Liturgical Prayer: Formal worship and veneration follow proscribed liturgical observances. Prayers often incorporate sacred items and elements reflective of the General Liturgy of a faith. Formal prayer is often a Rite, or part of a ceremony wherein a full Congregation is enjoined. A ceremony will be lead by a follower of greater knowledge and/or power than the Laity of the congregation.
finding/coming to/discovering
intonation = gifts? each cult, sect, and church has a specialized of intonations which affects specific skills, traits, or faith powers using the spark
Worship -> orisons, prayers (supplication), adjuration (spells), intonations invoke power to augment what the follower is doing = spells, prayers, offerings, rituals, ceremony
= is this equivalent to free anima power??
Ritualized prayers are Rites.
At the end of the proceeding, be it Rite, prayer, offering or other, divine expressions of power will be Adjured and their degree of success assessed.