The Gallants Return to Tarly Castle (new Gallants 2)

Dunstrand Rising Living World Set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms, as a Living World storyline with the New Gallants.



Reflections on the way to battle in Braddon Bog

Conclave: Books, Seconds and Plague on Christianna joining

[Books] I know we just got back, and i know you’re beat up, but i need you to go meet with a few people and get a feel for them – use your empathy and people reading mad skills. Its some refugees from the Riverdans, caught up in a political struggle and they are looking to join The Gallants. Their leader is… well, lets just call her “burro” for now, she’s a sly one. Anyway, i talked to Plague and he wants you to check ’em out. I rented a cottage they can cram into for a couple days and told them i would have some supplies delivered – can you go over and bring a little food, money, clothes and sheets? Talk to ’em – get a sense if she obfuscating anything overtly and just anything you can tell really and report back to me. It’ll be good for them to see what they are getting into – so don’t wash up.

[Seconds] Happy to help Books. Thanks for helping us get out of Tarly Castle in one piece. No one died but there was still a huge toll on Mary. Hope the kid she’s packing is OK. Not exactly a decent maternity environment. I’ll load up them blankets and vittles for the Riverdan refugees. Happy to give them the old “bullshit test”. Will let you know if something smells. I do look like shit currently after getting zapped and sqeezed by the big uglies so I won’t be honey-coating anything about what our life is like. It ain’t for the faint of heart These guys are real cagey. As you casually ask them questions while unpacking – sometimes focusing on them to listen to their stories and read them – they seem to look at each other a lot as they talk, and one person in particular. You recognize her as Christianna – Dierdre’s second in command. Books did not tell you that and he surely knows. She barely talks at all, letting her minions take care of most of that. It seems like they were driven out of the Riverdans as political winds changed direction. They must have come through Mev as they let slip a few sights they could not have seen elsewhere – which means the regent of bar-Innis, Tanner Holmraf probably sent them packing too. You don’t get the sense of any mass
deceptions, but obfuscation seems to be in their blood at this point. They seem almost ‘hunted’ – pushing real hard to get here based on travel rates you are intimately familiar with (having tromped around Bar-Innis for years).

[Books] They are applying for membership in the Gallants. I feel more like its political asylum they are seeking… i think she burnt a lot of bridges. Deceit and game-playing became her trade – that won’t work with us now. You confirmed what i believed. I think we should take them, as Plague has mentioned their enemies are likely ours as well, so it won’t add anything new on top of what we got. And, she’s good at raising capital and getting information. We just have to be careful to make sure we’re using her and not the other way around.

[Plague] Thanks, Seconds for doing this. I would not have allowed Christianna and her gang among our fold if they had failed your mystic tests. While they did not fully pass either, I understand where she is
coming from. She is definitely a black widow of intrigue with her plots, plans and schemes, attempting to play the chess master moving people and groups, including The Gallants, like pawns around Bar-Innis and Dunstrand for her personal ends and vendettas during the Civil War.

But she is truly fearing for her life, and I think for the short term we can trust her, mainly because she really doesn’t want her whereabouts in Dunstrand to be widely known – down the road as we are successful in
eliminating threats to her, there is a strong possibility that she will start plotting things that may go contrary to our goals or even maybe some schemes directly against us. But I do also see a very mutually beneficial
relationship developing between Christianna and The Gallants.

As she provides us with information and we gain advantages and are successful in countering the plots that Gwinn and Umbak have against Dunstrand (and us), backstabbing us may eventually not be in her best
interest. We could gain her favor in the eyes of Tanner and the Duke if she works for and with us and not against. And with her web of intrigue, she might be able to uncover plots and schemes against us or Dunstrand of other kingdoms, races, individuals and groups that we are not even thinking of. And maybe even intel regarding Anwin and the area he resides in. I am sure something is brewing over there as well.

There is the strong possibility that the Gwinnish were able to carry out their surprise invasion of West River Run and Cabella just because of the fact Christianna wasn’t able to carry out her plots of revenge against them – remember, the Gwinnish killed Diedre her lover, and she wanted payback. If she was instrumental in providing us intel to help counter what could be their first offensive in a larger plot to invade the heart of Dunstrand, that would definitely gain her favor back into the fold of Tanner and the Duke. And I am also certain that Christianna misses her close relationship with Cy, the daughter of Dierdre and Berithor, the new Earless of Bar-Innis, so if she works with us and not against, she might be allowed back in her life.

Other areas of help she could provide by having her on board with The Gallants: Christianna’s cousin is a high ranking Official (Sister/Mother?) with the White Sisters in Dunstrand City, which could be a very good
connection for us, depending on how our political relationship with the local White Sisters develops given the recent set backs.

With our plan and goal of establishing the Gallantine Brotherhood/Gallantine Academy; our need for
cash is great. In the place of loot from adventuring, which we never seem to accumulate large amounts, her monied connections and her ability to gain more for us will help in making this a reality. Right now, without some cash coming in very soon, our plans for the Academy will be set back quite a bit, maybe to the point well will have to swear allegiance to another lord or benefactor, or staying with Richfield longer than our current year of service, until we have the resources to bring our Academy to fruition.

Like I said, in the short term I think we can trust her, but again I am not blind to her raw ambition – we might need to have eyes watching her, spies spying on spies as it were. I am not sure if we have someone amongst our group that can watch her without getting caught – she is sneaky and probably is pretty good at catching a sneak. Books, I am suspecting that she will be under your careful watch in Braddon Bog in the near future, but we might need to enlist another sneaky spy to watch her, for the longer term, just in case.

But overall, I see the benefits of Christianna Vonelus joining The Gallants outweighing any drawbacks that a close working relationship with her will bring.

[Books] Great lords of the fecal sandwich for which we are about to receive, we praise your brown wisdom.

