Samorheen’s Service

Samorheen's Dungeon in Lormyr

Background Information

Samorheen the Dao was found in the ruins of the Weeping Waste by an archeology expedition from the Purple Towns. He had been there for a thousand boring years, put there as punishment by the Melniboneans for refusing to agree to service on their terms. His lamp was sold to a Lormyrian noble. The lamp’s power was invoked in the shrine of Law, under the auspices of the priests of Goldar for protection. In trying to bind him to their service, his will melted. Something about the place, time, and god changed the creature. Upon discovering the age of Melnibone was over he was so happy he transformed into a joyous, decent creature. He insisted that he should serve the breakers of the hated chaos soldiers for 500 years. The priests of law had tried everything to keep their decaying dam in the Shining Hills to the west from breaking. The creature flew skyward from the shrine, and looked over their dam. He swore to 500 years of holding the waters back, as long as he was well-provided for. In exchange, there was no binding – only the bargain. After 500 years, the priests of Law swore to release him – not attempt to bind him or exact more services. And so the bargain was agreed to. That, was 100 years ago. Both sides are flourishing. Eventually, agents of chaos became aware of the genie after it mercilessly killed an elemental that had been slowly undermining the dam for a hundred years. The dam is a prime target for them – its destruction would lead to thousands of death, and set back the priesthood of Law in some of their endeavors.

Who: Stavi Ploughborn, merchant of the Purple Towns (actually a Pan-Tagian agent name Luz Yingh – servant of Hionhurn)

What: Kill the chaos creature! A Pan-Tagian agent, using demonic powers has disguised himself as a merchant of the Purple Towns (a coincidence only) and is seeking to hire the PCs.

Where: The Young Kingdoms; Lormyr; Town of Ubreac; Tower of Wharking

How: To accomplish the disaster, the agent of chaos has learned the parameters of the bargain. He knowns that the Genie’s answers will sound vague and as if he was a tyrant. He hopes that its enough to accomplish his goal though the party killing the Genie, convinced he has despoiled his daughter and too many others.



What the Characters Know

What might the characters know about the background, if anything?

  • Common Knowledge:
  • Uncommon Knowledge:
  • Hidden Knowledge:

Fitting into Existing Campaign

Originally inserted as a task for the Old Hag to help in destroying Eliash of the Honey Pot Tower adventure.

Timeline of Scenario Events

  • XX Days ago: Leading Event 1
  • XX Days ago: Leading Event 2

Encounters for Complex at the Tower of Wharking

Exploring the Area/Common Features

  • Guard Post:

    The area where the guard stands watch is cleaned and well maintained and has painted nearby the symbol of a toothed wheel and Goldar. On the ceiling is the single arrow of Law.

  • Light: along the ceiling where it meets the east wall is a copper wire connected to small bases with filaments every 15m that light the entire area up – a true wonder.
  • Exploring the Area: RANDOM ENCOUNTERS:
    • Random Encounter #1 [Conditions for Encounter]
      F2; AC 14 (padded + light shield [r1] + style); HP 15; DMG [1 attack] longsword (d8+3); “Action Surge”, “Second Wind”

Arrival at [City]

Arriving at XYZ, you do 123 and go see ABC.

Some notes about the place and people in it.

Exploring further, you learn that ABC wants you to go to 456 and find out if DEF can be taken into custody. You tremble in fear, knowing it will not go well.

ABC says things like My daughter was kidnapped in a random raid by a Lormyrrian privateer a couple years ago. I was forced to sell much (I am not a rich merchant) and eventually to hire a Sorcerer from Filkar to find her. My wife left me for it – messing about with dark powers. It took a year, but I learned she was sold to the Lormyrians as an “indentured servant” (formal slavery is not legal in most places in Lormyr but leave it to the legal loopholes) and serves in a temple. She serves a tyrant chaos creature that has subjugated and fooled the clergy of Goldar in a place called Ubreac – on the edge of the Shining Hills in west Lormyr. I have a way to strip the creatures façade and make it vulnerable for a moment only. I want revenge! I know my daughter is despoiled, but she was very robust. I will find a way to enter her into a nunnery ofan order of Law so she cn live out her days well. She was my inspiration for my business and the token of my luck. I owe her all. I can have my own boat moored in a bay along the west coast of Lormyr to take the you away, with my daughter, after you kill the creature and flee. You may choose to stay, restoring the authority of the Law bringers may engender plenty of good will – either way, i will wait up to 90 days and take you any where you want to go. If you keep any booty, I have no claim on it. I will pay each of you 400 large bronze each, replace any mundane gear you use and add the last of my reaches from my ship – a lockbox with jewelry and sundries of about 2000 large bronze.

