Assassin of The Feywild

Part of the Ancient Blood Campaign Author: Kelly Berger / System: Incarna ver. 2.0/3.0
As the creature whistles, it taps its hooves in time with it, and begins a whirling, gyrating dance. A dance of danger and death, though oddly compelling art at the same time. Flying through the air with a sure yet careless freedom, it flips, jumps, tumbles and attacks with uncanny precision.
AC: 14 / HP: 39; Use Reaction against 1 attack to halve damage
head butt (horns d4/2 + 1/+1 str);
kick (sharp hooves d4/2 +3),
music (performance vs sanity) = disadvantage on all PC attacks
40’ base move + 10’ = 50’
1 attack, +1 for each measure of Performance check DC 10 (max. +2 attacks w/major)
Performance (Dance) +6 vs. Dexterity or advantage on every attack
Athletics (jump) DC 15 = get +d6/3

When its all said and done, you realize every wound, every bruise, each attack was all aimed at your sexual organs or erobenous zone. You cannot have sex with pain for 1 month.