[Plague] Seconds, it would be great to hear your thoughts – I tend to be rather verbose and full of my own voice on these matters as I try to work them through in my head. Your understanding of what happened during Gide’s Gallants time from the Annals as well as any scuttlebutt you might have heard about Christianna during your time hanging with them would help as well. I get lost in the big picture sometimes, and remembering specific instances of where she really used us with lies or double-crossed us could also be good for us to keep in mind as we allow her in. And I agree with Books, it is really doubtful that she really wants to truly become a Gallant, but more safety and protection and political asylum for a while. A place for her to gather herself together and rebuild. So do we make her take the Oath to follow the Gallants Code now, or do we wait to see what happens? And now that I think of it, if Christianna is actually on board with us, does she have insight in how to deflect the accusations of the priestess of Aerna in Braddon Bog, at least until House Malor and the Maulsmen have come and left the area? It wouldn’t do us well with her ranting and raving against us when Malor and the Maulsmen arrive.

[Seconds] Gide was pretty enamored with the the “Princess” and the Gallants got pretty worked over due to Christianna back in the day. As far as I’m concerned if they want to join us, for protection or anything else, I think there should be an extended probationary period where she and her group prove to use that they aren’t with us just for us to bleed for them again. What can they truly bring to the bargaining table? The Gallants lots good people during her war and don’t really have anything to show for it in terms of loyalty. To me it looks like we’re still digging ourselves out of a hole that we and she dug for us during that time. I feel she owes us and I can’t really support her group joining us until they have brought something to use that we can use. I vote “no” to her group joining us immediately. If they can give us anything in the way of intelligence, connections, contacts, etc. only then would I consider some kind of alliance or protection. We’ve gotten the dirty end of the stick too often when it comes to Christianna and since I’m not Gide I didn’t see any honey on that stick so to hell with her.

[Plague] your strong opinions about Christianna are duly noted. In the new game of politics we are playing, like I have mentioned to Books, in quick swift moments, friends and allies become adversaries (The White Sisters – Church of Aerna) while at the same time enemies that we would spend our energy to kill and obliterate (the hybrid horde) and people we don’t trust (Christianna, possibly) become valuable allies, even friends. In a heartbeat, these relationships can change opposite directions.

But Seconds is right, what can Christianna offer us right now at this moment in exchange for us taking them in. Again, help with the priestess of Aerna would be HUGE first step, but even a bit more may be needed to ease Seconds’ uneasy mind.

And what I meant by her and her crew taking the Oath of the Gallant Code, is that I would wreak fast and swift justice upon her if she violated the Gallant Code once she swore the Oath. Remember, I just ordered 30 lashes to Horse (5 per violation) even as we was bleeding from wounds for putting us in undue danger for selfish reasons with the use of that Statue of The Death God during his watch. And more justice may come depending on other effects of that Statue we have not seen yet. And Flowers executed Szandor for the Helment and copper scroll episode. I would have no compunction as Captain of the Gallants in EXECUTING Christianna if she betrayed us, attempted to manipulate us, or flat out right turned against us once she has taken the Oath to follow the Code of The Gallants. Tanner just threw her out. I and we collectively as The Gallants, would do much worse to her, I am certain.

I will tell her this and have her think heavily on this – but I will also relay to her the points of the mutual beneficial relationship that I see developing between her and The Galalnts if we work together, the same ones I just delineated to you Seconds and Books before.. But time is a factor. Do we start off with a probationary measure, or do we make them swear allegiance to The Gallants, falling under all of the benefits of our brotherhood as well as our justice?

She sees the condition we are in, and I sure am hoping that she sees we are serious and we are not joking around. I have no intention of becoming her pawn again, but I will still stand by my statement that the benefits of having her with us outway any of the foreseen negatives, that I see a mutually beneficial relationship developing between Christianna and The Gallants.

[Seconds] I’ll bow to your wisdom on this one Plague. Probationary or full oath is your call. I almost hope she goes for the Oath because I’d be happy to swing the sword of retribution to her neck if she fucks with us again. In the meantime I’ll support you and treat her and hers with repect and what curtesy I can muster. The Gallants have taken it from her without lube for the last time.

[Plague] Seconds, I will retrieve Gravewald’s axe for you so you can be the dispenser of justice if Christianna decides to betray us

[Books] I’ll go see what she might have to offer in terms of information right away.

[Plague] (Plague takes Books aside) Just between you and me Books, since as you can see Seconds still holds lots of hostility and resentment towards Christianna.

Let Christianna know that if really wants to throw her lot in with the Gallants, I would suggest she go full in with her heart and soul helping us, as we will support her if she works with us. We are in the good graces with Tanner and the Regents Council of Bar-Inis, at least for now, so we can definitely help her if she helps us. If she accepts and swears to follow the Code of The Gallants she must understand the full responsibilities of the Code, especially my warnings of breaking the code, but she should also understand what the benefits of swearing the Code of the Gallants as well.

But she also must understand how working with us we can keep her safe, as long as she keeps her head down and out of sight from the powers that be for a while, secretly working her web of contacts for fundraising for our own Gallantine plans, and politically for us and for Dunstrand as a whole. As she does this we will start building a catalog of which of her information helps us and Dunstrand, and when there is a huge win for us in Dunstrand using such intel, then we should be able to help her regain some of her esteem with the rest of Bar-Innis and Dunstrand. As we gain favor, so shall she. She is one of us. And since our larger enemies our mutual, I see us working together increasing the chances of success against our common enemies than if we were just plotting and acting alone.

Or maybe we scared Christianna way with Horses’ lashing as he was already bleeding from wounds, and Seconds hostile demeanor and my threats, but hopefully she sees her lot improving by working with us.

This next idea will only be between you and me Books, for now. This is a secret that no one else can know about, because if we are found out, it would mean the end of us. If and when Chrisitanna fully embraces the Gallant Code, and proves herself, then I see her as part of a larger plan, but we need to know that Christianna is fully faithful to us. But once you have the feeling that she is, then the idea I have is that you, Fazeel (maybe the Eye will help, or could it’s use get us found out?), Christianna, and any other truly loyal spies we would be able to attain between now and then, would VERY SECRETLY start to search the lands to find out if and what any plans Anwin may have brewing against us specifically and against Dunstrand as a whole, though I am not sure if he is plotting anything at this point. Also searching for possible allies in a move against Anwin, if we think such a move is one we could possibly survive and be successful with.

