Resources of The Gallants and Allies

How much support and influence do we currently have to take action? Month 12, CY 9168 > Influence is very little in public, from legitimate sources. Mary Rellian is currently stripped of her title, but there are many still loyal to the ideals of The Gallants.

Alliances that Still Hold

  • The Earl of Dunstrand – regardless of politics, behind the scenes the family still owes the gallants.
  • The Lowland League of Bar-Innis – a small mercantile collective that owes its decent current position to the gallants; they help keep the Companions Library in Braddon Bog secure
  • The League of the White Lily – the gallants were allies in and are still in trying to promote its agenda, including the The Morbin Brothers trading outfit – a local trader that operates in southern Dunstrand, including cross border trading with Umbak and the difficult to deal with population in The Saelish; their agent is Josie Welles.
  • Feather – the daughter of Geraldine Aelishan of the Gallants, and the nominal owner and operator of the new keep in crestwold; she has ties to the halflings of Loamwold, Orrish of Dwindor, the witch of Dwindor, and the druids of Pranin.

Questionable Allies

  • Elder council of the folk of The Saelish – the ancient remnants of the Bronzefolk in southern Dunstrand; half the current PCs are from there
  • The Orrish of Dwindor – there is a truce and regular communication between Feather and Kynar, who is the new leader of the Orrish there; They smuggled Mary through the swamp to help here get back into the area unseen
  • The Druids of Pranin Moorswood – strange allies, and prone to always having ulterior motives, but allies still. The Moorswood is home to the high temple of Ssissllenn, lord of snakes.
  • The Lizard folk of the Hoolip Coast – decent relations and one of their members keeps watch in the lake that borders the keep
  • The “chain wizards of the north” – far from Dunstrand, but forced others who sought to malign and sideline the party to back off because the party stopped an effort to undermine The Blue Wall – they also block scrying upon those responsible from anyone – including the Lich Lords.
  • Lucky Red Scarf – the halfling smuggler