He makes a convincing broken father. Almost nothing is true. The chest is filled with rocks, but covered by illusion.

> Outcome Option 1

> Outcome Option 2

Desecrating the Iconography or Followers:
Followers have witnessed: +5 hp (Followers Resolve)
Single Word of Law

Guard Post

Each guard station is equipped with an alarm bell and a lamp and oil set with a pair of candles in a “quick-light” fixture that can all be lit using a single Bonus Action. Each station is also equipped with a housing for a crossbow of the type called “Weapons of LawThe Arm of Goldar”. This housing keeps the stress low on the weapon, but it can stay cocked and loaded for fast use. Lastly, the outpost has a alcove and slight return (provides partial cover; +2 AC).

F2; AC 14 (padded + light shield [r1] + style); HP 15; DMG [1 attack] light crossbow (Arm of Goldar > d10/9), dagger (d4/2), longsword (mark of Tovik > d8/5+3); “Action Surge”, “Second Wind”

Condition: ALERTED; This is a VERY difficult adventure if an alarm bell is sounded at one guard station, it will be echoed by all and the complex goes on “Full Alert” status (see Condition: Full Alert).

Entry Hall of Goldar’s Dungeons

You look around a massive hall with 6 columns going from floor to ceiling – well, you think so because the top is hidden by darkness about 10m up. The hall is filled with light from small lamps all around the walls. Banners hang with different symbols on them. The hall is 25m long by 12m wide, with the top fading into shadows. The inside facing of each column has a strong golden strip going up its length into the dark ceiling. At one end an archway frames a lit wide staircase going down. At the opposite end is a set of heavy stone doors that have some sort of locking mechanism built into them. A large group of people chanting can be heard in that direction. A pair of robes hangs with amulets, censers, a box, and sandals to the right of the staircase down.


Unfinished Lower Reaches

Before you is a perfectly cut staircase going down – exactly like the one you used to enter the corridors you are in now. At the bottom it is not lit, and no painted scenes adorn any surface.

Samorheen’s Quarters

Guard Post Outside: 3 light crossbows

Preparations Inside: If the ‘vizier’ hears commotion, he will bar the door, requiring a DC 22 Strength (Athletics) check to open, taking 2 rounds.

Main Entrance

Looking up, you see writing above the alcove which contains a grandiose door painted with scenes of beautiful rugged mountains.

[i] DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check: It is written in Lormyrian.

“To preserve the happiness of his greatness, address he within as: His Greatness, the Keeper of Water, the Drinker of Tears, the Holder of the Fate of Ubreac”.

The Main Chamber

This perfectly carved massive chamber resonates with low notes echoing anything that moves. The room is opulent, like a king’s bedchambers. It is adorned with flowers and tapestries. What appears to be a newer marble hearth outlines a fireplace with a warm fire going. The smell of delicious food, fragrant flowers, and perfume fill the air. A raised dais, slightly recessed alcoves each have a perfect, life-sized statues of a man each holding a smoking censer. The chamber is domed above, 10m tall with a walkway around the top, and on one side of the dome the sky can be seen through some sort of window. Inside the door is a podium, behind which hides a very well dressed man with wide, panic-filled eyes. Several trays of foodstuffs and amphora of wine are beside 2 women attending a large, brown skinned man on the pillow covered dais. The large man draws himself up to his height of over 2m, his eyes literally flashing, and in a booming voice says “What is the meaning of this interruption!? I am your savior! How dare you break my relaxation!? Do you want people to die!?”

[SURPRISED] A woman stands next to him dressed in gold and white linen with a fan to cool the large man. Another woman stands on the other side of him holding a decanter of wine. The vizier reflexively and comically announces “Visitors!” as he ducks behind his podium.

[PREPARED] Then the vizier behind the podium has his hands outstretched, finishing some incantation in a strange language. The statues on the dais animate and swing the censers over their head, spreading the fumes.