I am still unclear on many things regarding Anwin, his support or opposition in the lands, the political situation of the Twin Rivers Council (?) that he is aligned with, his regard in Dunstrand and other groups or nations in the area, and other such information. I think my own desire for revenge has clouded my better judgement recently. Books, your plan about taking him out in a surprise attack sounds solid, but that would be difficult if we had a large army of allies. And if we ended up with having a large army, than that sounds like we could be starting a war, and I don’t think the Lords of the Realms would like that much, especially after the civil war in Bar-Innis, unless it was to thwart a move that Anwin was going to make against Dunstrand. I think only if and when we start gaining information that we can be ready for any move we make against him, or prepare ourselves for any moves he makes against us or Dunstrand.

Or maybe we will find out that Anwin has forgotten about us, and we can move on to other things? What are the chances?

And just how did we leave things with the Anwin from the other world/dimension who Bandage reached out to and bonded with for help. saving us from the battle between the Giants and the Elves when the Dragon Boat started to crash to the earth? He sounded just as bad as the Anwin of our world, but maybe I am missing something in my memory – but in seeking out all allies, all I know is he wanted us to kill the Anwin of this world we live in because he couldn’t, but I can’t remember his reasons or motivations, except that I think I remember him saying the the Anwin of our world is reaching across worlds and effecting them with his power. And he made the assertion, I believe, that the Anwin of our world is a simulacrum. I really don’t understand all of that Occult/Sorcery stuff, so I never really understood what that all meant. Maybe you can enlighten me or refresh my memory on those matters?

So Books, what are your thoughts on all of this, as I still bow to your wisdom regarding these sort of issues.

[Books]… mmmm


[Horse] If Mary needs bodies to work on, don’t let Fazeel steal them. There are plenty of wounded, dying and, dead during conflicts, war, etc. Do it proper, on the up and, up with the Earl’s knowledge or, the local athorities at least. I hate to so us barred from a town because we were known for stealing bodies and shit, none of us needs Fazeel’s reputation. People are always sick so, if we invested in a medic tent that could be put up and, taken down for travelling purposes she could get more exposure to various types of issuses then just the Gallants…not that we don’t havee issues and wounds that need mending.

[Fazeel] How DARE you! I have NEVER been CAUGHT stealing bodies!

[Horse] Fazeel, You ain’t been caught because you run away like a little bitch while huckin’ potions over your shoulder or, at the first sign of danger you disappear. Plus, you’ve been run out of towns plenty of times but, you’re like a greased pig at the county fair…and you’ve never been convicted but, that doesn’t mean you’re not a felon.
Well you should remember the guy with the biggest sword in our group, who can cut you in half with one swing. This was the one guy you shoved into danger and, is now pissed at you. You might not have a problem now but, someday you’re going to need fornt line help and, he’ll have to question whether or not to help your ass out. He’s likely to do it because he’s a Gallant first but, he won’t be happy doing it…He’s a cold ass honky!

[Seconds] Some might call it “friendly fire”. Accidents happen all the time in the heat of battle……

[Horse] Rictor ain’t that friendly man…you don’t want to get on his bad side. He ain’t as insane as Cage thankfully but, he remembers who’s slighted him and, Fazeel’s on the top of that list right now. Rictor won’t openly act him like Cage might of…would’ve but, if I was Fazeel I’d want to get back on his good side, if Rictor has a good side? He’s not bad, he’s just cold and, pissed off internally…personal I like him but, I wouldn’t throw him fornt of me in a fight, manuver behind him yes, push him in fornt of me? Hell NO! He’ll get there on his own, I trust in that for sure but Fazeel’s cowardly move gained the wrong kind of attention from Rictor…Like I said, he better find a way back into his good graces some day.
Ha,ha Friendly Fire…I just got how messed up that would be! Fazeel would be a stain, splattered everywhere. “Opps, he stepped in the way of my swing boss, guess I’m still getting used to this giant sword?”. We couldn’t exactly blaim him since he is learning how to use it and, it was Plague’s idea to give it to him. “Well, it was an honest mistake Rictor, it could’ve happened to anyone?”.

[Fazeel] Wait am i hearing this correctly? Is Horse really trying to to intimidate others through some one ELSE’S prowess?!!?

I’m afriad this all all unjustified nonetheless. I ser am nothing more than a servant to the Gallants. Whatever rumors you may have picked up whilst in the baggage train are nothing more than the gossip of the superstitious. Of course i have been run out of town before, the common man is irrationally scared of the Gifted. Should nature dry up a cow, or the weather cause a drought, it will always be my fault to the common folk. Perhaps the next time you are ill you would like to accuse me of casting demons upon you? If you were to apply a minute factor of logic to the situation I’m certain you could see past the hype and realize that WERE i guilty of any felons then our dear comrade Rictor would have most certainly seen me punished back in springfield when he was sergeant of the law enforcement.

No ser, Felon i am not. Coward, perhaps, if the desire to live is the primary definition of cowardice. Dead Gallants are worthless Gallants, corpses are not overly useful to adventurers on a daily basis.

[Yop] I’d almost prefer to be chased out of town, then to be asked for help the day after being treated like I have Loprosy.

[Fazeel] Nothing like that in the Gallants Mary. Most of us see only the loyalty to each other rather than inconsequential exterior issues. I got your back, next time someone has an issue with your looks we really WILL dry up their cow and then they’ll have a reason to run us off. =p

[Naked] hey, fez was the only one to step up and go into the gwinnish occupied mountaintop fortification… didn’t seem like much of a coward to me… difference between fighting smart and acting like a dumb “ass”…. horse.. ass… get it?

Fazeel: *Humble bow* Only serving the Gallants, nothing more.

