s not retrievable for most of his gear?
The Bow would be the most important to me that it continues on in the group. If nothing will come forward out of the death of our comrades, I’d like to have whatever gear/possessions
offered up to whatever deity we can so, that the guys have a bit of a buffer with all the newbies added to the Gallants. Something to increase the chances of our survival a bit…just an idea. I don’t
see the beastmen having much use for their gear and, the pull of the bow is beyond most of their physical capibilities.

BOOKS: Son, they scavenged it all and ate the dead. They can sell the gear they might have hid from us – Plague is just happy to have peace with them and move on. We lost, a lot of us died, and we cannot take it personally.
We collected the bones we could, and burried them in the hills – where Naked found a hiding spot. Drink up, we honor them…

The Earl Arrives > The celebration is interrupted by the arrival of the Earl and his House Guard. Lord Oliver Richfield will come to you personally and thank you for what you
did, understanding the great sacrifice you have made, the comrades and gear you have lost. He gives awards to certain members. To Craig (“Horse”) he gives the Silver Spear award,
to “Plague” he awards the Golden Helmet award, to The Gallants, he grants the title of “Friend of the people of Hawks Blood Inn”. He grants all of the current company a riding horse (any new characters will
get one) with full tack. He will also write a letter of good will to the White Sisters, so they know of your sacrifice as he knows many of you suffer from deep wounds.

Idea for Gallantine Brotherhood

Books, Plague and Naked only > On the way back to Hawks Blood Inn

BOOKS: I’ve been going over a lot of the histories looking for clues on a lot of items. We got a veritable king’s ransom of stuff here, but i fear if we
start using a lot of it all the sudden, its going to draw a lot of attention. Plus its stuff that has a lot of remote uses and we’re just carting around “just in case”. One of the items in the batch is a set of
seeing stones. Now, i wont get technical on you, but the work across distances – no known limit. They also cause pain to use, but that can be endured… i propose we make a bold step and try and secure our legacy
using these stones and some goods – the goods to finance and the stones for communication. I propose we go to the Duke’s herald in Bar-Innis and propose a deal. We
found The Brothers of the Gallants or Gallantine Brotherhood – a permanent mercenary charter but located in Dunstrand (i know, its totally new to them). We found it in Dogwood Flats – independent
territory along the swamp edge – were we kicked the shit out of the Umbakians. Ally ourselves with Baron Wheglin… and pledge to NEVER fight in the civil wars of Dunstrand again – and that each year 10 of our order will be sent at
our cost to wherever the Duke wants during that year. We will never number more than 50 warriors/merc – and we pay a bond to the mercenary guild. We can hire out outside of Dunstrand or to any lord of Dunstrand we want to
help with any local misadventures – but never directly against another lord in open conflict unless its in direct service to the Duke himself. This way we build a perm. base of operations in a place we have total
fame, we have our allies of Braddon Bog to the east, Bergen to the south, and Baron Wheglin’s land to the north/east. I can stay at Braddon Bog and remain “online” for research and advice using the seeing stones with all our resources there. I will take the Arcanist
and teach him how to use the device and we can groom him and Mary with mystical ways (him) and natural knowledge (her). What do you say?

PLAGUE: Books, This is an interesting proposal. I will say for one thing that I really don’t feel connected to Richfield, and I really don’t see how serving the
Earl there helps the Gallants for the long term goals of fame, fortune, and making a difference in the larger world, being something larger than just mercenaries for some swampy back-water.. And we definitely have a strong
connection to Bar-Innis and I especially have a connection to to Baron Wheglin, who is like a father to me. But I am a bit confused on how we left things in Dunstrand and Bar-Innis –
are we on good terms with the regent council? how is our standing with Tanner Holmraf? And are we still in communication with Christianna, as she seems to be not well liked by Tanner. Is the region more settled now that
Berithor is gone and Cy is established with the regents? So that we are not just pawns, how much freedom would we have to operate, especially with getting hired by lords that may have conflicting goals and
interests. And fighting against another lord, you are referring to lords in Bar-Innis and not outside the Dutchy like the Umbakians, right? I don’t care much for them. Also, with the recent addition of Scary Mary, is “Brotherhood” the right
term? Tho she is kinda like a man…saved my bacon tho, so she is alright by me..welcome the sisters to the brothers! This is a good idea, it gives us many more possibilities…I am intrigued!

BOOKS: Well, we were told to go lay low for a long time while things settled. This gets our foot back in the pond so to speak, but in a way the benefits the Duke. Our service to Richfield was supposed to be a year, then we would be welcome back. The Gallants must fulfill our debt there, but this gets us a head start on re-establishing ourselves.
We’re on good enough terms, promising soldiers without being a lord is a large burden, but one we could bear. That alone should get us a lot of play, especially if we mount them and make them mobile. Christianna tried to use us and she got marginalized… i would not spit on her if she were on fire – but i got a lot of hostility towards that time. We could send a gift to Cy, something like maybe those old chieftans crowns. And yea, you got the gist of it – we can hire anywhere outside of Dunstrand as long as its not against it… and we play more towards “hey Duke, where’ your allies if you need us” – moving up the food chain.
And its a mans world dude, Scary Mary can suck it up. We dont want to look like chumps – lets keep it straight forward.

NAKED: I say, great plan. I was getting tired getting in the middle and dealing with some of the squabiling between petty local lords (while local populations suffer). generally not condusive to longterm stability and leaves the region suseptable to invasion (orrish, umback, gwinn, west river run).
I wouldn’t mind moving a lityle toward a comfortable retirement, maybe a scout school & training camp for our new merc guild allied directly to the duke. it’s not quite the same quality of being a high king’s ranger but a step in the right direction.

PLAGUE: Books, on a personal note, one of my main goals is to figure out how to heal our wounds from the Aerna Hearthgate – whether it is through the White Sisters or some other means. While we were saved by the Hearthgate, the
wound it gave me, (and each of us Gallants remaining), has long term negative consequences for my health and physical development, and as an athlete and fighter, I would like this mystically created dis-ease done
away with.

BOOKS: If we have a permanent base and we serve the Duke directly in some way, we have a lot more clout with them… I’ll see if the Dame Mother in Marvencol at the orphanage (where we tracked down the rapist) can put in a good word for us with the White Temple in Dunstrand City. I’ll sort of hint we are looking to become more permanent fixtures of Dunstrand any maybe throw the orphans a little bit of money from the Gallants.
I’ll start to make it happen sir.

NOTE: New characters now using the mk4 character parameters!!!