Glyphs of Warding
  1. Statue 1: Explosive Runes (acid 5d8)
  2. Statue 2: Explosive Runes (cold 5d8)
  3. Viziers Podium: Spiritual Guardians
  4. Viziers Greeting Place: Blindness
  • Kiera (woman #1) F0; AC 12 (dex); HP 5; DMG [1 attack] longsword (d8+3); +8hp, Bless (max. effect) if PREPARED
    • Elira (woman #2) F0; AC 12 (dex); HP 5; DMG [1 attack] longsword (d8+3); +8hp, Bless (max. effect) if PREPARED
    • Priest: Dressed as a Vizier
      • Day Time C5; AC 12 (dex); HP 18; DMG [1 attack] mace (d6+2); +8hp, Bless (max. effect) if PREPARED
      • Night Time C3
    • Genie:
      Condition: Attacked; Condition: Confronted with Lamp

      If I die, you release me. Perhaps I will win either way. I ask that you spare us, though I will not beg or equivocate, I will not answer your queries. You must decide what is best.

    • Statues: hand crossbow built into arms, wearing actual robes, pre loaded with 4 darts (d4/2) each x2 arms. Censers: Grant +8hp to all followers of Goldar in the room.

    Lamp Room

    As you push open the secret door, a corridor behind it is illuminated all around you from a single source, around the corner. A golden lamp sits on a pedestal. A massive maul rests next to the lamp, about 2m long with a crystalline head.

    The lamp is worth 4000 large bronze; The Crystal Maul can only be used by the Dao; +2 w/Pulverize and knockback 10′ on a Full or Critical result

    Treasure Room

    749 Large Bronze, 1,863 Small Bronze, 140 silver coins, jewelry, 17 glass sculptures, 5 marble sculptures, water clock, grandfather clock, 39 books on the Gods of Law (names, myths, aspects, and public rites), 211 story books, 2 paintings of the Dao Samorheen, 3 golden threaded sets of pajamas, 19 sets of expensive clothes and shoes, 4 music boxes (each one progressively bigger than the last), rugs, tapestries, silken coverings

    Attendant Quarters

    Attendant Stores

    These corridors are lined with spare materials to maintain the nearby quarters, ritual adornments, spare clothes and beddings, rugs, boxes of kitchenware as well as supplies and tools, paint supplies and preserved foodstuffs and some wine amphora sealed with wax. It also contains spare high end kitchenware, draperies, extra pillows and bolts of fabric.

    Guard Quarters

    Guard Stores

    These corridors are lined with spare materials to maintain the nearby quarters, ritual adornments, spare clothes and beddings, rugs, boxes of kitchenware as well as supplies and tools, paint supplies and preserved foodstuffs and some wine amphora sealed with wax. Polishing and sharpening gear maintenance equipment, presses for clothes, formal guard wares, war banners, even boxed extra weapons – daggers, longswords, ceremonial spears and other arms for show.

    Shrine to Goldar

    Shrine Stores

    These corridors are lined with spare materials to maintain the nearby quarters, ritual adornments, spare clothes and beddings, rugs, boxes of kitchenware as well as supplies and tools, paint supplies and preserved foodstuffs and some wine amphora sealed with wax. All manner of religious accouterments are stacks and organized – incense, censers, candelabras, candles, robes and formal vestments for ritual and ceremony.

    Scenes – Outcomes/Events

    Complete Success

    Conditions for success:

    ]> REWARDS >

    Complete Failure

    Conditions for failure:


    > Followup Scenario 1

    After the adventure is over, XYZ happens…

    Condition: Full Alert (Entire Complex Alerted to Intruders)

    Condition: Confronted with the Lamp

    Condition: Returned to Lamp or Killed

    There is a rumble, and the ground shakes. A massive crack appears in the dome above but it holds though shards and dust of the see-through rock rain down. There is a tall ladder that falls from behind a tapestry – it is tall enough to reach the walkway above. There are some distant sounds, but it stops after a few moments and minor tremors continue, as well as distant voices. A ominous feeling creeps over you.

    Climb up:

    Outside you see a broken dam that was holding back a mountain lake. The water will cause the deaths of 10,000 people, and ruin an entire city and river valley. Crops fail, homelessness, disease, etc.