[Horse] Nah, not imtimidation, just a reminder that you slighted him and, he’s been cold to you ever since. Perhaps it’s just gossip but, rumors often substitute for fact with the hoople-heads. Your battle tactic is to flee, hide and, pitch potions…ok, it works for you. You’re alive and, you’ve certainly helped us with your odd potions plenty, that is also a fact. True, dead Gallants are useless Gallants but, I do remember you refering to yourself as a douche-bag. Your words not mine and, funny none the less…I nearly spit out my drink much like Books did. That was priceless!

[Fazeel] You describe my individual actions as though they are an all encompassing mind set. My battle tactics consist of 1 thing: see the Gallants out alive. If anyone has an issue with my manner of doing so I’m certain they would take their issues to our commander. Seeing how I have yet to be put under court marshal, I suspect there are no reasonable issues to be concerned over.

[Horse] Ok…. ya got me on that.

The Past Catches Up

In a shitty, muddy field, mystic powers cut the pursuing cultists off but the demon lord will not so easily be fooled.

Rictor… goes down hard.


The Gallants Cut Free

Books and Fry-Bread sneak up

The Demon Lord T’zreal Made Flesh Again

Bottled up By Cultists

Waiting in Tarly Castle

You have sat for several hours calming yourselves and enjoying the comforts of the hidey-hole. Dimly, you can hear an occasional “thud” from the other side of the concealed door. The outside of the door had stonework grafted to it to make it look like wall, but its 6 inch think iron bound oak. On the back side of the door is a symbol of Aerna.

– There is no obvious latch from the inside and you have searched but have not found an obvious way to open it.

The elven woman’s statue in the fornt entry occasionally makes deep sighing noises, though her lips do not move. The temperature remains constant and warm. The food is fresh – yes, there is a larder you find, enough to survive months down here if you need to.

The mirrors in the chapel are strange; at certain angles they fill with nothing more than darkness. The chapel itself appears to be a last minute conversion of a bedroom – it appears to be shaped and furnished like them, but with an altar instead of a bed. The holy items (candles, bells, polished bowls and plates, candelabra, etc.) are all magical in nature – but remain a mystery.

Even the garderobes are nice – all toiletries provided. One storage room has a steady drip of fresh water – not enough the do more than a whore’s bath for enough for 5 people to live on daily. There is no dust on anything and its all clean.

Findings: The group explores for hours, – those who can reading books to see if there are clues on getting out. Almost everything is mundane, though extraordinary in many cases.
the items which are mystical are: (and the books you find tell you most of this) – The ice statue – books warn of mostly bad things if the ice tears are consumed – but some good as well. Mostly in relation to the forzen waste survival.
A pair of glass like dagger – ice actually with strength of steel and they melt in wounds doing aggravated damage. A nasty knife – the books says its demonic and can protect against magical damage (strong presence; 4).
Four jars (1 application each) blue war paint from northern tribes – bonus to strength for a few hours. Prayer beads and holy items of aerna (no use to The Gallants!) and 4 labeled potions of healing (20 points each).

[Plague] Well, before we start doling things out that we don’t understand… The ice statue – maybe Books can search around for a buyer for that – unless someone else sees a use for something like this, but I don’t expect us to be in the forzen waste any time soon. But I think it should fetch us some good coin.
Seconds did an Aura Reading found a strong Aura/Essence in the demon knife – I would like Fazeel and/or Books to do some research on this blade before we finally decide to use it if we ever do – I am not sure if Fazeel’s Demonology of 1 will help with this right now or not. If the demon knife can be controlled and does not turn the user evil, or have any other really nasty side effects, we might be able to put it to use. I don’t know what protection again magical damage with that level of presence means, but I am assuming it’s pretty good (in a bad way).
Seconds was not able to detect an Aura/Essence in the ice daggers or other background on these from the books in the room. I am not sure about these yet… I wonder if Fry Bread can get his kitchen bonuses with these. Anyone else use daggers in our group besides as a last resort? I thought not.
The healing potions we will definitely take, Mary can grab the potions, but we will be using them pretty quickly here in Tarly Castle. The blue war paint – does the book say how many doses are in the jar? The vision of Rictor with Truevein and Blue War paint smeared on his face…Dude! But really Seconds should grab this to help with Gravewald’s Ax against the Orrish when we need it. Rictor is already pretty scary.
Well, how much more can I piss off another Goddess and Her followers? I can take the Aerna beads and holy items and decide whether to make peace with the sisters to see if any sort of relationship with them and their Goddess is salvageable or even desirable with the direction we are going in – if I figure that this peace offering won’t satisfy them, or if my own Goddess desires these, well, there you go…though I really don’t have anything personal against Aerna (isn’t she the hippie chick Goddess?), so maybe I should just leave these here – any thoughts?
I think it best I leave the Aerna things – no need to make things worse, and maybe down the road things will change after this one transgression with the necklace and we redeem ourselves through our actions, though we really are
not Hippie Chick Goddess type people, are we? Especially Rictor with Truevein, Fazeel, Books, and maybe now Plague. But the demon knife, if we find that it is not usable by us, I think I would sacrifice that up to the Celestial.

[Horse] Yeah, either fetch some coin for it or offer it up to her, it’s your call. Though I wonder if the demon knife’s magical resistance would help resist the Suffering Shards side effects? If it did, it would be worth keeping around? Assuming of course there I’d any other bad mojo along with it? It might be able to strike demons/phantasmal presence/undead creatures? That would come in handed when we go dealing out some vengeful, long overdue justice to that Anwin character?
Seems like a blade with a demon bound to it, like the suffering shard has an earth elemental, it might inflict some heavy damage against them? I don’t know what a strong presence means either but, I’m guessing it’s no minor demon trapped within the blade? Seems like a pretty powerful essence/presence to me? My Iron Will should be able to handle the worst of it’s effects if there are any?
The demon knife if likely able to detect other demons, much like undead with your spear, orrish with Truevein, earthen creatures/elementals with the shard, etc. I wouldn’t go offering it to the celestial just yet.
Knowing when and where demons are, if they’re around and, having something that can hit them? is a nasty knife indeed like Berger said. Just a thought.

