NPC’s for Orrish Hunting

Orrish Goblin Orrish Hunting is part of the Transformation of Crestwold campaign. NPC’s for Orrish Hunting is part of it.
> NOTE: Originally, it was integrated into the main campaign, but all encounters were broken out into its own arc for secondary characters.


Jerod is the leader of the rag-tag mercenary band (not a organized one – just 13 individual mercenaries) that harried them northeast. He survived but his leg was broken and horse died. He managed to pick up the tracks one the north side of the river, using the ferry crossing and paralleling it east. “We rode hard to catch them, not able to before they hit a third target – a peat mining camp on the edge of White Garden in Yarans Vale.” Only hours behind, they decided to hit at a dawn raid. There was a near-giant among them, that killed his horse and ran, wounded, into the mists of Yarans Vale along with about half the savage brutes of the smaller variety that scattered. He can describe well the location of the morning encounter.

2 left over from the White Garden attack that crippled Jerod the mercenary captain. These can be hired and the PCs can take half their share if they get equal consideration of healing and treasure outside their wages.

Bill Mud and Joe Clay: Fighter 1 – Dueling/HP=12-Second Wind (6)/AC 13 – Studded Leather (1 resilience); spear+hand ax (7/10/16)

NPC – Observer – Tina Weleth

Wiz 1 House Malor; HP 4 / AC 11 (Dunstrandian Doublet)
Apprentice to Lady Grath-Malor (scion of House Malor)
Dust of revealing (3), beaten grey lamp (detect magic 1/day 90′), Chain link of spell orb (illusory script into Malor notebook as ritual)
C: Light, prestidigitation, ray of frost
1: *Unseen servant, *fog cloud, illusory script, *expeditious retreat, detect magic, comprehend languages

Scribe kit, House Malor notebook (keeps encoded illusory script longer)