[Plague] Or maybe if you draw the demon knife, you get the compulsion to stab the other party members in the back when they are not looking, Or if a demon or other evil being like a Lich is around, the demonic affinity will cause the
evil being to control the knife and you then attack yourself or other party members. Ultimately, we don’t know – bound demon, occult, evil divinity, its need and desire to drink friends’ blood, created by Good/Virtuous to attack and
defend against demons and other evil and magic – we need answers before we would use this – especially if it has an Essence/Aura of that power. Truevein has half that. Assuredly this would be a powerful weapon for us if it’s side
effects and supposed evilness can be controlled. In regards to the Suffering Shard’s effects, those are area wide, and I am thinking that the dagger provides only personal protection from direct magical attacks upon the wielder, not lingering and progressing effects..
And the Suffering Shard pickaxe is not a weapon we will be regularly carrying around – it will be used for special circumstances and then stored away – besides a lead case, we need to come up with a better plan on how to
store the Shard so it doesn’t destroy everything around it. How was the Shard stored in the Library? Fazeel and Books, I am counting on you to get a mystical plan together for that one.
This demon dagger is just screaming Fazeel’s name, for both research and possible ownership – Fazeel, your thoughts?

[Fazeel] Meh.

[Plague] Or maybe instead of selling the ice statue, gift it along with the Horn of Lharken to the Lords of the Northgate Garrison – it would seem that this might help them on their battles against the Lich Lords in the forzen waste
of the North. I would hope that this would gain us some favor or possible allies if we ever needed their help with something. And it helps the Duke out as well.

[Horse] That’s interesting about the statue idea…it has negative effects too but, Northgate Garrison does get plenty of prisoners serving a tour of duty there, like Relb and, Taer the brothers from the past.
I guess if you survived the tears effects and, were one of the lucky ones that got a positive effect instead, it could be a great value. I don’t know what the bad effects are but, Books could figure it out in time? maybe?
Man! we need someone that’s good at figuring out what items do!! Your right sir, we don’t know enough about this items yet. Truevein has an half the Aura? That’s probably pretty wild shit in my opinion and, I don’t want to be the guy
stabbing my friends so it can drink their blood if I lost a battle of wills with that knife. Of course I think of the possible good outcomes in them first but, I’ve been fucked enough to know not to
mess with magical shit. Seems like we’ve lost a few brothers who desired power more then their common sense.

Private conversation between Mary and Plague:

CY 9164, m10, d25

[Plague] The Celestial pretty much sees us as her only way to get free, so she is showing us some good will so we will help her, like in gaining us some items of power such as Truevien that will help us on our quest to
gain her power back and release her from her magical prison – for exchange where we will be asking her help to take care of Anwin. Helping with Mary’s baby is a bit outside of that quid pro quo
relationship, and the Celestial may need something in return/exchange for helping, if she can at all in her weakened state. I am not sure what Mary’s plan is for her baby, but the life as a Gallant
is not a life for a baby or for a child to raised up on. Mary wants to save the baby, but at what cost? One way is to possibly agree to dedicate the baby to the service of the Celestial, sort of giving the baby to her?
I don’t know, but there is a chance that she might help just to show good will. But if we do meet with the Celestial for Mary to plead help from her to save her baby right after we take care of Tarly Castle, what is the
price that Mary would be willing to pay…saving the baby at the cost of the baby’s life of service to the Celestial? Or what else? Maybe have the Celestial bond with the baby, creating a short-term symbiotic relationship with Mary and the
Celestial? Maybe something that could grant Mary special healing until the baby is born? But then giving up the right to the baby once it was born, a blood debt to the Celestial for helping to save it’s life? This definitely
would be another way to bond the Gallants to the Celestial that would be short term but could have lasting possibilities down the road…

[Hag] So i’m actually kinda scared to tell the group about the baby. But Plague, you make me comfortable. Something is wrong with me, something to do with the poison that ruined my throat. I had thought that a bound with
the child would have to happen. That might not be so bad, the child could be a follower or a leader in a new faith. Just as long as it can live a healthy life.

[Plague] We shall go before her first chance then and see what can be done.


Hag’s worried about her child. Between the poisonous gas and the demon beating her… She wants to research curatives that could bolster a child while in the womb. Permanently and temporarily.
Mary has a limited knowledge but she understands connection. Plague is somehow connected to celestial. While Plague sleeps she feigns concern for his old wounds. opens her healers kit, lightly touches him and prayers to this unknown being as hard as she can. She pictures Braddon Bog. She remembers the voice plague used to stop the horde. She thinks of the stars that beings name suggest. Then she thinks of the sickly children She has brought into the world. She pushes forth in her mind that she would give anything, anything at all to have a healthy child.
If Plague wakes Mary decides she will explain that she wants to check on his deep wounds before we begin again in the morning. As she does this, she hears a voice that simply says “come to me…”. Mary whispers a “thank you”. Mary then wakes Plague up and asks to look at his old wounds.

Return to Tarly Castle

Plague left the group a while back to go meet withy Books in getting The Gallants affairs in order in Braddon Bog and beyond.
Using Books and Fazeel as a go-between, Plague discusses the situation with the rest of the Gallants in Richfield.

Seconds manages to convince the mayor of Hawk’s Blood Inn that the baggage train and the hybrid horde will be enough to defend the narrow road if any Gwinnish forces make their way there.
Its risky, and the Earl will surely be upset, but a 2 week furlow for the bulk of the fornt line to travel to Braddon Bog and deal with Tarly Castle before the arrival of the Maulsmen and House Malor is deemed imperitive to their future in Dunstrand.

Dragon Skullz

[Books] To Plague only > I think i found someone who can make something from the 2 dragon skulls we took from Kerrang’s tower. We were going to explore maybe making some daggers and arrow tips. His name is Thurpone Bone-Blade.
He is a Ducateon crafter in the Varstock Holt (right here in Dunstrand – SW of the capital) – if he is still alive. He was old in the last reference i found of him 40 years ago from tomes in the library.
Very few have the ability to deal with its combustible yet fragile nature. He’s our man – its told that he made a short sword of bone once from a long tooth, and that he can make “fire arrows” by making the tip and entire shaft from bone.
If you could imagine (even a handful) Naked raining down fire arrows on our enemies… sounds cool to me.

[Plague] This is a great idea! I believe that in anyway we can make what we have in our inventory useful to us instead of just sitting and gathering dust is a plus for me. And those skulls had stopped their whispering and imparting their special draconic knowledge to us a while ago, so I don’t think the skulls will mind at this point, Let’s do it! Naked, get ready for some fire arrows! If Thurpone Bone-Blade can figure anything else out with the rest of the bone from the skulls, I would be interested in that as well.

[Books] *sigh* Another letter of introduction…. we’ll have to see when we go talk to him…

Shannustul’s Ring

[Books] The Ring of Shannustul – we were given that to help take care of Anwin. We lost it against the horde. Thats not good.

[Naked] Unless it got ate and shat out, thats a powerful item – i’m sure their shaman would have noticed.

[Books] Shit – that means it may be in play locally, maybe even against us. That shaman is no fool, he’s probably bartered it to the Syphyym.

[Rictor] The what?

[Books] The flying elves.

[Plague] Well, the giants still occupy the territory they took.

[Books] Yea, its not like the elves won. They were forced to take a loss. They did get the castle which can move – as in away from the sky giants.

[Plague] Their young are protected, but they have a long memory and never relinquished their stake on the land… just accepted the terms of the peace.

[Books] Lets not even mention it was the experiments in fertility of the absent minded druidess that caused the birth explosion and brought them into conflict. If they ever figure that one out, it won’t be the giants they turn their fury on – hell, they could even band together and wipe this town off the map. Shit… i hate thinking like that. Its just a damn shame – dealing with Anwin will be that much more difficult – assuming we do.

[Plague] Maybe we could work a deal with the druids… or

[Fazeel] Oh gods… Captain, lets not spin this tale.

[Plague] What!? It could all be part of the legitimate business of the Earl of Richfield.

[Books] Captain… this may be a whole mess of politics that’s beyond our ken. Elves live forever – or damn near, and who knows anything really about these 2 mystical species. The druid seems absorbed in her own plans… she has little care of the territory and even less politics. I’d probably let it go for now, and only look at those kind of allies as a last ditch effort. The ring is gone, its a sad loss, but we’re Gallants – we adapt, and move on.

What to do about the Ring of Tower’s Splendor

[Books] The Ring of Tower’s Splendor has the inscription ‘Gavl’ on it refers to one of the ancient tower names – its probably attuned to that tower. These rings have unknown powers and mostly only work in the Towerlands themselves.
Again, a great gift for some southern lord, but of little or no use (as I understands it) to us here.

[Horse] Well, the Gallants need all the help they can get against the enemies of Dunstrand so, the horn to the Northgate Garrison and, the ring to
the Southern lands. We might be needing some good backup against some of our enemies. We’ve been more on a political run since the
civil war ended and, have only gotten more people that want to see us go down because of our involvement. A good barganing chip or money
maker is always welcome. Having friends in the North and, South if we have to retreat someplace is handy.

[Books] We could seek a merchant of Beryl, and see if we can set up a donation or sale to a lord there – enemies of the Umbakains. OR we keep it as a item to trade on in case we have to flee for some reason.

[Horse] Donate it as a gift, maybe they’ll give us some money anyhow. Glory bestowed by a mighty gift against our enemies, the Umbakians, is still glory for the reputation in the name of the Gallants in the ears of the Duke.
You play a powerful game with… hopefully one that will last in Dunstrand and, beyond her borders. A friend of the Gallants is a good friend to be.

[Books] Leaders of the Gallants – what is your decision – keep or leverage for goodwill. We might also be able to trade it for more books in Port Towne. I
am going through Taqwills connections and there are some southern city merchants in Port Towne that might appreciate this. I may be able to find something there to help fortify the Gallantine Academy… or do you guys have any other ideas?

[Fazeel] Isnt the dukes family fairly Whelm oriented? While Using items we cant use to leverage sounds good, it does require trust in others seeing it as such.
If we present a gift to another on behalf of the Duke whats to say that the duke would have WANTED us to do so? Some may even see us having any of these items as questionable in itself. How did we get them? Where were these long lost items for all these years?
For the ring I do believe gifting them on behalf of the duke is the best suggestion. Why not use the horn as means to gain an audience with the Duke himself and gift it directly to him, then broach gifting the rings on his behalf to the tower lords? We’d even be gracious enough to deliver them ourselves to ensure their safe arrival.

[Horse] Interesting point about the Duke…a show of good faith to the Duke directly might get House Malor off our backs for a bit? If we arrange with the Duke to give him first shot at any item we collect that we can’t use or feel he’d know where best to use such powerful items being funneled into his hands and, that of House Malor by proxy, to leverage his political influences.
As long as we’re able to operate unimpeded, supported even by the Ducal powers and, coffers for us, Braddon Bog and, make the Gallants an even bigger player in shaping current affairs with higher ranks then just Bannermen to the Earls of Dunstrand.
He might want a section of house guards, the Gallants, devoted to searching out and, dealing with the mystical and crazy shit we deal with already as a special forces type. This would give us the political backing, silver and, resources we need to operate as the Gallants. House Malor would get their greedy little hands on objects of power which should keep them happy and, in exchange they leave us alone, unless we need their aid identifying objects?
Maybe the Duke could out bid the Maulsman to leave us alone and, counter the fucker responsible for sicking them on us in the first place by going after him/them? It’s a pretty big gamble but, an interesting proposition for the Duke. If we fail or die, no big loss to the Duke, we’ll just be replaced by a new crew to do the dirty work but, if we keep being able to deliver some goods and good on our promise…well, what’s he got to lose?
We Gallants can be the witch hunters, monster slayers, deal with the occult and, weird shit we already do, plus he gets occult items out of general circulation and, into the hands of the people that will do the most good as directed by the Duke. Might take care of several birds with one stone that way? There is blood in the water and enemies circling our wagons…we need a big boost to the Gallants if we’re ever to be bigger players in the realms boys.

<[Books] The Duke of Dunstrand already has a magical horn (more powerful)... it makes less sense to gift it to him, than to turn its gift to the lords of Northgate into a double profit for him and us. Who says he would want to? Well, since Whelm is THE primary defender god of the north, i think we're fine doing it - he supplies Northgate with troops every years as well, so its going to be a win for both of us. Certainly no lord of the north would question where that gift came from - they would be thankful they had it. And it would be away from House Malor's prying eyes - they could do no readings on it. There are NO lords of the towerlands - these are fallen. The Duke has no interests there, so it wont buy us anything. Thats why we would have to find our own southern connection to turn them into something worthwhile. Or, keep it in case we need to run away to the south. And also the Duke already has The Golden Circle - a band of knights, bannermen and relatives which serve as his special forces... Linnis Faer was part of that band and the last of the most famous leaders in recent times. Bar-Innis and Richfield are so far away from the capital, and considered backwaters, we have a long way to go to take the place or be considered competitors to the Golden Circle members - we would need titles, land, and wealth. They are the ones that deal with the really powerful mystical crap that pops up... for instance The Drowned Ones which are being used by the priest of Elancil in Cabella - The Golden Circle has been called there to fight them and hunt them down. Lastly, just so everyone understands, House Malor is virtually part of the ducal family. We're never going to have enough pull to stop them from doing anything... but we can blunt their efforts if we are smart. House Malor have hired the Maulsmen... the Duke is not going to intercede.. though Tanner Holmraf might be able to help us..

[Horse] Shit…well whatever works out best to keep the House Malor off our dicks. Gift the horn to the North and, lets make some connections to
the south for the ring. I’m not wanting to deal with the drowned ones and, that crazy sea bitch is whack man! Lets barter for as much as we
can but, get those House Malor fucks off our trail, we can’t do shit from a jail cell..

[Plague] I am thinking that gaining more books for our library and gaining some good will in the South would be a wise move. Right now, as far as I know, we
don’t have strong connections to the South. The library is making us a steady income, and the more we invest in it, the more it helps when we are
not finding lots of loot. AND gives US a lot more LORE! Information is POWER! Books through the grapevine has heard of something in Port Town that the
ring could be traded for that will help us in the long run, in addition to other tomes and lore hopefully, so it sounds like a wise move to use
Taqwill’s connections in Port Town to get rid of the ring to our benefit.

[Books] To be honest, i was thinking of map books and charts of Dunstrand from various ages. Especially the Riverdans and the west (Bar-Innis/Richfield) – some of you clever knuckleheads might see where i am going with this, but i’m in the early stages of fromulating
a permanent encampment for us in Dogwood Flats – maybe with Baron Wheglin’s blessings.

[Horse] That would be quite useful given all the crazy things the various powers that are at work in these areas. Seems we stumble into a bunch of shit all the time, it would be nice to narrow down
the possible causes behind them? No one really gives a shit about these backwater ass places but, tons of shit happens here…

[Books] Consider it done…

What to do about the Horn of Lharken

[Books] Yes, the horn’s general powers have been discovered. Its no use to us, as we are not a party of much faith, and the Lightbringers are not well liked in the group.
I recommends getting rid of it to the west, were it wont come back and be used against us. Perhaps a donation to the warriors of Northgate Garrison would buy us some respect and goodwill.

[Fazeel] Blagh! Don’t we have any followers in the party any more? Just sacrifice it for blessings man! Or have plague offer it to the godling he keep talking about.

[Books] My young apprentice… you’re thinking like a soldier again. IF we really want a permanent home somewhere, we could use a nice sponsor because we are FLAT BROKE.
A home comes first, then the training, then soldiers for the Duke, then respect, honor, praise, and we can still behave like soldiers… just on silk cushions and with blades and armor that fucking
glint in the sun because we’ll all have attendants to polish them, titles with beds and mates to reflect our station, and wont be living in spare thatch barns like we are now.

[Horse] That’s what I’m talking about! Some nice things are always good to have…getting some respect from the Duke, silver in our pockets and, good equipment is always welcome.

[Fazeel] When you said ‘favor’ I assumed you were gunning for political favors. The issue I saw with that was that it would all be in lands we wouldn’t be around often.

[Books] Favor? no mention of favor… its purely a matter of fame and goodwill. We donate it in the name of the Duke of Dunstrand. We wont get anything per se in it, but when forces array against us, thats just one more reason for the Duke to take our side.
Any other ideas?

[Horse] Donate or, trade it to a church of Whelm for silver, items, reputation? Might be worth enough to them to help protect or, bolster the rebels with their ranks. They’re about protecting/defending people…
maybe it would help the fellas in the North some while we work out some of our other shit we have to do?

[Naked] shove it up Anwins arse and blow….? maybe trade for something anti evil magusy like… any favor/ goodwill on the downlow on Tarley Castle (duke, etc.). I like what you mentioned about donation to North Gate in the Duke.

[Plague] The Horn of Lharken, it sounds like it should go back to the Lords of the Northgate – again we build some good will towards ourselves by
returning an ancient relic of the North AND we help BOTH the Lords of the Northgate AND the Duke indirectly by doing this.
And politically, I think we are in the position that if we really need to get an audience with The Duke, i.e. Tanner the Regent for the Duchess Cy, I
think we can do that if the situation is extreme enough. My feeling is that the Duke has regard for us, though he may always be a bit wary of how
we may fit in a stable Dunstrand. We have already shown our support of the Duke and of other Earls and Barons in Dunstrand, and have gifted Cy some
items recently. AND we have direct connections on the Reagant’s Council: Baron Robert Wheglin, Viscount Oliver Helpran, Sir Own Roisewood, naming the ones I
know, so we already have a voice to Tanner if we need to get word to him about something. This is as long as we don’t do something to aggravate the powers that be in
Dunstrand, of which we have really been helping. Though based on our actions and decisions we make, that could all change pretty quickly. That is my take on the Horn.
YES, we have a way to get an audience with Tanner if we need to, and he is both the regent of Cy the EARLES of Bar-Inis AND a representative of the
Duke. But since Tanner is a representative of the Duke of Dunstrand, we do have a supportive person to help us gain audience, with, or at least
through Tanner, some support from the Duke. I think that states what I meant to say below better – is that all correct?

[Horse] Plague I’m with you about the horn to the Northgate Garrison. Getting it away from us and, back to the North is wise. If I need to escort it there myself, I’ll do it sir! Let’s just handle it before are gooses get cooked!
Yeah, sell it, trade it or, goodwill gesture to the Northgate Garrison all sounds good. It would be very valuable to the men fighting against the Lich Lords minions and, army. Given the constant battle being fought there against undead and evil creatures, the resistance check vs. fear and, the bolstering effect to the Garrison’s troops would be quite a welcome addition in their struggle for sure!

<[Books] Damn Naked, tell us how you really feel! Look, i'll start arranging for a trip to Port Towne - I'll draft a letter the leadership of the Gallants can sign and turn it over to the whatever lord i find escorting tribute soldiers along to The Red March. I need to recruit for the library as well - and i'd rather get someone who can run the day-to-day operations who has experienc (Port Towne is the largest library in the realms), and recruit them FAR away from our home so there a lot less chance of recruiting a spy. I'll send word to Tanner to send his own assistant to travel with me, so we have witnesses, and its a sign of trust in his rule... a few brownie points there. FYI - i keep getting letters from some guy near Bergen who says he's related to Hap and helped us during the crusade times... he says he wants to pay his respects. Seems legit - i do remember the guy. Obviously not a peasant - the writing is pretty good (unless he's got someone else doing it for him)... i know we're all worried about Umbakian spies and agitators, but i did some quick checking and i think its all on the up and up. Might be a good source of supplies for us as we move through the lands. Possible ally. More later.

[Horse] Arrange the port towne trip books. We need to expand the library option and, having one of their men knowledgeable about the new materials and tomes to run the day to day operations is smart, I hope we don’t hire a spy from so far away…that would suck!

The Celestial

Plague and Books to go see the Celestial. She says that as an act of good faith in future ventures, she will reveal the location of a powerful item in the ancient graveyard around the Companions Library.
Plague and Books begin digging themselves, night and day for 3 days straight. Instead of somethign new, they tunnel into the grave of Cage Northfort! The decaying coffin spills the corpose and the blade Truevein.
She assures them, it is the residical confusion magics in the area from the temple of Malek that caused the confusion and lead to the wrong grave. Books suspects she is toying with them, and hopes to cause some fractous
behavior by re-introducing the powerful 2 handed blade. Although both suspect intrigue on the part of the Celestial, it ultimately is too powerful to pass up – the blade returns to The Gallants.

Private conversation between Plague and Books:

[Plague] Is sword dancing a way to make fighting with a sword better or will it be just another distraction? With recent campaign developments, we now have 2 others that have swords in the group and it would balance us more if someone else had this besides me, I think. I have 3 aspects I want to develop, my fighting/defending, my athletics, and now of course my new addition as a follower to the Celestial. If sword dancing is just yet another thing for me to have to learn, I am not sure I could develop it very well in the near future given the new and changing course of things. I think i’m a good soldier right now – but of course it could ALWAYS be better! We need to get all of our beginning fighters beefed up, especially with Horse unsure of his future. I wonder is sword dancing is something that can be done with a 2-handed sword – while it is more of a power/bashing weapon, is there finesse that can be developed with such a large weapon? Truevein is a Great Sword of the Grey Gods, and what better training to use it than to get special training from
the Brotherhood of Mizras, followers of the Gray God of War? And Rictor is searching for something, and what better place to find faith than sword training with the Brothers of the War God with a sword affiliated with the God? Would the Brothers Mizras be angry and hostile that one of the Great Swords of the Grey Gods has been defiled by the lich lords? We just might gain their wrath because of that. We already now have one Goddess’ followers who used to be friends hostile towards us, I don’t think we need to add other God’s followers to that so soon!) The Brotherhood of Mizras I believe are friends we want to keep!

[Books] Well sir, i’ve done some research into these guys and their sect. I dont see why it would not work out with any sword.

[Plague] How about Scary Mary with Tulin’s Blade? It would possibly give her a boost to really shine as a fighter.

[Books] Gods know she could use some shine – shes a damn hideous wench.

[Plague] Funny. Not.

[Books] Okay, i get it, no humor. The Hag has some other uses and is a good rounded addition. Rictor can use some help, especially if he’s going to step up as a fornt line fighter. The brothers try to stress skill alone, not dependency on a unique item – so i dont think it matters what blade.

[Plague] Its settled; if we are still in the good graces of the Brotherhood of Mizras, it will be Rictor going into their fold to learn the secret skills of their brotherhood.
I’m still not conversant with the powers of Truevein, i know it works well against Orrish? And makes you heartier. And of course it can hit
phantasmal presence creatures. Right now Rictor is not familiar with Swords and he, like me, is best for defense. Just wanted to know where we stand with him in combat with
him wielding Truevein, at least in the near future (if he takes it at all). So Mizras and Ezrilus are not evil, but Malek is and Elancil more so – Just like
Lemrin’s spear, if Rictor became a follower of Elancil, that would unlock powers? Not that I think that he should, though with his hard hardheartedness, Elancil may seem enticing…or maybe just the war god

[Books] Its going out on a limb sir. Who knows what gods really fucking think? They seem as crazy as us, and i dont need any more that what i already got.
All i know is that sword is ultra bad-ass.